Germany-East [GDR] - Neue Altenburger Spielkarte - Vers.I.1

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Germany-East [GDR] - Neue Altenburger Spielkarte - Vers.I.1

Unread post by Andreas_x »

From my collection

Germany-East [GDR] - Neue Altenburger Spielkarte - Vers.I.1
Design: Walter Krauss
CardMaker: VEB Altenburger Spielkartenfabrik aka Coeur
2x24 cards [Doppelkopf]
57.5 x 87.5 mm

Braun AS 1964/1.1

Often people are talking 'The first version was not successful. but the second with changed images'
I see no prove for this statement. Then the 'Altenburger Spielkartenfabrik' had the monopol of card-making in East-Germany. And with producing the 'Neue Altenburger Spielkarte' it stoped the production of all regional german pattern for the inland. There was no choice for an other pattern as 'Neue Altenburger Spielkarte'. I think the card-player used theyr old cards so long as they can and then they must buy the 'Neue Altenburger Spielkarte' - this was now the second edition. And so in the first period of the 'Neue Altenburger Spielkarte' to few people buy this cards.
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Re: Germany-East [GDR] - Neue Altenburger Spielkarte - Vers.

Unread post by hsbc »

Thanks for posting all these :D
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