Circuit Playing Cards (KS)

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Circuit Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by aardvarkgod »

New project upcoming from Elephant Playing Cards: ... n=e436c568
Circuit will be launching on Kickstarter in around 1 week on Tuesday, June 4: 7:00 AM PST, 10:00 AM EST, 2:00 PM UTC. There will be plenty of Earlybird reward tiers for the first backers, and FREE US SHIPPING for all decks.

Sorry, I don't know how to make it fancy (I'm at work, shhh!)
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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS) (wap)

Unread post by LasVegasCards »

Four is too many and if this is the same stock as Cyberpunk I will be passing.

*It does seem to be the same stock as Cyberpunk.
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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

I also think 4 decks is too many. The white deck seems the most superfluous, though I've never really been a big fan of black/white decks.

The printer is a definite minus.
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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by BaconWise »

I actually really like the PCB Edition. The other decks are pretty much *meh* in my opinion. The PCB seems to be the best fit for the concept and at $16 shipped, it's not a bad deal.
That being said, I know nothing about WJPC as a printer. Are there any popular decks that used them as a printer? I don't have the Cyberpunk, so I'm curious what else is out there.
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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by hsbc »

Off the top of my head, I think that my Hoody cat deck and my Juggler Marble deck are both WJPC, but I could be wrong :D
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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by Outsider »

The PCB edition actually has really, really cool backs and pips. The courts don't make much sense from an aesthetic standpoint but as a PC building nerd I'd probably be in if it were printed on better stock.

But damn, that gold foil on green really nails the look.
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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS) (wap)

Unread post by LasVegasCards »

Aside from the feel, WJPC screwed up printing on two of the three decks in Elephants last release . Elephant is issuing replacements to all backers at no cost which is great but why go back to that well? I don't get it.
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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS) (wap)

Unread post by chicken_ql »

LasVegasCards wrote:Aside from the feel, WJPC screwed up printing on two of the three decks in Elephants last release . Elephant is issuing replacements to all backers at no cost which is great but why go back to that well? I don't get it.
How did they screw up?
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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS) (wap)

Unread post by LasVegasCards »

chicken_ql wrote:
LasVegasCards wrote:Aside from the feel, WJPC screwed up printing on two of the three decks in Elephants last release . Elephant is issuing replacements to all backers at no cost which is great but why go back to that well? I don't get it.
How did they screw up?
Hi Everyone,
A few notices for the completion of the Cyberpunk decks:

As several people have picked up, there have been a few misprints on the Green and Purple decks where some print layers were misaligned or missed in the manufacturing process. This error occurred between digital proofs and printing, where some of the specific print layers were modified by manufacturing after approval. I have printed well over 100,000 decks with WJPC and have found their process to be without issue until now. Unfortunately this stuffup on the printing occurred during this project, and for that I apologise.

I have been in negotiation with the printer and confirm two things:

1) The Green and Purple decks will be fully reprinted with the correct printing alignment/coloring.

2) Once the reprinted decks are complete, I will ship replacement decks for every backer at no cost.

So if you have pledged for a Green or a Purple deck (or multiples of them), you will receive replacement Green and Purple decks in around 2 months (1 month of printing, 1 month of shipping).

Shipping Damage
As I noted in my last update, there have also been a few packages damaged in transit as a result of poor shipping method from a new fulfillment center. I have been in discussions with them and have more strongly instructed how decks should be packaged. For everyone who has sent me a picture of a damaged deck for replacement, these will be shipped out soon (unless it is of the Green and Purple decks, which will be shipped out in 2 months). This should resolve the problem here.

In summary, I believe this should resolve all the issues for this project. Once again, I apologise for having multiple stuffups on a single project, but as I promised I will work to make sure everything is right before closing off the project!

If you have any other questions, please let me know!

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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by Decknowledgy »

I've left a feedback asking about the WJPC decision, hopefully they'll respond

Elephant Playing Cards wrote: Fair point, but the printing errors with the CP decks were human error which (should have been) easily rectified - i.e. proofing the final deck files rather than having additional changes after my approval. By changing this process I believe I can resolve the issues of the CP project.
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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by Fud »

Hey guys, once again, you beat me to creating the thread!

I'm using WJPC again for 2 reasons:

1) I have a great working relationship with them - I do a lot of production through them, they have managed all print runs to date well (except the recent CP) and they prices are pretty good. For me, KS is generally the first print run of a deck, and they have proved themselves to me over a LOT of production runs.

2) the printing errors on the CP decks were a result of (what should have been) a simply-prevented human error in proofing the pantone layers. These were modified after my approval which resulted in the offset errors. A simple fix of me proofing the absolute final files should resolve this.

With regards to the quality of the CP decks, they were printed using a new finish WJPC calls 'butter' finish. I'm not sure how they work the name out, but that was the finish used. The stock is regular 310 german black core with linen embossing which has worked great for many, many decks, so for this one I am reverting to the previous finish which was better recieved.

4 decks IS a lot, but as I was researching the options, 3 really stood out: white, blue and green. Note the white actually has clear foil with a rainbow shine -it looks awesome in person, those images are coming. The PCB edition was a spur of the moment option which really turned out great. When I decide what decks to make, I try and look at who would buy them, and try and tailor the design to them. Hence, 4 versions :)

I hope you like them - check back in a few days for the white box, gifs and a trailer video by the GWH which will give a better sense of the decks!

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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS) (wap)

Unread post by LasVegasCards »

You will undoubtedly do well with this launch. Good luck.
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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by Decknowledgy »

I'll be interested if it would use a previous finish and not the CP "butter" finish!
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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Decknowledgy wrote:I'll be interested if it would use a previous finish and not the CP "butter" finish!
Fud wrote:so for this one I am reverting to the previous finish which was better recieved.
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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by Adonael »

The PCB is obviously the stand-out of the lot, I bet it could fund a campaign on it's own, and I like the white version too. But 4 decks is just too many, and there's no way I would ever back for all of them, particularly the neon green which in my opinion is just straight up ugly, and doesn't make much sense considering the PCB is also green.
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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS) (wap)

Unread post by macstrat »

After goi g back and forth on this I have to say while I can see the inspiration behind the coloring of the deck, as a backer, I would be interested in the PCB, a white or blue deck, and a stretch goal of a gaff card that's an actual pcb board
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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by Merlebird »

Wow, the courts are not what I was expecting at all. I'm in for a PCB edition.
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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by Decknowledgy »

I'm digging the dark green though
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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by rousselle »

Ben, when you say "the previous finish, which was better received," which decks are you referring to? The "Elephant" decks are among the worst of the WJPC cards I have in my collection, and Cyberpunks aren't much better. I skipped the Medieval Gold & Royal decks. Are those the only ones with the "previous" finish?

WJPC has produced some great decks (for those who are newer to the board, you should check out my extensive review here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=11455&p=134520&hilit=wjpc#p134520). But, the last couple projects they did for you (that I have) are not among them. Do I need to get my hands on Medieval Color to see what you're talking about? Or, were some of your other projects also WJPC and I didn't notice?

In the past, this topic has come up (and, in fact, it's the reason I didn't back Medieval and the reason I shouldn't have backed Cyberpunk), and I've suggested you consider Cartamundi or LPCC as a stretch goal, and you said you'd consider it for some future projects (viewtopic.php?f=8&t=11993&p=134907&hilit=wjpc#p134983), but I haven't seen that mentioned again. Is there a possibility that you'd consider some other printer as a stretch goal?

Either way, somehow Sunish has managed to get WJPC to produce excellent-feeling decks for him, as has Montenzi, and I truly do want the best for both you and for WJPC. But, after the Elephant and Cyberpunk decks, I'm starting to lose any faith I used to have in WJPC's non-Guru (and non-Montenzi) work.
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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by PrincessTrouble »

rousselle wrote:Ben, when you say "the previous finish, which was better received," which decks are you referring to? The "Elephant" decks are among the worst of the WJPC cards I have in my collection, and Cyberpunks aren't much better. I skipped the Medieval Gold & Royal decks. Are those the only ones with the "previous" finish?
I also feel the Elephant decks were very disappointing (finish and feel, not art or design). I gave WJPC another try with the Cyberpunk decks and they were marginally better but still not up to snuff. I would back these in a heartbeat if they weren't WJPC printed. Now I'll have to evaluate if want to take another chance on WJPC (and if I do, it will only be for one deck).
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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by Fud »

Hi Everyone,

the Circuit decks are now LIVE! Make sure to check out the project video (Made by The Gentleman Wake) and the GIFs to get a better sense for the real beauty of these decks! The colorful foil/designs really pop!

Make sure to check it NOW to get some of the Earlybird specials! ... ject_build

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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by BaconWise »

Great video by TGW! I am in for the PCB deck. Do the add-on prices include shipping, Ben?
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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by Fud »

BaconWise wrote:Great video by TGW! I am in for the PCB deck. Do the add-on prices include shipping, Ben?
Thanks, Omar did a great job! Each deck I have had videos made by him, I start with an idea of what I want, and he always delivers something quite different but always better.

Yes, the add ons include shipping, I had better update that image to include that info.
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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS)

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Funded in 24 hours!
Thanks for your support everyone!
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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by vasta41 »

As usual with Elephant there are lots of things to like. Not a lazy design for sure and as a techie I have an affinity for these. But I think I will have to pass based on price. Almost $20K pledged though and 17 days to go, kudos!
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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by rkoch78 »

I received my decks today. I got a few of the neon green and PCB decks. Being an IT professional and general computer nerd, the design was definitely for me.

I do not have any other Elephant/WJPC decks to compare them to but the handling is not the are clumpy. Maybe after a break in period they might be better but definitely not the smooth glide of a newly opened USPCC or Cartamundi deck. The stock seems durable and good quality though.

That all being said...the design is just flat awesome; perfect for any computer or electronics geek. Colors and registration are great as well.

I do not regret my purchase but I think if they were printed by the printers mentioned above, it would help make them truly great decks.
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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by LasVegasCards »

rkoch78 wrote:I received my decks today. I got a few of the neon green and PCB decks. Being an IT professional and general computer nerd, the design was definitely for me.

I do not have any other Elephant/WJPC decks to compare them to but the handling is not the are clumpy. Maybe after a break in period they might be better but definitely not the smooth glide of a newly opened USPCC or Cartamundi deck. The stock seems durable and good quality though.

That all being said...the design is just flat awesome; perfect for any computer or electronics geek. Colors and registration are great as well.

I do not regret my purchase but I think if they were printed by the printers mentioned above, it would help make them truly great decks.
Having backed Cyberpunk, that's why I didn't back these and why I won't back more I'm the future. Whatever stock / finish he is using is just not good at all. His comments in this thread made it seem like it was to be better too. Sad because the art is good but I can't justify backing / buying more when he seems to ignore feedback and continue using whaterver sub par stock that is from WJPCC.
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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by Decknowledgy »

Just got mine today and they're superb!! I get it that people hate WJPC for its inconsistency for handling, but tbh here, this deck has no problem whatsoever. After a couple of dribbles and springs getting air between the cards, the deck fans perfectly as shown. I don't know why a lot of folks are just judging printers by general misconception while the truth is it all depends from deck to deck.

This WJPC deck basically handles very closely to a USPCC deck, the only visible difference being the coating that looks (not feels) glossed. Nonetheless, the indentations work just fine for glides and fans. I'll leave it here and let folks be the judge when you receive it. Just personally not understanding why some people shat on some printers totally just because of some bad decks (which is perceivable during the campaign most of the time). USPCC, the crown jewel of many, doesn't always handle the same and they are not the best in terms of art quality :?


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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by rousselle »

Decknowledgy wrote:Just got mine today and they're superb!! I get it that people hate WJPC for its inconsistency for handling, but tbh here, this deck has no problem whatsoever. After a couple of dribbles and springs getting air between the cards, the deck fans perfectly as shown. I don't know why a lot of folks are just judging printers by general misconception while the truth is it all depends from deck to deck.

This WJPC deck basically handles very closely to a USPCC deck, the only visible difference being the coating that looks (not feels) glossed. Nonetheless, the indentations work just fine for glides and fans. I'll leave it here and let folks be the judge when you receive it. Just personally not understanding why some people shat on some printers totally just because of some bad decks (which is perceivable during the campaign most of the time). USPCC, the crown jewel of many, doesn't always handle the same and they are not the best in terms of art quality :?
I'm glad to hear that this deck worked out for you. I do like Ben's designs as a general rule, and this design is quite tasty. I really want him to succeed.

But, I don't understand what you don't understand about people choosing to sit this one out. When Ben was unable to elicit decent results from WJPC on more than one occasion, and didn't really seem to take action on his backers' voiced concerns, it stands to reason that they (we) would lose faith that the next time would be any different. And, while you are correct that USPCC isn't always 100% awesome, and WJPC isn't always 100% terrible, nonetheless, we do need to make decisions about where to allocate our funds, and typical experience will factor into those decisions.

Based upon your positive experience, I'm giving serious consideration to picking these up aftermarket. But, the fact that you are chastising people for lamenting their previous poor experiences baffles me.
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Re: Circuit Playing Cards (KS)

Unread post by Decknowledgy »

rousselle wrote:But, I don't understand what you don't understand about people choosing to sit this one out. When Ben was unable to elicit decent results from WJPC on more than one occasion, and didn't really seem to take action on his backers' voiced concerns, it stands to reason that they (we) would lose faith that the next time would be any different. And, while you are correct that USPCC isn't always 100% awesome, and WJPC isn't always 100% terrible, nonetheless, we do need to make decisions about where to allocate our funds, and typical experience will factor into those decisions.

Based upon your positive experience, I'm giving serious consideration to picking these up aftermarket. But, the fact that you are chastising people for lamenting their previous poor experiences baffles me.
Because I'm not defending Ben's choice for WJPC, but voicing an alternative voice against some around here who tend to swiftly dismiss a deck if it is by NPCC or WJPC, regardless of the artwork. I fully understand that it's some business models of certain creators that lead to the hate (e.g. ENUMA from LPCC to NPCC), but to be honest, creators choose the printers, not the printers that choose the decks. I'm just here to prove that printers may improve for the better, and my comments have nothing to do with Ben whatsoever.

NPCC has a lot of bad decks, but they have Nicolai's decks and the Mongol Empire that is exceptional;
WJPC has Cyberpunk and Medieval, but they also have Circuit (this one), Guru's Kalevala, and Full Custom 52's Mirage Deck.

What I'm trying to say is that try not to prejudge a deck just by the printer, which has frequently come up as a problem for some great designs struggling or failing to fund just because it's not a preferable printer. A recent example is the Culturae Animalis which almost struggled to fund when using Print Ninja for the sake of eco-friendly ink at a lower rate despite its fantastic art concept. Upon switching to EPCC, the pledging accelerated. Not that I don't appreciate that it changed to EPCC (in fact, I discussed this with Jack, the creator), but I'd still back the deck for its artwork if it had stuck with Print Ninja.

Ben tried clarifying this earlier:
Fud wrote:the printing errors on the CP decks were a result of (what should have been) a simply-prevented human error in proofing the pantone layers. These were modified after my approval which resulted in the offset errors. A simple fix of me proofing the absolute final files should resolve this.

With regards to the quality of the CP decks, they were printed using a new finish WJPC calls 'butter' finish. I'm not sure how they work the name out, but that was the finish used. The stock is regular 310 german black core with linen embossing which has worked great for many, many decks, so for this one I am reverting to the previous finish which was better recieved.
And you said this:
rousselle wrote:Either way, somehow Sunish has managed to get WJPC to produce excellent-feeling decks for him, as has Montenzi, and I truly do want the best for both you and for WJPC. But, after the Elephant and Cyberpunk decks, I'm starting to lose any faith I used to have in WJPC's non-Guru (and non-Montenzi) work.
If so, it's Ben that you lost faith in, not WJPC.
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