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We're going to open our first project in Kickstarter in Dec.17 and here's images for the deck.
Check our account if you're interested!
Glad I never gave a dime about what most people wrote:I've been seeing this deck on IG for a whileI think most people here will hate it
But I am definitely a fan.
Probably due to a much higher number of cardists on reddit. Lotrek decks are the polar opposite of the type of cardistry decks we love to hate here, both in design and production.Adonael wrote:I find it hard to believe there are people out there who would not buy a deck they like simply because some randoms online don't like it. No matter what it is, if it exists then there are randoms online who don't like it and that's just the default state of things. Every post on reddit about Lotrek decks it seems to me gets a higher than usual amount of downvotes for example, I can't explain that. Of course in the case of a KS project the choice is taken out of your hands and it's up to the crowd whether it funds or not.
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