[Character Guide] Thirdway Industries

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[Character Guide] Thirdway Industries

Unread post by Adonael »

Ok, so I wanted to know the character names for some specific cards and since I would already be looking through everything to find out I decided to quickly compile all of them. This is the result, although there are still some blanks (I'd be interested to know if the Omnia series courts were ever fully named during the design phase, or if it's true that the Dedalo spades were the only cards to have more than one identity). And maybe I missed something but it looks like Gio forgot to reveal the Betrayers KoD and JoH?

More importantly however, if Gio sees this and can help (!), are the names of the two Odissea Mythica Jokers (specifically the female) which don't seem to have ever been revealed. As well as the missing Betrayers jokers (specifically Invictus female and Lucis male), all the extras were revealed, as well as one of the normal ones, but seven regular jokers are still missing :shock:. Just my luck, of course three of the missing ones would be the ones I wanted to know lol :roll:.

Evil Deck:

Diamonds – Violence

Hearts – Passion

Spades – Magic

Clubs – Nature

Delirium Prism:

KD – Vile Tyrant
QD – Cruel Duchess
JD – Heavy Infantry

KH – Betrayed King
QH – Queen of Passion
JH –Red Knight

KS – Rajah
QS – La Badessa
JS – Apprentice Wizard

KC – Kind Monarch
QC – Innocent Princess
JC – Scout Vanguard

Omnia (Obscura, Illumina, Suprema):

KD – King of Greed, King of Wealth, King of Power
QD – _, _, _
JD – Violent Infantry, Peaceful Infantry, God of War

KH – _, _, _
QH – _, _, _
JH – Cruel Warrior, Noble Knight, God of War

KS – _, _, _
QS – _, _, _
JS – _, _, _

KC – _, _, _
QC – _, _, _
JC – _, _, _

JKRS –Death, Lady Fortuna, Freya, Destiny, Janus, Odin
Extra – Regina Suicida Aurea, Regina Suicida Argentea, Regina Suicida Scarlatta
Omnia Rex

Omnia The Golden Age (Antica, Perduta, Magnifica):

KD – Ceasar, Centurian, Legatus
QD – _, Judith, _
JD – Phalanx, _, Gladiator

KH – Pharaoh, _, Divine Pharaoh
QH – _, _, _
JH – _, Warrior, Priest of Life

KS – Philosopher, _, Sultan
QS – Warrior Princess, _, Desert Warrior
JS – Hoplite Warrior, _, _

KC – _, _, Blind Prophet
QC – _, _, Phytia
JC – _, Spartan Warrior, Prophet Guard

JKRS – Sole, Luna, Sphynx, Wanderer
Extra – The Origin, Regina Suicida Ramata, Regina Suicida Lunare, Regina Suicida Smeralda

Dedalo (Alpha, Omega, Apeiron):

KD – Minos
QD – Pasiphae
JD – Androgeus

KH –Aegeus
QH –Aethra
JH –Theseus

KS – Poseidon, Helios, Zeus
QS – Aphrodite, Athena, Hera
JS – Hermes, Dionysus, Ares

KC – Daedalus
QC –Naucrate
JC – Icarus

JKRS –Minotaur, Ariadne
Extra – Apollo, Artemis, Hades, Oracle


KD – God of Art
QD – Goddess of Harvest
JD – Artisan God

KH – God of Death
QH – Goddess of Love
JH – God of Wine

KS – God of Lightning
QS – Goddess of Faith
JS – God of War

KC – God of Sea
QC – Goddess of Wisdom
JC – God Messenger

JKRS – God of Sun, Goddess of Moon
Extra – Queen of Spring, Queen of Hades

SINS (Corpus, Mentis, Anima):

Diamonds – Greed, Wrath, Both

Hearts – Lust

Spades – Pride, Sloth, Both

Clubs – Envy, Gluttony, Both

JKRS – Adam, Eve, Prometheus


Diamonds – Lilith

Hearts – Eva

Spades – Pandora

Clubs – Pyrrha

JKRS – Adam and Eve, Lilith and Samael, Pyrrha and Deucalion, Pandora and Zeus

Lunatica (Equinox/Chimera, Solstice/Phoenix):

KD – Hateful Tyrant, Hate Preacher
QD – Queen of Malice, Envious Countess
JD – Furious Soldier, Shocked Guard

KH – King of Sacrifice, King of Pleasure
QH – Queen of Love, Queen of Seduction
JH – Knight of Valour, Thief of Hearts

KS – King of Indifference, King of Evil
QS – Queen of Lies, Queen of Solitude
JS – Selfish Magician, Dark Knight

KC – Benevolent King, Righteous Ruler
QC – Chaste Angel, Peaceful Lady
JC – Good Guardian, Paladin

JKRS – Lady of Charm, Charming Witch, Lone Angel, Archbishop
Extra – The Chimera, The Phoenix

Delirium The Lost Decks (Insomnia, Ascension, Absolute):

KD – Vile Tyrant
QD – Cruel Duchess
JD – Heavy Infantry

KH – Betrayed King
QH – Queen of Passion
JH –Red Knight

KS – Rajah
QS – La Badessa
JS – Apprentice Wizard

KC – Kind Monarch
QC – Innocent Princess
JC – Scout Vanguard

JKRS – The Fool Lord, Crazy Assassin, Demon, Archangel
Extra – Alexandra, Almighty

Odissea (Minerva, Neptune, Mythica):

KD – Tiresias, Suitor
QD – Circe
JD – Sailor, Lotus Eater

KH – Ulysses
QH – Penelope, Calypso
JH – Telemachus, Antiphates

KS – Aeolus, Jupiter
QS – Minerva, Scylla
JS – Mercury, Charybdis

KC – Alcinoo, Neptune
QC – Nausicaa, Siren
JC – Eumaeus, Polyphemus

JKRS – Aphrodite/Artemis, Hades/Ares
Extra – Ulysses and Penelope,

Betrayers (Lucis, Tenebra, Invictus, Veritas):

KD – _
QD – Courtesan
JD – Mercenary

KH – Bewitched King
QH – Siren
JH – _

KS – Egoist King
QS – Heretic
JS – Deserter

KC – Devil’s Advocate
QC – Empress
JC – Conspirator

JKRS – Fallen Warden, _, _, _, Dryad, Nameless Warrior, Devil, Suffering Angel
Extra – Vanguard, Advocate, Figure, Saviour

Monolith (White, Black, Red):

KD – God of Light
QD – Goddess of Heat
JD – God of Gravity

KH – God of Intellect
QH – Goddess of Fauna
JH – God of Flora

KS – God of Eternity
QS – Goddess of Absolute Zero
JS – God of Space

KC – God of Atmosphere
QC – Goddess of Liquid
JC – God of Solid

JKRS – Male Firstborn, Female Firstborn, Sole

Conquerors (Audax, Victoria):

Diamonds – Power

Hearts –Bravery

Spades – Strategy

Clubs – Brute Force

JKRS – Mars Invictus, Victoria Alata, Fortuna Velata

Order (Imperium, Revolution, Electus):

KD – Broadcaster, Philosopher, Inquisitor
QD – Actress, Geisha, Diva
JD – Announcer, Speaker, Star

KH – Worker, Berserker, Martyr
QH – Wife, Rebel, Black Bride
JH – Student, Repairman, Zealot

KS – General, Saviour, Leader
QS – Captain, Queen Liberty, Duchess
JS – Soldier, Deserter, Enemy

KC – Overseer, King Cobra, Overlord
QC – Huntress, Dark Justice, Mistress
JC – Protector, Viper, Executioner

Modern Idols (Hope, Fear, Endless Hope, Extreme Fear):

KD – Idol of Show, Idol of Work
QD – Idol of Media, Idol of Consumerism
JD – Idol of Money, Idol of Games

KH – Idol of Dreams, Idol of Conformism
QH – Idol of Romance, Idol of Hedonism
JH – Idol of Legacy, Idol of Vanity

KS – Idol of Curiosity, Idol of Knowledge
QS – Idol of Wellness, Idol of Abnegation
JS – Idol of Silence, Idol of Technology

KC – Idol of Art, Idol of Ideology
QC – Idol of Science, Idol of Ecology
JC – Idol of Connection, Idol of Vengeance

JKRS – Goddess of Hope, God of Fear, Defensive Fear, Betrayer Hope
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Re: [Character Guide] Thirdway Industries

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

You’re crazy... and I like that. :lol:
You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that’s being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.

avatar credit: 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔄𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔯 by Gands the Scholar @g_a_n_d_s_

rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: [Character Guide] Thirdway Industries

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

This is really crazy haha - I am impressed. Write me a mail (giovanni@thirdway.it) and I'll send you a gift for the effort to gather all the names of my previous decks.
Some Omnia Cards (especially of Omnia: The First) were not named.

Odissea Mythica Jokers are two combined Gods - the female one is Venus + Diane, the male one is Pluto + Mars (greek names, Aphrodite + Artemis, Hades + Ares)
Mythica is all played with "double figures", so I did the same mixing the figures on the Jokers too. A bit crazy, I know.

All the Order cards will be FULLY revealed with the Booklet! ;-)

Betrayers Invictus "missing" Jokers are The Dryad and the Nameless Warrior.
Betrayers Veritas Jokers are The Devil and the Suffering Angel (I also call this card "Wrath of God" since the poor lady is stabbed by various golden swords coming from above)

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Re: [Character Guide] Thirdway Industries

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

I wanted to add the names of the Pantheon Gods, just FYI

KD – God of Art (Apollo)
QD – Goddess of Harvest (Demeter)
JD – Artisan God (Hephaestus)

KH – God of Death (Hades)
QH – Goddess of Love (Aphrodite)
JH – God of Wine (Dionysus)

KS – God of Lightning (Zeus)
QS – Goddess of Faith (Hera)
JS – God of War (Ares)

KC – God of Sea (Poseidon)
QC – Goddess of Wisdom (Athena)
JC – God Messenger (Hermes)

JKRS – God of Sun (Helios), Goddess of Moon (Artemis)
Extra – Queen of Spring, Queen of Hades (Persephone)

I use to reveal backstories of my decks on Patreon - for example, here is the full explanation of Pantheon available for Patrons > https://www.patreon.com/posts/pantheon-25960304" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
There is also a LONG post that reveals all the secrets of Dedalo > https://www.patreon.com/posts/secrets-of-23938676" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: [Character Guide] Thirdway Industries

Unread post by Adonael »

Thanks, that's certainly helpful (and generous)! It's difficult scrolling all the way through the Patreon page so I'm not surprised I missed the Dedalo post, sure would have been helpful lol.
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Re: [Character Guide] Thirdway Industries

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

Adonael wrote:Thanks, that certainly helps! It's difficult scrolling all the way through the Patreon page so I'm not surprised I missed the Dedalo post, sure would have been helpful lol.
Patreon is painful to navigate for sure :P
And that crazy Dedalo post was the first one - I won't probably made another post that long, I think that few Patrons read it in full.
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