D I C H O T O M I A - Live on KS

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D I C H O T O M I A - Live on KS

Unread post by BaconWise »

Asian-inspired deck with focus on femininity and balance. First design for "Shochu" and printer is "PrintNinja" which I haven't heard of, so others might be able to speak to their quality or lack thereof.

A lot of potential here and I like the concept for this campaign, but I prefer the draft drawings to the finalized artwork. The end result is polished but the artwork seems too simple after vectorizing the sketches and there is a lot of white space on pretty much all of the faces. The final version doesn't capture the delicate linework of the source drawing, so it may just be a matter of Illustrator skill and using different brushes to do more subtle linework. To me, the overall effect is overshadowed by the tool used to create the design. Does that make sense?

Dichotomia1.png (232.82 KiB) Viewed 840 times
Dichotmia2.png (240.94 KiB) Viewed 840 times
Dichotomia3.jpg (32.78 KiB) Viewed 840 times
Dichotomia4.png (195.78 KiB) Viewed 840 times
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Re: D I C H O T O M I A - Live on KS

Unread post by Merlebird »

I own some PrintNinja stuff, but AFAIK only books, not cards (though I have heard they've done cards for other projects, I just don't own any). The books have decent color quality, but absent any actual card samples I would not have great expectations for their handling.

These basically feel like a more clumsy execution of the Kasa decks. I think these designers could put out something good but they'd need to put in a lot more work to get there. You're right that their selections of brushes aren't doing them any favors, but the color palettes (particularly the "inverted"-looking scheme of the black courts) are awkward, too. Too bad.
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Re: D I C H O T O M I A - Live on KS

Unread post by dawn »

BaconWise wrote:A lot of potential here and I like the concept for this campaign, but I prefer the draft drawings to the finalized artwork. The end result is polished but the artwork seems too simple after vectorizing the sketches and there is a lot of white space on pretty much all of the faces. The final version doesn't capture the delicate linework of the source drawing, so it may just be a matter of Illustrator skill and using different brushes to do more subtle linework. To me, the overall effect is overshadowed by the tool used to create the design. Does that make sense?
I had the same feelings about the final vs sketch artwork, but that said it’s still a reasonably pretty deck (I do like the aces). I’m in for one if only to support these young artists and keep an eye on any progress in future projects.
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Re: D I C H O T O M I A - Live on KS (wap)

Unread post by macstrat »

It looks like it was rushed through on the vector end.
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Re: D I C H O T O M I A - Live on KS

Unread post by Eric Lee »

Considering this was designed by 17 year old high school students, it's pretty good. Like the backs and Aces. However, as mentioned, the sketches are actually better than the final product. Also not a fan of the inverted colors. Has so much potential. It's funded anyway so will see what they will do in the future.
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Re: D I C H O T O M I A - Live on KS

Unread post by hsbc »

Certainly not awful, but not great... I won't be backing, but the art shows a lot of potential - they're just 17?? I predict great things one day then :D
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Re: D I C H O T O M I A - Live on KS

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

Ridiculously overpriced for a mediocre design.

Idk if anyone really wants their "endless gratitude". Talk about cramming too much info into a pledge description...
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