Rajasthani Mughal Ganjifa Deck c 1790s

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Rajasthani Mughal Ganjifa Deck c 1790s

Unread post by Sheriffof0 »

I am currently engaged in a Mughal Ganjifa digital restoration project.
I have a set of original c1790 cards - only four missing, none of them court cards.
I have photographed every card and I'm digitally cleaning them up - just a little to replace chips and any other damage where it is necessary for the card to be properly rendered.
I still want them to look as they are - beautifully old.
It's a slow process and I'm something of an amateur but I think this is within my capabilities.
What I hope to do is to reprint the set on some quality (maybe textured card) and offer it for sale.
Obviously a hand-painted set of this age is unique and will be unlike any other (although I have found a set in the Ashmolean Museum and that of the Fournier de Naipes which are so similar that they could be by the same hand).
I can't easily post images of the entire set at the moment although I have started on blog on the restoration here http://www.ganjifa.co.uk" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
But here's my favourite, the Mir of Sork, who I gather is usually shown as the Sun riding a tiger.
MIR_SORK_blackbground.jpg (255.66 KiB) Viewed 1087 times
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Re: Rajasthani Mughal Ganjifa Deck c 1790s

Unread post by JuFiN »

Very cool! Keep us informed on the process.

How will you be replacing the cards you are missing when you reprint the set? Is it something you could easily infer what the art would have been and recreate it? I think a challenge will be finding a reputable printer to print high quality round cards but I’m sure some others more knowledgeable on this forum could help.

Good luck
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Re: Rajasthani Mughal Ganjifa Deck c 1790s

Unread post by Sheriffof0 »

Since the cards that are missing are all pip cards it is relatively easy to recreate them by either adding or removing parts of the image from extant cards.
I have has a test sample of As-Nas cards printed using https://www.makeplayingcards.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; who also offer quality printing of custom-sized round cards.
I think this will give me a good working prototype deck.
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