I know I've expressed similar sentiments in regards to boobs/nipples
before, but just to echo this a bit louder for those in the back:
ALL NIPPLES ARE THE SAME. point. blank. period.
Just because a pair may belong to a woman versus a man does not make them lewd, offensive or obscene and I'm so sick of these oppressive, double standard gendered bs. Sure, nipples can be sensual, but so can other parts of the anatomy that are freely on display and exposed in public so why are
ours the only ones being exclusively sexualized and forced into censorship while the exact same nipples on men are not and they get a totally free pass to exist in all manners of desexualized states?! ugh
It's just totally absurd and needs to stop. If y'all truly support equality (which
*is* the theme of one of these deck BTW lol), than y'all need to support women reclaiming the rights to their own damn bodies, including their nipples, from a general culture that forces us to hide, cover and conceal 'em or else make us feel ashamed of 'em and even in some cases, criminalize their exposure in public - nipple equality is gender equality and we deserve the same freedom & rights as men to do with our bodies as we please - so #freethenipple and don't change a single thing about the design. ever.
the cards look great btw and best of luck on funding, nipples and all
that is all