"Bee" Erdnase 216 Squeezers ( Green and Tan ) - NEW PICS

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Re: "Bee" Erdnase 216 Squeezers ( Green and Tan ) - NEW PICS

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Magic_Orthodoxy wrote:
Not liking the one-way back, though.
yea, I've been thinking about one way back designs lately and frankly, I don't know what the big deal is. Most people don't even realize that decks are "flipable" since many people have special decks from amusement parks and national parks that are not. Personally for people who fan, a deck that is different on the left and right or top and bottom works better as you can create multiple variations.
To me, back designs and also court cards should be two-way (not counting subtleties) as a general rule. It just seems like one of those things that make deck design not only more aesthetically pleasing, but also more functional. Cards get shuffled and mixed around, and you play against people sitting opposite you. Of course, there can be and are exceptions to every rule where a design just fits better as a one-way.

Just my 2 cents.
- Tom

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