Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by james001a »

Does anyone know which deck is which for the sugar plum set?
I haven't slept for ten days, because that would be too long.

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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale (wap)

Unread post by Bradius »

Yes, but I forgot already. I went back to Alex’s Instagram posts to figure it out. It is mystery#5 update I believe. The Snow deck is the white one from what I can tell. He describes more of what is inside though.
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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale (wap)

Unread post by james001a »

So the white one is called the Snow Deck and the brown one is called the Plum deck? And together they are called the Sugar Plum deck set? Anyone else here confused?
I haven't slept for ten days, because that would be too long.

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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by IAmTheChin »

There is a SUGAR deck and a PLUM deck and together they are the sugar plum set. I wasn't able to update my post on IG but they're up on P52.
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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by james001a »

IAmTheChin wrote:There is a SUGAR deck and a PLUM deck and together they are the sugar plum set. I wasn't able to update my post on IG but they're up on P52.
LOL I made that entry on P52, but it looks like someone corrected the title for me. Thanks!
I haven't slept for ten days, because that would be too long.

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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by james001a »

Also, were they made by MPC?
I haven't slept for ten days, because that would be too long.

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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by BaconWise »

james001a wrote:Also, were they made by MPC?
They were MPC. I was so surprised to learn that after handling the cards and seeing the incredible job MPC did on the tiling. Awesome set all around
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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by Pablo393 »

Identifying decks. Anyone know what this is besides my guesses.

One is an Elixir deck with white and gold, which I believe is in the picture Alex posted on the first post of this thread. However, it looks an awful like the White Elixir offered during the Elixir campaign, but that was gilded and this doesn't say anything on the box, so just wondering.
white elixir.jpg
white elixir.jpg (122.69 KiB) Viewed 5954 times

The other looks like the Gold Elixir deck, but those had black backs with gold gilding. This has silver gilding but the same backs. This was one of the Cherry on Top decks and is one of the prototype gilded decks, but I just want to make sure I am calling it the right thing for my inventory sheet.
golden elixir silver gilding.jpg
golden elixir silver gilding.jpg (114.88 KiB) Viewed 5954 times
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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by ADP4 »

I believe the top pic is an elixir prototype/color variant that just happens to look almost identical to the white elixir, edition of 188, from Elixir campaign. I got this same deck in mystery sale and compared to my 88/188 white elixir. The gold on tuck from mystery sale is not as flashy as one from elixir campaign. However, they look almost identical.

If I am wrong that would mean I didn’t receive 3 Uber rare decks (guaranteed production 75 or less) from mystery sale.
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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by aznh »

ADP4 wrote:I believe the top pic is an elixir prototype/color variant that just happens to look almost identical to the white elixir, edition of 188, from Elixir campaign. I got this same deck in mystery sale and compared to my 88/188 white elixir. The gold on tuck from mystery sale is not as flashy as one from elixir campaign. However, they look almost identical.

If I am wrong that would mean I didn’t receive 3 Uber rare decks (guaranteed production 75 or less) from mystery sale.
That was exactly my point earlier. Alex over-priced these decks, hyped the crap outta them and expects people to just “accept” what they got.

This had to of been the worst mystery sale ever. At least with Lotrek and his mystery sale, he’s producing one deck that everyone will get. Not a lottery draw in-which everyone was expecting a set of sugar plum decks at a “$45 Uber Rare” price-tag. It seems the only way to have obtain Sugar Plum decks was if they spent HUNDREDS of dollar.

Not one person has commented or posted pics of the Sugar Plum decks unless they ordered 6,12,24+ decks. It’s sad that’s how Alex ran things.

Looks as if though Alex is going to have an amazing Christmas off the community here.
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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by akicer »

aznh wrote: That was exactly my point earlier. Alex over-priced these decks, hyped the crap outta them and expects people to just “accept” what they got.

This had to of been the worst mystery sale ever. At least with Lotrek and his mystery sale, he’s producing one deck that everyone will get. Not a lottery draw in-which everyone was expecting a set of sugar plum decks at a “$45 Uber Rare” price-tag. It seems the only way to have obtain Sugar Plum decks was if they spent HUNDREDS of dollar.

Not one person has commented or posted pics of the Sugar Plum decks unless they ordered 6,12,24+ decks. It’s sad that’s how Alex ran things.

Looks as if though Alex is going to have an amazing Christmas off the community here.
Quite the opposite, I believe this is the BEST mystery sale ever, Alex tried to make sure that every buyer get different decks. Also the half brick gives you three seasons deck at around $15 each, where you can get seasons v1, green NPCCD 2016, magna carta gold/silver, apothecary black label, if you do want to get those decks that's a bargain.

I can see where you come from if you are not willing to pay 45 for those less than 30 printed Elixir prototypes, but I do believe there are more people willing to pay for that, the uber rare sold out in couple minutes proved that point." onclick=";return false;
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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by bradstarnes »

aznh wrote:
At least with Lotrek and his mystery sale, he’s producing one deck that everyone will get.
Kind of like how everyone got the signed Private Reserve Shadow Elixir deck that was made for Alex and not released until this sale?
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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by Decknowledgy »

OOOF. :cry: :cry: :cry:
This is one hefty custom charge for a half brick + cabinet priced at £169.61 GBP..... (1).png (1).png (24.19 KiB) Viewed 5785 times
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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by irtjames14 »

akicer wrote:
aznh wrote: That was exactly my point earlier. Alex over-priced these decks, hyped the crap outta them and expects people to just “accept” what they got.

This had to of been the worst mystery sale ever. At least with Lotrek and his mystery sale, he’s producing one deck that everyone will get. Not a lottery draw in-which everyone was expecting a set of sugar plum decks at a “$45 Uber Rare” price-tag. It seems the only way to have obtain Sugar Plum decks was if they spent HUNDREDS of dollar.

Not one person has commented or posted pics of the Sugar Plum decks unless they ordered 6,12,24+ decks. It’s sad that’s how Alex ran things.

Looks as if though Alex is going to have an amazing Christmas off the community here.
Quite the opposite, I believe this is the BEST mystery sale ever, Alex tried to make sure that every buyer get different decks. Also the half brick gives you three seasons deck at around $15 each, where you can get seasons v1, green NPCCD 2016, magna carta gold/silver, apothecary black label, if you do want to get those decks that's a bargain.

I can see where you come from if you are not willing to pay 45 for those less than 30 printed Elixir prototypes, but I do believe there are more people willing to pay for that, the uber rare sold out in couple minutes proved that point.
akicer - Well said! This is hands down by far the best mystery sale ever. Alex has set an extremely high bar of how mystery deck sales should be.

aznh - I do agree with you on the point that you may have needed to spend more to get what you want. There were only 75 of each of the Snow Plum decks and not everyone got them. But people were definitely willing to shell out that amount to increase their chances of getting what they want. And even if you only spent for one or two uber rare decks, most likely there are a few people that did get the Snow Plum set. And knowing Alex, he did not want to break that set, so maybe those that got 2+ uber rare decks ended up getting those as a set.

All other mystery sales to date are lumped in with very common (alot which are not of interest quite often) decks that it's near impossible to get the 'goodie' deck(s). But in this case, a good chunk of them were out of print / rare prototypes never released to the public. But to your point on Alex over-pricing, $45 for an uber rare deck is a real steal for what's included as 'uber rare'. The different elixir prototypes, the snow plus NPCCD, green NPCCD 2018, missing island set, you're not going to get them anywhere else. And if you do find them in the aftermarket, people are going to charge an insane amount for them just because of the extreme low print numbers. Hell, even the 'rare' decks for $35 are steals (I believe the decks like the 2016, 2017 NPCCD decks, the magna carta set, etc), those would be worth way more outside this sale.

Now only if other designers/sellers can follow suit, the competition for mystery sales can get very interesting.
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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by hsbc »

bradstarnes wrote:Kind of like how everyone got the signed Private Reserve Shadow Elixir deck that was made for Alex and not released until this sale?
....I didn't get one, was I supposed to?? :o
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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by IAmTheChin »

ADP4 wrote:The gold on tuck from mystery sale is not as flashy as one from elixir campaign. However, they look almost identical.
The white/gold elixir you show has a opalescent stock with a warmish hue (rather than a plain white stock). There was another version with a colder hue (note that they're close because they were legitimate prototypes when I was testing color types and burnishing styles for the engraving). Those two (yours pictured) were uber decks less than 30 each. All other uber elixir decks were 15 or less each. The white gilded deck that was shown I gave away as a cherry deck.
aznh wrote:It seems the only way to have obtain Sugar Plum decks was if they spent HUNDREDS of dollar.
Not one person has commented or posted pics of the Sugar Plum decks unless they ordered 6,12,24+ decks.
If you ordered an uber deck, the Sugar Plum deck was actually the most common and therefore most statistically available. Also as mentioned above I did my best to try to actually give people different decks in their orders so if you ordered more like you are mentioning you were technically less likely to get a secondary set (meaning that they actually helped improve probability for lower qty orders to get a Sugar Plum deck). If you don't treat each Elixir separately when thinking about the mathematical distribution it throws off the perception but literally every other Uber deck pictured is more rare than the Sugar Plum deck. I'm sorry if you didn't have a good experience with the sale but for the most part I've heard only good, if not great things (thanks to those that supported in previous posts). As always I'm happy to help take care of you personally if you e-mail me directly.
Decknowledgy wrote: This is one hefty custom charge
Yeah it's a tough situation for all around. Kickstarter is technically different than a web sale which is why customs are lower. It's illegal to change customs charges.
hsbc wrote:
bradstarnes wrote:Kind of like how everyone got the signed Private Reserve Shadow Elixir deck that was made for Alex and not released until this sale?
....I didn't get one, was I supposed to?? :o
HSBC, if you ordered a pre-made bundle you should have gotten a free signed deck. Feel free to e-mail me ( and I'll take care of you no problem.
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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by shaitani »

My Elixir haul (plus the signed one not pictured), I'm thinking of trying to maybe get the remaining decks if any of you happen to have them and feel like trading/selling:
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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by akicer »

shaitani wrote:I'm thinking of trying to maybe get the remaining decks if any of you happen to have them and feel like trading/selling
pm sent, looking for the gold on red elixir lol" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by Bradius »

Holy Carp shaitani :shock: That is an insane haul.
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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by caniveski »

nice hauls from what i have seen. my half brick is in the states.... tried to be quick with order and didnt change address.....from thh blurry pic my dad sent i think i got these...insights deck, primavera deck, plum decks, king john with gold spade assume thats gold gilded ? and im guessing a prototype npccd 2018 deck all in white

more than happy with my haul for the price

just for giggles...... i was worried about not getting anything so when i submitted order i also had priority shipping !! to the states for decks i wont see for 9 months....
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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by skooks88 »

Happy with what I got.

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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by irtjames14 »

nice hauls, looking awesome! sure am gonna miss that mystery sale...
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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by aardvarkgod »

Sorry for being a bit late...just now getting around to opening all my Black Friday packages.
  • 1x Mixed Mystery Set (Half Brick)
  • 1x Uber Rare
  • 1x Vault Rare
  • 3x The Cherry on Top
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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by Bradius »

Nice haul. BTW, that Elixer deck you got is I think the same one that Sherman is hunting for. If interested, you should PM Sherman. I am certain he would make you a good deal on that deck if he is still looking for it.
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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by Gonzalo »

I'm still waiting for my Über Rare and my Cherry on Top. Sigh.

Tracking says Spanish Customs has already cleared the package.

Any other international customers still waiting?
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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by Strag »

Yup, still waiting. Any day now...

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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by rgamble »

Kicking myself so hard for getting into deck collecting right when this was going on so I wasn't aware of it. I did get one of the signed shadow elixirs at least. Hoping this sale comes back next year!
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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by marman »

Gonzalo wrote:I'm still waiting for my Über Rare and my Cherry on Top. Sigh.

Tracking says Spanish Customs has already cleared the package.

Any other international customers still waiting?

Same here in Italy.

My last tracking information is items holding in customs in Milan sice 10 days... :(
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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by shermjack »

rgamble wrote:Kicking myself so hard for getting into deck collecting right when this was going on so I wasn't aware of it. I did get one of the signed shadow elixirs at least. Hoping this sale comes back next year!
Unfortunately, I doubt that there will be another sale like this as I am pretty sure Alex sold all his extra decks from all of his deck series, except for one set of each that he kept for himself. :cry:
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Re: Seasons Manor of Wonder - Rare Mystery Deck Sale

Unread post by Strag »

Received mine today. Got very lucky in that somehow I managed to avoid a customs charge on these even though value was declared. Happy Christmas to me, HUGE savings. I got a Mystery Vault Brick, 2x Mixed Mystery Half Bricks, 6x Uber decks, 10x Cherry on top decks and a display case:

Really happy with my Ubers here as well as getting a 2016 NPCCD deck!

The Inverno Limited pictured below is number 0000/1000. I assume that's an "excess" deck?

Really happy to get my Sugar and Plum decks to go with my 2019 NPCCD set. The bottom left of the 2018 decks is an interesting one that has a different stock for the tuck and says "AWC" for the number. I guess it's some sort of prototype or test deck?

Gold and Silver gilded King John decks. Already had two of the Silver so it was great to get a Gold one finally.

My free display box and signed decks along with some Cherry on top decks that I received. The other four are display decks, three of which are 2018 NPCCD decks and one is a gilded Apothecary deck which looks to be a holographic gilded. Really nice deck and I don't usually open gilded decks so it's great to see what it looks like.

Overall I definitely spent more than I intended but got a ton of stuff I really wanted and having not been charged customs I really feel like this was a great deal overall. In particular really appreciated the effort not to get duplicates.
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