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I was wondering about that too, but thought maybe since it was not a bike deck it would pass.Russell wrote:Did you even clear the artwork (nudity) with USPCC yet?
Still says USPCC on the spine... I wonder if he asked first, or just started taking money.DukeBoy wrote:I was wondering about that too, but thought maybe since it was not a bike deck it would pass.Russell wrote:Did you even clear the artwork (nudity) with USPCC yet?
LaBelle wrote:Well, Modi... I do thank you for your "want" of liking them. Maybe they're not for you. If you ever put your finger on it, I would certainly welcome your thoughts.
I am Jean LaBelle and I created the cards. Personally, I have put many years into my thoughts of these. I wanted the Back to be a striking and bold design that had a air and mood about it. Also, I have always wanted the art to be somewhat based on playing card traditions... yet, have an updated look and alluring style. Something that would stand out and be beautiful in of it's appearance.
Also, I put a lot of consideration in that of a simple line or stroke in artworks.
The Joker is a bit misleading in of the deck's overall art. The Joker is meant to be slightly different in of it's characterization. It stands alone and apart from the other cards.
You may find that you might like to see and learn a bit more about the deck and you could do that at the website that I created for the project.
It can be found at:
Well, there are a lot of decks out there these days. But, I do know that what you see in mine... is truly the result of years of thoughts and dreams.
So you havent even asked? This is not a good sign of designer responsibility.zsalman wrote:But if they are willing to print the kind of artwork on my SurrealScapes deck, I can't imagine that they would have a problem with simple line drawings.
Russell wrote:So you havent even asked? This is not a good sign of designer responsibility.zsalman wrote:But if they are willing to print the kind of artwork on my SurrealScapes deck, I can't imagine that they would have a problem with simple line drawings.
Again, I urge people to back out until he has confirmation he can print it. He might have the best intentions and be an honest person, but that wont stop USPCC from saying 'no' to the design.
Seems like you're talking to zsalman like he's the creator of this deck, which he is not. Just FYIRussell wrote:So you havent even asked? This is not a good sign of designer responsibility.zsalman wrote:But if they are willing to print the kind of artwork on my SurrealScapes deck, I can't imagine that they would have a problem with simple line drawings.
Again, I urge people to back out until he has confirmation he can print it. He might have the best intentions and be an honest person, but that wont stop USPCC from saying 'no' to the design.
Oops, I must have misread.MagikFingerz wrote:Seems like you're talking to zsalman like he's the creator of this deck, which he is not. Just FYI
Jean,LaBelle wrote:Wow.
But I had no idea just how tough many of you are to your appreciation of artistic expression. Not that I do not welcome critism, I do greatly regard any and all of your thoughts. It's just that the overall tone seems definately to balance toward the negetive side of consideration. I gather that maybe many of you here are card creators other than simply enthusiasts. But, as creators, do you not understand art as more subjective? I do... and I certainly respect each artist's varying ideas.
I would never tell you that the beauty of the human form is distasteful. Indeed, my SurrealScapes deck has a lot more unclothed female form in it than yours, in fact, the entire deck consists of that, and I personally believe that my artwork conveys that form in a very appreciative and positive way. But there are people in the world who have a problem with such things. That doesn't mean that you should change your artwork or sacrifice your vision to appease them. It just means that there are some people who would be put off by such art.LaBelle wrote: But, still... are you actually going to tell me that you, being artists, or admirers of art, could possible be suggesting that the beauty of the human form is somehow distasteful? I have long been inspired by many great works of art throughout our history from masters such as Rembrandt, Degas, and Renoir and never once considered a nude form as distasteful. Though, I do understand that certain sorts might.
I can't tell from this statement if you're being figurative or literal, so I'll just give you my experience. When I called the USPCC to talk to them about the SurrealScapes deck, they told me that they have certain content restrictions on what they will and will not print. In fact, they sent me a document outlining those restrictions. If I wanted them to print my deck, then I had to make my artwork conform to those standards, which in my case meant doing a good bit of censoring on my images. Also, I could not put anything on the tuckbox that made any reference to USPCC or any of their trademarks. I did not want to end up a situation where I got my deck funded on Kickstarter with hundreds of backers, only to have the USPCC refuse to print my deck because it violated their standards. So I went back and altered my images and then submitted them to USPCC for review. They gave me their approval and then I completed the design of the deck. As an extra level of certainty, I ordered a mockup deck printing from them, so they took my artwork straight through to final print, albeit not on the offset press. That confirmed to me that they will be able to print my deck once the Kickstarter campaign was funded. Also, doing the mockup deck highlighted some issues with the design that I ended up fixing and wouldn't have seen otherwise.LaBelle wrote: And, no, I'm not going to deeply address the idea that I 'hadn't even cleared the art with USPCC'. I already stated that I have been working very hard on this project for years. However, I understand the public's varied viewpoints. So, yes. it's cleared. Now, it's just up to those to clear it for themselves.
Tastes in art are as varied as tastes in music, in food, in clothing, and whatever else. Again, I speak to you as a fellow artist: sometimes the art that you feel compelled to create just doesn't resonate with people. I could point to my SurrealScapes deck as the perfect example of that. I spent 2 years developing my image projection technique, and then another 3 years and several thousands dollars to hire models and do the photography to create the images, and then another 6 months of going back and forth on the design and layout of the deck itself. It's now up on Kickstarter and it's only 12% funded with more than 42% of the total project time elapsed. Why isn't it as appealing to people as other playing card decks, or even other art projects on Kickstarter for that matter? Who really knows? I'm sure there are many reasons, but the biggest reason I come to is that this art just doesn't move people in the same way it moves me. Okay, that's fine. So I can keep creating this art because I enjoy doing it, but I shouldn't hope to realize any financial return from it, nor expect it to be widely accepted. Or I could try to change it to make it more broadly appealing. For me personally, I've reached the end of my journey with this particular type of art and I'm ready to move on to other things. I was hoping the deck would get funded and I could at least have something out there with my SurrealScapes art on it, but perhaps that's just not meant to be.LaBelle wrote: Well, I think open forums are a good thing, but I do wish that people in a artistic world were more supportive of the varied efforts of artistic expression. My life of art is one of great struggle. I, myself, barely survive financially. For me, devoting my life to art is one of great struggle. Some people have it easier. Our world is certainly diverse, but the support of artist is slim. Many things out there that IS great art, isn't even 'looked' at as Art by the average citizen... like the shape of a bar of soap. How many people these days visit art museums?
Damn you LaBelle, you had to quote the Beatles. Now I love your cards. Is there a limit on how many bricks I can buy? What are you doing Friday nightLaBelle wrote:To walrus: I did feel a personal understanding in of what you conveyed. Experiences such as that are what has led me to a better understanding - and appreciation - of art and life.
Yes, the art of this deck is, in fact, something I was 'going for'. It has come by way of a long journey for me. I am sorry if it came together too disjointed. But, to me, there is a subtle harmony to it all. The skulls do have their place, as do the angels, as do the faces... it is, I guess, by way of me and my life.
I do appreciate your thoughts, walrus. And maybe my deck is kinda like John even once said: "I am he as you are he as you are me... And we are all together... See how they Run... like pigs from a gun... See how they fly........ I'm crying.
...awkward...walrus wrote:Damn you LaBelle, you had to quote the Beatles. Now I love your cards. Is there a limit on how many bricks I can buy? What are you doing Friday nightLaBelle wrote:To walrus: I did feel a personal understanding in of what you conveyed. Experiences such as that are what has led me to a better understanding - and appreciation - of art and life.
Yes, the art of this deck is, in fact, something I was 'going for'. It has come by way of a long journey for me. I am sorry if it came together too disjointed. But, to me, there is a subtle harmony to it all. The skulls do have their place, as do the angels, as do the faces... it is, I guess, by way of me and my life.
I do appreciate your thoughts, walrus. And maybe my deck is kinda like John even once said: "I am he as you are he as you are me... And we are all together... See how they Run... like pigs from a gun... See how they fly........ I'm crying.
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