Hopefully artists start to complain then :/Harvonsgard wrote:My educated guess is, they simply print and produce faster due to the higher demand of custom playing cards.AlvarezPt wrote:I dont get whats up with USPC.
If you take higher tolerances than the maschine stops less and you have less waste. Two things that save you a lot of money. The cards get bought anyways, and even after it became a meme, USPC couldn't care less until the producers themself e.g. Chris voice their concern and threaten them to pull their orders.
Yes. And now there's also embossing on the leafs. I believe he talked about it on the review he made on his channel.Adonael wrote:Rather than get a V3 I finally caved after all this time (I just can't deny how well-executed the design is) and got a V2 during Black Friday for less than a V3, I'm happy with my choice. Didn't realise the tuck stock was somewhat soft-touch, it feels very nice, are the V3's the same?
And damn, I wish I found some cheaper V2s as well, really want some more, but they are too expensive rn..