Actually, yes there is. Let me quote from a post from lotrek almost two years ago.
P.S.: For a really crazy tuck, wait for the "ROYAL EDITION": 50 decks in total, blue stock, same faces, gold + silver foil on the back. But don't tell anyone...
You can search for "Royal Oath" and scroll down to Lotrek's posts to find it.
I haven't heard anything about it in a long, long time. I can only speculate that Lotrek has held back on this release as it could create a firestorm by those that wanted it and couldn't get it as it would sell out really fast. So, I don't know if it would ever get released.
That led me to speculate in my mind what Lotrek could sell this deck for if he posted it for sale on his website.
$100? - Yeah, it would be sharks in a glass of water. I'd have to pay Pierre to get one for me if I would stand a chance.
$200? - I would bite. Would others? I think so
$300? - That is tougher for me. Did he at least replace the red foil for blue? Maybe, not sure. Let me talk with my banker.
$500? - I am out. Not sure if it would sell out. Maybe?
$1,000 - Let me get some popcorn and see if anyone else would pay that much.
Anyway. The Royal Oath deck does exist in a quantity of 50, but never released into the wild as best I know. That exhausts my knowledge of it.
Lotrek, if you do release it. Hold one for me
PS: Oops. DId I just tell someone? I was just quoting! [MURRAY]