Rounders Playing Cards by Daniel Madison

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Re: Rounders Playing Cards by Daniel Madison

Unread post by walrus »

I was also wondering if these are limited. I wantto hold off on an order at E until reviews of invisible come in. E is usually somewhat transparent about the # of decks produced. These Rounders have a nice classy look. Good to use for tricks like Triumph.
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Re: Black Rounder Playing Cards by Daniel Madison

Unread post by vasta41 »

Evan wrote:I went to the product page, saw the "tested over 50 different stocks and finishes," and then I X'd out.
I couldn’t agree more. And I'm not usually like this with my playing card purchases! Hell, I can't stand D&D advertising but I have almost every one of their decks. And I have every single E deck- but I just don't know about this one. And it's all because of that silly claim! Seriously- think about it. There are decks of cards everywhere. Chuckie Cheese, gift shops, promos... and the stock is all crap. Everyone knows this. The people (like us) who really care simply don't bother. So why would a reputable card flourisher such as Daniel Madison make a claim like that? Is he really testing all this crap stock? Wouldn't he of all people know right where to look to find a good stock? IMO, he's either lying through his teeth or is too dumb to know what good stock is. Either way, I'm pissed about it and I don't know why.

It's 8:30am and I already need a drink. Sorry for ranting. I'm done now- I'm gonna go take some deep breaths.
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Re: Rounders Playing Cards by Daniel Madison

Unread post by Magic_Orthodoxy »

I was also wondering if these are limited.
On the Youtube Video someone commented....
and ofcourse they will be limited -___-
And "E" responded
Will they? That's news to us.
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Re: Rounders Playing Cards by Daniel Madison

Unread post by walrus »

Thanks Orthopedic. I never check youtube or facebook so I never would have seen that.
That is what I like about E. Sure they Hype decks and that fifty different stocks was stupid
(Although it probably sounded good to all the passive people who frequent Es decks) at least they are up front about there decks. Still does not that make a prerelease to black club members rather pointless.
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Re: Rounders Playing Cards by Daniel Madison

Unread post by DelMagic »

Also, the quote was made by Daniel Madison, not Ellusionist. When he get's on a forum somewhere, hopefully someone will ask him directly about it.
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Re: Rounders Playing Cards by Daniel Madison

Unread post by Evan »

In this weeks Revelations video, Daniel Madison shows some photos of a red version of these.

Also, in the video he says that he tested 50 different decks. On the product page, it says 50 different stocks and finishes.

Revelations: ... f+Rounders" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Rounders Playing Cards by Daniel Madison

Unread post by sprouts1115 »

i like this deck it's simple. the back looks like a 2 of diamonds. notice the jack of diamonds is unchanged. ?...
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Re: Rounders Playing Cards by Daniel Madison

Unread post by lumpyliew »

Maybe to make himself , the King of Diamonds more special , DM could replace the diamond pip to the Madison logo in red
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Re: Rounders Playing Cards by Daniel Madison

Unread post by Evan »

lumpyliew wrote:Maybe to make himself , the King of Diamonds more special , DM could replace the diamond pip to the Madison logo in red
I think that might look a little out of place.
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Re: Rounders Playing Cards by Daniel Madison

Unread post by sprouts1115 »

he can make the jack of diamonds anything he wants. i find it cool the jack has what looks like feathers for arrows...
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Re: Rounders Playing Cards by Daniel Madison

Unread post by lumpyliew »

Evan wrote:
lumpyliew wrote:Maybe to make himself , the King of Diamonds more special , DM could replace the diamond pip to the Madison logo in red
I think that might look a little out of place.
Hmm ... Red ... not his style maybe ... But yea i received mine today . the box has a different feel compared to the players ... overall i think its as good as the players ... :lol:
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Re: Rounders Playing Cards by Daniel Madison

Unread post by g-low »

I really like how these resemble the Wynns.
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Re: Madison Players Deck

Unread post by Xntrix »

vasta41 wrote:On the page, there's a note from Daniel Madison:
I tested over 50 different stocks and finishes to find and create my perfect deck of playing cards.
Really? Are there even that many? I'm all for hyping up a deck but that statement just seems a little much to me.
That's over 50 Combinations of Stocks and Finishes. Yup. Daniel wanted this deck to be His signature, ideal deck. Everything he wanted out of a deck had to be in Rounders. He wanted a definitive answer to the question 'If there was just one deck of cards that you could use for the rest of your life, what would they be?' - and he put in the effort to ensure he wasn't left with a nagging feeling that under any possible circumstance, they could have been better.

There are a ridiculous number of stocks and finishes available to companies who have an R&D budget. For most (and I use the term VERY loosely here) 'playing card companies' that number (via USPCC) stops at 8. That's 2 stocks (3xy & 9xy) and 4 finishes (Ivory, Cambric, Air-cushion, Magic).

That I know of, we have access to something like 7 stocks and 'umpteen' finishes - meaning a bare minimum combination number of 91 stocks and finishes. Daniel literally sat down and went through 'a ton' of sample decks in different combinations of these stocks and finishes to find the one that he liked the most. We had a small stack of test decks at the Ellusionist Summit that we looked at as well - but by this time Daniel had long decided what we were printing on (and USPCC were just finishing up said printing for Rounders).

When it comes to tuck-boxes, we also have a good probably 40 or so papers we can choose from, in different finishes (suede, stock, linen, pearlescent, metallic, velvet) and multiple colors - before looking at what inks and embellishments are going to be applied on top of them. Unlike the cards however, the card boxes can be printed elsewhere by another company, and then shipped to USPCC to place the cards in. While we haven't done that as yet, it is an option that opens up some further differences to a fairly saturated market. (This option, unlike the accessibility of stock/finish combination, is open to anyone).

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Re: Madison Players Deck

Unread post by CBJ »

Xntrix wrote:
vasta41 wrote:On the page, there's a note from Daniel Madison:
I tested over 50 different stocks and finishes to find and create my perfect deck of playing cards.
Really? Are there even that many? I'm all for hyping up a deck but that statement just seems a little much to me.
That's over 50 Combinations of Stocks and Finishes. Yup. Daniel wanted this deck to be His signature, ideal deck. Everything he wanted out of a deck had to be in Rounders. He wanted a definitive answer to the question 'If there was just one deck of cards that you could use for the rest of your life, what would they be?' - and he put in the effort to ensure he wasn't left with a nagging feeling that under any possible circumstance, they could have been better.

There are a ridiculous number of stocks and finishes available to companies who have an R&D budget. For most (and I use the term VERY loosely here) 'playing card companies' that number (via USPCC) stops at 8. That's 2 stocks (3xy & 9xy) and 4 finishes (Ivory, Cambric, Air-cushion, Magic).

That I know of, we have access to something like 7 stocks and 'umpteen' finishes - meaning a bare minimum combination number of 91 stocks and finishes. Daniel literally sat down and went through 'a ton' of sample decks in different combinations of these stocks and finishes to find the one that he liked the most. We had a small stack of test decks at the Ellusionist Summit that we looked at as well - but by this time Daniel had long decided what we were printing on (and USPCC were just finishing up said printing for Rounders).

When it comes to tuck-boxes, we also have a good probably 40 or so papers we can choose from, in different finishes (suede, stock, linen, pearlescent, metallic, velvet) and multiple colors - before looking at what inks and embellishments are going to be applied on top of them. Unlike the cards however, the card boxes can be printed elsewhere by another company, and then shipped to USPCC to place the cards in. While we haven't done that as yet, it is an option that opens up some further differences to a fairly saturated market. (This option, unlike the accessibility of stock/finish combination, is open to anyone).


It's great to see you back on the forum Jake!

Welcome Back!


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Re: Madison Players Deck

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

CBJ wrote: It's great to see you back on the forum Jake!

Welcome Back!

I concur! Always nice to have representatives around :)

So what is this stock and finish called then?
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Re: Madison Players Deck

Unread post by sinjin7 »

Xntrix wrote:When it comes to tuck-boxes, we also have a good probably 40 or so papers we can choose from, in different finishes (suede, stock, linen, pearlescent, metallic, velvet) and multiple colors - before looking at what inks and embellishments are going to be applied on top of them....While we haven't done that as yet, it is an option that opens up some further differences to a fairly saturated market.

I hope you guys decide use that option to upgrade your tuck boxes. I always liked the premium stock E used to utilize on their decks and their full customization (backs, AoS, Jokers, pips, court cards, fonts) put them ahead of the game versus other companies who elect to use less customization. The one area I felt E was lagging on was tuck boxes. T11 pretty much has set the standard for impressive tuck boxes, so I'd like to see E distinguish themselves more in this area as well.
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Re: Madison Players Deck

Unread post by Xntrix »

sinjin7 wrote: T11 pretty much has set the standard for impressive tuck boxes, so I'd like to see E distinguish themselves more in this area as well.
You think what you've seen so far is impressive? Later this year you'll have to invent a new word, because 'impressive' just isn't going to be enough - by far. We're all over this. There are three boxes I know of that will be to embossing and metallic accents what Blu-Ray is to cave-painting.

Y'know - just because I want to set expectations low and all. ;)

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Re: Madison Players Deck

Unread post by Paul Middleton »

Xntrix wrote:
sinjin7 wrote: T11 pretty much has set the standard for impressive tuck boxes, so I'd like to see E distinguish themselves more in this area as well.
You think what you've seen so far is impressive? Later this year you'll have to invent a new word, because 'impressive' just isn't going to be enough - by far. We're all over this. There are three boxes I know of that will be to embossing and metallic accents what Blu-Ray is to cave-painting.

Y'know - just because I want to set expectations low and all. ;)

That sounds intriguing :) And you're certainly not trying to lower expectations lol! So must be good.. Are we talking mid or late 2013?
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Re: Madison Players Deck

Unread post by sinjin7 »

Xntrix wrote:
sinjin7 wrote: T11 pretty much has set the standard for impressive tuck boxes, so I'd like to see E distinguish themselves more in this area as well.
You think what you've seen so far is impressive? Later this year you'll have to invent a new word, because 'impressive' just isn't going to be enough - by far. We're all over this. There are three boxes I know of that will be to embossing and metallic accents what Blu-Ray is to cave-painting.

Y'know - just because I want to set expectations low and all. ;)

This is very exciting news! The Fathom deck had great design and adequate customization, but the tuck box left much to be desired. I'm looking forward to seeing how these upcoming decks measure up and if I have to, I'll be sure to come up with a new word to replace "impressive". This is actually making me feel a little better about my Black Club membership...
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Re: Rounders Playing Cards by Daniel Madison

Unread post by Magic_Orthodoxy »

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Re: Rounders Playing Cards by Daniel Madison

Unread post by satoridude »

Rounders are in my 5 most favorite decks...
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Re: Rounders Playing Cards by Daniel Madison

Unread post by Magic_Orthodoxy »

Rounders are in my 5 most favorite decks...
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