[SELL] Spring Cleaning Large Deck Collection
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- adams_osu
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[SELL] Spring Cleaning Large Deck Collection
Hi UC Community! I've been collecting for several years now and have decided to reduce my collection. For orders over $75, I will cover domestic shipping. For orders over $150, I will also include an opened deck (my choice) from my collection for free. The opened decks have very little wear and include Pantheon, Legal Tender, Imperials, Outlaws, HotRS, and several others. Please PM me with offers. Note: I am generally not willing to break sets.
(05/12/2019) Updated availability and added several new decks
Happy collecting and I hope some these can find a good home!
21 Draw $25
Academy of Magical Arts (Member's Limited + Unlimited) $50
Aladdin (1001 Air Cushion Black, Blue, Red, Teal; 1001 Smooth Blue, Red, White; 1001 Dome Back Blue, Red; 1002 Gilded Edge Blue, Red) $80
Alhambra (Standard + Special Edition) $25
Alice in Wonderland (Turnstyle Black + Gold) $30
Alter Deco $15 (2)
Americana Blue $8
Ancient Egypt (Skymember) $15
Antler (Maroon, Green, Tobacco Brown, Limited Green, Limited Red) $60
Aphelion (Black + White) $25 (4)
Arabesque (Gold + Silver + Silver Players) $450 (2)
Arthurian (Camelot + Golden Gilded + Excalibur + Player's Edition) $150
Arthurian (Golden) $50
Aurelian $15 (2)
Avant-Garde (Blue + Green) $35
Golden Bee (Blue + Red) $40
Bee: Kung Hei Fat Choy (Year of the Horse) $20
Royal Bee $40
Belles Cartes LTD World Tour: France $10
Betrayers (Lucis + Tenebra) $30 (3)
Bicycle Anniversary (125th Red + Blue, 127th, 130th Red + Blue) $30
Bicycle American Flag $5
Bicycle Americana (Blue) $5
Bicycle Astronomy $20
Bicycle Autobike #1 (Red + Blue) $10 (2)
Bicycle Autobike #3 (Brown + Green) $10
Bicycle Autocycle No. 1 (Green + Purple) $10 (2)
Bicycle Autumn (Green + Red) $10 (4)
Bicycle Big Gun (Blue + Red) $10
Bicycle Celebrating 52 Craft Brewers $5
Bicycle Chainless (Blue + Red) $10
Bicycle Cupid Back (Red) $5
Bicycle Cupid Back (Blue/Gold + Red/Gold) $10
Bicycle Cyclist (Blue) $5
Bicycle Dragon (Green + Midnight Blue) $15
Bicycle Dragon Back (Blue, Green, Gold, Red, Yellow) $20
Bicycle Fashion (Coral, Indigo, Silver) $10
Bicycle Flying Machines (Blue + Red) $10
Bicycle Heritage Set (T11) $25 (2)
Bicycle House Blend (Brown + Green) $10
Bicycle Leaf Back (Green + Red) $10
Bicycle Leaf Back (Green, Green/Gold, Red, Red/Gold) $20
Bicycle Legacy (Black, Blue, Red) $40
Bicycle Maiden Back (Blue + Red) $10
Bicycle Ombre Edged $20
Bicycle Pluma (Blue + Orange) $10
Bicycle Rhapsody (Purple + Red) $10
Bitcoin (2 Black + 2 Green + 2 White + Puzzlebox) $200
Black Rose [Bicycle] $15
Black Tales $12 (2)
Blackstone Magic Bar $60
Blue Tune + Red Tune $40
Boardwalk Papers $10
Bumble Bee $10
Butterfly [Bicycle] $10
Calaveras De Azucar Black Signed $15
Calaveras De Azucar Blue $10
Carnival (CPC) [Bicycle] $10 (2)
Celestial (Black + Red) $70
Christmas (Silva) $10
Civil War Overrun (North + South) $20
Civil War South $10
Cobra $15
Codex $15 (2)
Corvid Romantic $20
Cosmos (Blue + Red) $60
Count of Monte Cristo (Standard + Royal) $100
Crazy Eights $10 (2)
Daily Life $10
Damask (Red) $100
Dave Matthews Band (Series 1-7, 9 (8 Does Not Exist), Warehouse) $300
Dave Matthews Band (Series 6) $30
Dave Matthews Band (Series 7) $30
Dave Matthews Band (Series 9) $30
Decks of the Aftermath (Ornament) $40
Dedalo (Alpha, Apeiron, Omega) $60 (2)
De Novo (Signature Aurum + Virdi, Standard Aurum + Virdi) $200
Delirium (Aboslute, Ascension, Insomnia, Prism) $100
Density $10
Despicable Me 3 $4
Don Quixote (White, Black) $30
Double Black (Branded + Unbranded) $25
Drifters $12 (2)
Dynasty (Jade Green + Imperial Red) $60
El Recuerdo (Muertos, Muertos Illuminados, Revolucion, Victoria) $80
Emerald Harvest [Bicycle] $15 (2)
Emerald Tally-Ho (Display) $10
Encarded $8
Esther Star (Classic + Deluxe) $60
Esther Star (Classic) - Dinged $10
Eva (Brick) $360
Eva Unnumbered $20
Falcon (Players + Collectors) $40
Fanangled $15
Fantast $15
Federal 52 (Full Set Branded + Unbranded + 2nd Edition Standard + Letter Press) $1000
Federal 52 (Second Edition Standard + Letterpress) $60
Fibs (Black) $12 (2)
Firecracker [Bicycle] $12 (2)
Flight (Branded + Unbranded Red + Blue) $100
Flower (Melang) $25
Fox Targets $10
Garibaldi $15
Gemini Pollux (Engraved Deck Box, 2 Ignis, 2 Terra, 2 Noctis, Card Guard) $175
Gentleman [Bicycle] (Black, White, Gold) $50
Golden Age (Black + Winter) $30
Golden Spike (150th Anniversary Edition) $20
The Guard (Oak + Slate) $30
Haere Mai (Gray + Red) $25
Halloween (Silva) $10
Helius Sun (Classic + Deluxe) $60
Hello Tiki (R1, R2, W1, W2) $50
Hercules (Branded + Limited) $30
Heroes of Nations (Dark + Light Gilded) $150
High Victorian (Green + Red) $20
Honeybee (No. 15 Black + Yellow, No. 17 Black + Yellow, No. 17 Gold Foil, No. 18 Blue + Red) $80
Honeybee (No. 17 Black + Yellow) $15
House of the Rising Spade (Cartomancer + Faro) $40
Hunters of York (Master + Mistress) $40
Illustrated National Parks $14
Imperial (Display, Red, White, CARC Limited) $125
Impressions (Aozora, Cardinal, Racing, Rising Sun, Bronze, Silver, Gold) $105
Innovation Limited Signature Edition $35
Intaglio (Black, Blue, Red) $50
Iron Horse Signature Edition $60
James Coffee Co. $35
James Squire $15
Jinni $15
JAQK Amethyst $15
Joker & Thief (V1 + V2 Red, White, Blue + Street) $150
Kasa (Dark + Wood) $35
Keeper (Blue, Green, Red) $30
Kelly Gang $15
King & Legacy Gold $15
King's Game (Prototype + Black + White) $100
Klar! (Red + Blue + Deck Bag) $60
Knights [Bicycle] $10 (2)
Knowledge $20 (2)
Knucklehead (Black + White) $35
Kraken Black Spiced Rum (White + Black) $18
Legal Tender Legacy (China + USA) $350
Legal Tender (China) $10
Legend of Sleepy Hollow $15
Liberty (Blue, Red, Gold) $30
Lies + Truth (All 6 Decks) $60
Luna Moon (Classic + Deluxe) $60
Lunatica (Chimera, Equinox, Phoenix, Solstice) $80
Luxx (Blue, Orange; Elliptica Blue, Green, Purple, Red; Grielle Copper, Silver; Mandala; Palme Blue, Red; Redux; Shadow V2 Gold, Silver) $200
Luxx Mandala $17 (2)
Maduro (Silver) $10
Makers (Black, Green, White) $70 (2)
Mana (Indigo, Oracle v1, Livida, Sybil Reserve Box Set, Zinfandel) $150
Marchen (Hamelin + Schwarzwald) $35
Masterpieces (Bocopo) $8
Millenium $10 (2)
Mint (Blueberry + Cucumber + Frost + Frost Foil) $150
Mint (Blueberry + Cucumber + Frost) $50
Mirage $20
Monarchs (Blue v1 + v2, Gold, Green, NYSM2, Red v1 + v2, Silver, White Gold v1 + v2) $700
Mongol Empire (Golden Horde + Ilkhanate) $30
Mystique [Bicycle] (Blue + Red) $25
Mythos Quadricolor Special Edition $25 (2)
Name of the Wind (Chandrian, Chandrian Alternate, Selas, Selas Alternate) $80
Neo (Standard + Limited) $40
Neo Wave (Classic, Ultra Blue, Ultra Players, Ultra Sunset) $120
Neoclassic [Bicycle] $12 (2)
Noble (w/ Bag) $15
NPCCD 2016 (Green) $60
Oblivion [Bicycle] (Red + White) $25
Occults (Branded + Unbranded) $30
Olympia + Olympia Underworld $40
Olympians (Skymember) $20
Omnia (Antica, Magnifica, Perduta) $100
Omnia (Oscura + Illumina) $35
Omnia (Antica) $15
Omnia (Illumina) $15
Ophidian [Bicycle] $12 (2)
Oris (Blue, Bordered, Borderless) $50
Outlaw (Standard + Hellriders) $40
Outlaws (Black + Crimson) $35
Paisley (Black + French Blue + Ruby Red + Deck Box) $60
Pantheon $30
Papercuts $15
Papilio (v1, v2, Ulysses) $50
Paradox $10
Passiones Pizza Box (4 Decks) $50
Patriot (Red, Black, Blue) $60
Peacocks $15
Pearl Tally-Ho Limited JR Signed $40
Philtre $12
Phoenix Academy Elite $12 (2)
Pinball $10
Pinocchio (Sapphire + Vermilion) $30
Planets Standard Complete Set $100 (2)
Pocono Modern (Gray + White) $30
Portraits in Ink, Tea, & Alcohol $18 (2)
Premium [Bicycle] $15
Pressers $10
Propaganda (T11) $30
Pugin $10
Radia $35
Rarebit (Copper + Gold) $30
Rarebit (Gold) $20
Ravn (Eclipse + Green + Mani + Purple Haze + Red + Sol) $90
Realms (Black, Blue, Red) $40
Rebellion Rum (Salt & Bone) $12
Right of Kings (Medieval + Renaissance) $30
Rise of a Nation (Collectors + Standard) $20
Robusto (Classic, Reserve + Superior Black, Red, Blue) $60
Russian Folk Art (Standard, Special, Limited, Limited Prototype) $100
Sanctus $80
Savage Majesty $15
Seekers $10
Silk (Blue + Red) $200 (2)
Silver Arrow (Black, Superior Poker Back, Superior Silver Arrow Back) $45
Sins (Anima, Corpus, Mentis) $80
Sins (Corpus) $15
Snake Oil $8
Society for News Design $20
Sons of Liberty (Black, Blue, White) $60
Spirit [Bicycle] (White, Blue/Silver, Black) $60
Spirit II [Bicycle] (Black/Gold, Green/Gold, Red/Silver Metalluxe) $60
Spirit II Gilded [Bicycle] (Black/Gold, Green/Gold, Red/Silver Metalluxe) $120
Stained Glass [Bicycle] (Leviathan + Phoenix) $25
Strigiformes $12
Styx [Bicycle] (Black + White) $20
Styx [Bicycle] (Black) $10
Sumi (Artist, Grandmaster, Standard [Bicycle]) $50
Syzygy (Gold + Platinum) $45
Takefu $10
Tally-Ho Cardistry Con 2018 $25
Tally-Ho Masterclass (Black + White) $30
Talons $10 (2)
Texas (Gold, Players, Premium) $60 (2)
Thorns & Roses (Green Standard + Limited, Red Standard + Limited) $160
Three Musketeers (Standard + Royal Edition) $100
Tigers (Gold + Gold Gilded + Silver Gilded + Limited + Standard + Display) $200
Timeless (Lotrek) $10
Titans Robber Baron Limited Signature Series (3 Decks) $60
Top Aces of WWI (Standard, Deluxe, Limited, Signature, WWII) $120
Top Aces of WWI Signature Edition $25
Viridian $10
Triplicate (1st Edition Red + Limited, 2nd Edition Yellow + Limited) $60
Typographer's Deck $12
UC 2016 (Noveau + Bourgogne) $30
Verum Videre White $25 (2)
Verum Videre 2nd Anniversary $35
Vitreous $14
Violet Luna Moon (Classic + Deluxe) $60
Voyage (Black, Blue, Red) $30
Wicked Kingdom $25
Winterberry (Dinged) $10
Woodlands $15
Z-Deck + Sailor Moon $60
Uncut Sheets
Black Book Manifesto + Black Book of Cards $100
Eva $75
Federal 52 (Gold Certificate, Black Reserve Note, White Reserve Note, Silver Certificate) $200
Odissea (Minerva, Mythica, Neptune) $150
Omnia (Antica, Illumina, Magnifica, Oscura, Perduta, Suprema) $300
Sins (Anima, Corpus, Mentis) $150
(05/12/2019) Updated availability and added several new decks
Happy collecting and I hope some these can find a good home!
21 Draw $25
Academy of Magical Arts (Member's Limited + Unlimited) $50
Aladdin (1001 Air Cushion Black, Blue, Red, Teal; 1001 Smooth Blue, Red, White; 1001 Dome Back Blue, Red; 1002 Gilded Edge Blue, Red) $80
Alhambra (Standard + Special Edition) $25
Alice in Wonderland (Turnstyle Black + Gold) $30
Alter Deco $15 (2)
Americana Blue $8
Ancient Egypt (Skymember) $15
Antler (Maroon, Green, Tobacco Brown, Limited Green, Limited Red) $60
Aphelion (Black + White) $25 (4)
Arabesque (Gold + Silver + Silver Players) $450 (2)
Arthurian (Camelot + Golden Gilded + Excalibur + Player's Edition) $150
Arthurian (Golden) $50
Aurelian $15 (2)
Avant-Garde (Blue + Green) $35
Golden Bee (Blue + Red) $40
Bee: Kung Hei Fat Choy (Year of the Horse) $20
Royal Bee $40
Belles Cartes LTD World Tour: France $10
Betrayers (Lucis + Tenebra) $30 (3)
Bicycle Anniversary (125th Red + Blue, 127th, 130th Red + Blue) $30
Bicycle American Flag $5
Bicycle Americana (Blue) $5
Bicycle Astronomy $20
Bicycle Autobike #1 (Red + Blue) $10 (2)
Bicycle Autobike #3 (Brown + Green) $10
Bicycle Autocycle No. 1 (Green + Purple) $10 (2)
Bicycle Autumn (Green + Red) $10 (4)
Bicycle Big Gun (Blue + Red) $10
Bicycle Celebrating 52 Craft Brewers $5
Bicycle Chainless (Blue + Red) $10
Bicycle Cupid Back (Red) $5
Bicycle Cupid Back (Blue/Gold + Red/Gold) $10
Bicycle Cyclist (Blue) $5
Bicycle Dragon (Green + Midnight Blue) $15
Bicycle Dragon Back (Blue, Green, Gold, Red, Yellow) $20
Bicycle Fashion (Coral, Indigo, Silver) $10
Bicycle Flying Machines (Blue + Red) $10
Bicycle Heritage Set (T11) $25 (2)
Bicycle House Blend (Brown + Green) $10
Bicycle Leaf Back (Green + Red) $10
Bicycle Leaf Back (Green, Green/Gold, Red, Red/Gold) $20
Bicycle Legacy (Black, Blue, Red) $40
Bicycle Maiden Back (Blue + Red) $10
Bicycle Ombre Edged $20
Bicycle Pluma (Blue + Orange) $10
Bicycle Rhapsody (Purple + Red) $10
Bitcoin (2 Black + 2 Green + 2 White + Puzzlebox) $200
Black Rose [Bicycle] $15
Black Tales $12 (2)
Blackstone Magic Bar $60
Blue Tune + Red Tune $40
Boardwalk Papers $10
Bumble Bee $10
Butterfly [Bicycle] $10
Calaveras De Azucar Black Signed $15
Calaveras De Azucar Blue $10
Carnival (CPC) [Bicycle] $10 (2)
Celestial (Black + Red) $70
Christmas (Silva) $10
Civil War Overrun (North + South) $20
Civil War South $10
Cobra $15
Codex $15 (2)
Corvid Romantic $20
Cosmos (Blue + Red) $60
Count of Monte Cristo (Standard + Royal) $100
Crazy Eights $10 (2)
Daily Life $10
Damask (Red) $100
Dave Matthews Band (Series 1-7, 9 (8 Does Not Exist), Warehouse) $300
Dave Matthews Band (Series 6) $30
Dave Matthews Band (Series 7) $30
Dave Matthews Band (Series 9) $30
Decks of the Aftermath (Ornament) $40
Dedalo (Alpha, Apeiron, Omega) $60 (2)
De Novo (Signature Aurum + Virdi, Standard Aurum + Virdi) $200
Delirium (Aboslute, Ascension, Insomnia, Prism) $100
Density $10
Despicable Me 3 $4
Don Quixote (White, Black) $30
Double Black (Branded + Unbranded) $25
Drifters $12 (2)
Dynasty (Jade Green + Imperial Red) $60
El Recuerdo (Muertos, Muertos Illuminados, Revolucion, Victoria) $80
Emerald Harvest [Bicycle] $15 (2)
Emerald Tally-Ho (Display) $10
Encarded $8
Esther Star (Classic + Deluxe) $60
Esther Star (Classic) - Dinged $10
Eva (Brick) $360
Eva Unnumbered $20
Falcon (Players + Collectors) $40
Fanangled $15
Fantast $15
Federal 52 (Full Set Branded + Unbranded + 2nd Edition Standard + Letter Press) $1000
Federal 52 (Second Edition Standard + Letterpress) $60
Fibs (Black) $12 (2)
Firecracker [Bicycle] $12 (2)
Flight (Branded + Unbranded Red + Blue) $100
Flower (Melang) $25
Fox Targets $10
Garibaldi $15
Gemini Pollux (Engraved Deck Box, 2 Ignis, 2 Terra, 2 Noctis, Card Guard) $175
Gentleman [Bicycle] (Black, White, Gold) $50
Golden Age (Black + Winter) $30
Golden Spike (150th Anniversary Edition) $20
The Guard (Oak + Slate) $30
Haere Mai (Gray + Red) $25
Halloween (Silva) $10
Helius Sun (Classic + Deluxe) $60
Hello Tiki (R1, R2, W1, W2) $50
Hercules (Branded + Limited) $30
Heroes of Nations (Dark + Light Gilded) $150
High Victorian (Green + Red) $20
Honeybee (No. 15 Black + Yellow, No. 17 Black + Yellow, No. 17 Gold Foil, No. 18 Blue + Red) $80
Honeybee (No. 17 Black + Yellow) $15
House of the Rising Spade (Cartomancer + Faro) $40
Hunters of York (Master + Mistress) $40
Illustrated National Parks $14
Imperial (Display, Red, White, CARC Limited) $125
Impressions (Aozora, Cardinal, Racing, Rising Sun, Bronze, Silver, Gold) $105
Innovation Limited Signature Edition $35
Intaglio (Black, Blue, Red) $50
Iron Horse Signature Edition $60
James Coffee Co. $35
James Squire $15
Jinni $15
JAQK Amethyst $15
Joker & Thief (V1 + V2 Red, White, Blue + Street) $150
Kasa (Dark + Wood) $35
Keeper (Blue, Green, Red) $30
Kelly Gang $15
King & Legacy Gold $15
King's Game (Prototype + Black + White) $100
Klar! (Red + Blue + Deck Bag) $60
Knights [Bicycle] $10 (2)
Knowledge $20 (2)
Knucklehead (Black + White) $35
Kraken Black Spiced Rum (White + Black) $18
Legal Tender Legacy (China + USA) $350
Legal Tender (China) $10
Legend of Sleepy Hollow $15
Liberty (Blue, Red, Gold) $30
Lies + Truth (All 6 Decks) $60
Luna Moon (Classic + Deluxe) $60
Lunatica (Chimera, Equinox, Phoenix, Solstice) $80
Luxx (Blue, Orange; Elliptica Blue, Green, Purple, Red; Grielle Copper, Silver; Mandala; Palme Blue, Red; Redux; Shadow V2 Gold, Silver) $200
Luxx Mandala $17 (2)
Maduro (Silver) $10
Makers (Black, Green, White) $70 (2)
Mana (Indigo, Oracle v1, Livida, Sybil Reserve Box Set, Zinfandel) $150
Marchen (Hamelin + Schwarzwald) $35
Masterpieces (Bocopo) $8
Millenium $10 (2)
Mint (Blueberry + Cucumber + Frost + Frost Foil) $150
Mint (Blueberry + Cucumber + Frost) $50
Mirage $20
Monarchs (Blue v1 + v2, Gold, Green, NYSM2, Red v1 + v2, Silver, White Gold v1 + v2) $700
Mongol Empire (Golden Horde + Ilkhanate) $30
Mystique [Bicycle] (Blue + Red) $25
Mythos Quadricolor Special Edition $25 (2)
Name of the Wind (Chandrian, Chandrian Alternate, Selas, Selas Alternate) $80
Neo (Standard + Limited) $40
Neo Wave (Classic, Ultra Blue, Ultra Players, Ultra Sunset) $120
Neoclassic [Bicycle] $12 (2)
Noble (w/ Bag) $15
NPCCD 2016 (Green) $60
Oblivion [Bicycle] (Red + White) $25
Occults (Branded + Unbranded) $30
Olympia + Olympia Underworld $40
Olympians (Skymember) $20
Omnia (Antica, Magnifica, Perduta) $100
Omnia (Oscura + Illumina) $35
Omnia (Antica) $15
Omnia (Illumina) $15
Ophidian [Bicycle] $12 (2)
Oris (Blue, Bordered, Borderless) $50
Outlaw (Standard + Hellriders) $40
Outlaws (Black + Crimson) $35
Paisley (Black + French Blue + Ruby Red + Deck Box) $60
Pantheon $30
Papercuts $15
Papilio (v1, v2, Ulysses) $50
Paradox $10
Passiones Pizza Box (4 Decks) $50
Patriot (Red, Black, Blue) $60
Peacocks $15
Pearl Tally-Ho Limited JR Signed $40
Philtre $12
Phoenix Academy Elite $12 (2)
Pinball $10
Pinocchio (Sapphire + Vermilion) $30
Planets Standard Complete Set $100 (2)
Pocono Modern (Gray + White) $30
Portraits in Ink, Tea, & Alcohol $18 (2)
Premium [Bicycle] $15
Pressers $10
Propaganda (T11) $30
Pugin $10
Radia $35
Rarebit (Copper + Gold) $30
Rarebit (Gold) $20
Ravn (Eclipse + Green + Mani + Purple Haze + Red + Sol) $90
Realms (Black, Blue, Red) $40
Rebellion Rum (Salt & Bone) $12
Right of Kings (Medieval + Renaissance) $30
Rise of a Nation (Collectors + Standard) $20
Robusto (Classic, Reserve + Superior Black, Red, Blue) $60
Russian Folk Art (Standard, Special, Limited, Limited Prototype) $100
Sanctus $80
Savage Majesty $15
Seekers $10
Silk (Blue + Red) $200 (2)
Silver Arrow (Black, Superior Poker Back, Superior Silver Arrow Back) $45
Sins (Anima, Corpus, Mentis) $80
Sins (Corpus) $15
Snake Oil $8
Society for News Design $20
Sons of Liberty (Black, Blue, White) $60
Spirit [Bicycle] (White, Blue/Silver, Black) $60
Spirit II [Bicycle] (Black/Gold, Green/Gold, Red/Silver Metalluxe) $60
Spirit II Gilded [Bicycle] (Black/Gold, Green/Gold, Red/Silver Metalluxe) $120
Stained Glass [Bicycle] (Leviathan + Phoenix) $25
Strigiformes $12
Styx [Bicycle] (Black + White) $20
Styx [Bicycle] (Black) $10
Sumi (Artist, Grandmaster, Standard [Bicycle]) $50
Syzygy (Gold + Platinum) $45
Takefu $10
Tally-Ho Cardistry Con 2018 $25
Tally-Ho Masterclass (Black + White) $30
Talons $10 (2)
Texas (Gold, Players, Premium) $60 (2)
Thorns & Roses (Green Standard + Limited, Red Standard + Limited) $160
Three Musketeers (Standard + Royal Edition) $100
Tigers (Gold + Gold Gilded + Silver Gilded + Limited + Standard + Display) $200
Timeless (Lotrek) $10
Titans Robber Baron Limited Signature Series (3 Decks) $60
Top Aces of WWI (Standard, Deluxe, Limited, Signature, WWII) $120
Top Aces of WWI Signature Edition $25
Viridian $10
Triplicate (1st Edition Red + Limited, 2nd Edition Yellow + Limited) $60
Typographer's Deck $12
UC 2016 (Noveau + Bourgogne) $30
Verum Videre White $25 (2)
Verum Videre 2nd Anniversary $35
Vitreous $14
Violet Luna Moon (Classic + Deluxe) $60
Voyage (Black, Blue, Red) $30
Wicked Kingdom $25
Winterberry (Dinged) $10
Woodlands $15
Z-Deck + Sailor Moon $60
Uncut Sheets
Black Book Manifesto + Black Book of Cards $100
Eva $75
Federal 52 (Gold Certificate, Black Reserve Note, White Reserve Note, Silver Certificate) $200
Odissea (Minerva, Mythica, Neptune) $150
Omnia (Antica, Illumina, Magnifica, Oscura, Perduta, Suprema) $300
Sins (Anima, Corpus, Mentis) $150
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Re: [SELL] Spring Cleaning Large Deck Collection
Could some of the series be sold separately or are they only available for sale in bundles?
"We look at the present through a rear-view mirror; we walk backwards into the future."
-- Marshall McLuhan (Media Theory Giant)
Decknowledgy™ (Ted)
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Re: [SELL] Spring Cleaning Large Deck Collection
Decknowledgy wrote:Could some of the series be sold separately or are they only available for sale in bundles?
adams_osu wrote:...Note: I am generally not willing to break sets.
rousselle wrote:You are a fussy, picky guy.
Lotrek wrote:Given the number of morons produced in the world every day, a pessimist is actually a well informed realist.
Räpylätassu wrote:"Tyhmyydestä sakotetaan." You get fined for being stupid.
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Re: [SELL] Spring Cleaning Large Deck Collection
I know, I saw that but some bundles are just so expensive I can't afford the whole series, trying my luck here...
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- theCapraAegagrus
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Re: [SELL] Spring Cleaning Large Deck Collection
I get it. I thought the same thing. He's got good prices altogether, though. I may have to get a few things...Decknowledgy wrote:I know, I saw that but some bundles are just so expensive I can't afford the whole series, trying my luck here...
rousselle wrote:You are a fussy, picky guy.
Lotrek wrote:Given the number of morons produced in the world every day, a pessimist is actually a well informed realist.
Räpylätassu wrote:"Tyhmyydestä sakotetaan." You get fined for being stupid.
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[SELL] Spring Cleaning Large Deck Collection
I note the "generally unwilling to break sets," but how about selling me the Bijoux du Cuivre and Perle du Cuivre which will leave you with a Bijoux/Perle/Gemmes set, please?adams_osu wrote:Noveau (Bijoux, Bijoux du Cuivre, Gemmes, Perle, Perle du Cuivre) $175
Noveau Perle $15
I'm also interested in the Alice In Wonderland pair.
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Re: [SELL] Spring Cleaning Large Deck Collection
PM’d you yesterday as well.
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Re: [SELL] Spring Cleaning Large Deck Collection
PMed you
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Re: [SELL] Spring Cleaning Large Deck Collection
I would like the James Coffee Co deck, if it’s the V1. I buy and sell on reddit and eBay all the time. This will be my first time here though. Please advise how to proceed.
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Re: [SELL] Spring Cleaning Large Deck Collection
PMed, thanks
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Re: [SELL] Spring Cleaning Large Deck Collection
I am not sure any of these are still for sale. I have sent him a couple of PMs over the last week and not heard back even though it shows him as being active on the forums.
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Re: [SELL] Spring Cleaning Large Deck Collection
I just got a reply yesterday, but for folks' reference, the No.17 set is not available as Rob's decided to keep it for himself
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Re: [SELL] Spring Cleaning Large Deck Collection
All - Sorry I'm a bit slow to respond on the board - best way to contact me is via PM. It sometimes takes me a day or two to respond (or longer if you want pics) - RL has been getting in the way lately.
Thanks for everyone's interest! I'm also updating my post with the most current set of decks I have available as well several new ones I have.
Thanks for everyone's interest! I'm also updating my post with the most current set of decks I have available as well several new ones I have.
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Re: [SELL] Spring Cleaning Large Deck Collection
Hey Adam do you still have some of these decks available?
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Re: [SELL] Spring Cleaning Large Deck Collection
Placed a large order and it arrived very quickly and packed very well. Also, threw in an extra deck. Highly recommend!! Great decks at great prices!
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Re: [SELL] Spring Cleaning Large Deck Collection
Jackson completely revolutionized the way I waste money...
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Re: [SELL] Spring Cleaning Large Deck Collection
Hey there,
I would be intrested in the Thorns & Roses Set (Green Standard + Limited, Red Standard + Limited) for $160.
New to UC, but active on reddit: u/riutshoxie and ebay: luschaf43
I would be intrested in the Thorns & Roses Set (Green Standard + Limited, Red Standard + Limited) for $160.
New to UC, but active on reddit: u/riutshoxie and ebay: luschaf43
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Re: [SELL] Spring Cleaning Large Deck Collection
Hi Adam, i'm interested in the RAVN set, please give me a PM, thank!
I mostly collect Stockholm17 and always looking for any S17 New/Opened decks/ accessories: Brick Boxes, prints, coins, Pins, ect... If you have some weird small thing and want to trade/sell please let me know! If you are also a fan and have free time to chat, feel free to send me a PM!
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Re: [SELL] Spring Cleaning Large Deck Collection
Can you shipping to China?
Can you shipping to China?
Bicycle collector
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