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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by hsbc »

Thirdway Industries wrote:But I've always managed my campaigns very resposibily and I've did this since my very first one... it's a great way to optimize the time.
Absolutely! You're established and trustworthy enough that you can get away with it ;)
Thirdway Industries wrote:Anyways, I am disappointed and a bit worried now, but probably I can organize in a way that won't have a big impact on my future releases.
I hope not because of us :o Monolith looks great :ugdance:
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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

@hsbc - I am disappointed because Kickstarter is not allowing me to launch :)
I was working really hard at Monolith and couldn't wait to show more. Everyone gave me very nice feedback and I am very happy for that!

Thank you guys :-)
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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by STLBluesNut »

No worries Gio, we love all your work, effort and ethic. I'm sure we will all still be here no matter the launch date.

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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by Decknowledgy »

Coming here from the topic that was discussed on the Theos thread

I'm a sucker for any kind of Mythologies, regardless of Greek, Norse, Celtic... but if you're digging for new ideas away from those overused themes but still stand out (sub-)culturally, what about the followings:

1. Steampunk (NOT cyberpunk..... that's a no-no :lol: )


2. Futuristic sci-fi dystopian (e.g. Bladerunners, Altered Carbon [Netflix], Mortal Engine...etc.)


3. Graffitti colorburst


Just to name a few :ugdance:

Btw, about this sci-fi theme, there's this artist on Instagram who's seeking collaboration with playing card printers but probably because her work is too complicated it has yet to be noticed. Her work is pretty insane so to speak :shock: , and it's worth checking out:
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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by STLBluesNut »

She had some pretty cool pictures, I'd buy a deck of that.

Is this where we now derail Gio's thread? Lol

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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by Merlebird »

Thirdway Industries wrote:Hello guys, a bad news: I can't launch Monolith until I have fulfilled Betrayers.
So, the planned launch will delay :(
OK first of all: did anybody think to refer to this as Kickstarter's betrayal? Seriously? I am disappointed in all of us.

Second: Decknowledgy, I think steampunk's been even more overdone than cyberpunk in terms of deck design themes, though maybe only by a nose. But I can dig that artist you linked to; the colorful stuff's got a kind of Harajuku feel, and her linework is solid. English is obviously not her first language, though, so that could be hamstringing her search for a printer more than anything. If somebody like Sherman reached out to her it might help.

Clearly when Gio told us to stay on topic in the Theos thread he wished for it on his monkey's paw. :lol:
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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by guru »

Thirdway Industries wrote:@hsbc - I am disappointed because Kickstarter is not allowing me to launch :)
I was working really hard at Monolith and couldn't wait to show more. Everyone gave me very nice feedback and I am very happy for that!

Thank you guys :-)
This is a news Gio.

I'd reached out to Kickstarter to see if I could run a parallel campaign for the book offered as an add-on in the current Transformation deck kickstarter. The intent was that launching the book under publishing or fiction category on Kickstarter might get this in front of different audience as compared to playing card collectors, and I was allowed to launch it.

I am not doing it as it is more work and can distract me from the current "A Motley Pack" campaign and I can't balance two Kickstarter projects simultaneously with my day job.

Why would Kickstarter not allow you to launch it when we see live examples of others able to launch one kickstarter after another without any fulfilment of their previous project.
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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

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A dystopian deck might be possible in future. I love George Orwell's books (not only 1984) and it's a theme that intrigues me a lot.
Not very interested in steampunk or graffiti, but never say never :)

Saw the instagram deck by Eva and it's awesome. I also love her name. :uggrin:

@Merlebird - I IMMEDIATLY thought about the irony - Kickstarter betrayed me with my own Betrayers. But I was too angry/sad/worried to make puns haha. Now I'm a better :)
No problem if my topic will derail, for now I don't have much to post. When I'll be ready, I'll start publishing pics about Monolith haha :)

@guru - I am honestly puzzled about this Kickstarter choice - When I'll start delivering Betrayers (next week hopefully) I'll write them for unlock Monolith project and I'll ask for an explanation. Let's see :)
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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by PipChick »

Thirdway Industries wrote:@Decknowledgy
A dystopian deck might be possible in future. I love George Orwell's books (not only 1984) and it's a theme that intrigues me a lot.
YES! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD - YES! :drool: :drool: :drool:
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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by Adonael »

For people like me, any extra time between releases is actually a good thing and something I often hope for lol as it can very well be the difference between being able to back or not. Betrayers was unfortunately the first Gio campaign I wasn't able to back since the first Omnia, so forgive me for celebrating the delay haha. I'm thinking of solely becoming a Lotrek/Gio/Lorenzo(non-RAVN) collector, maybe then I'll have a chance!

The idea of a dystopian deck also makes my ears perk up, just the thought of what you could do with propaganda type artwork is exciting.
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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by Decknowledgy »

Great to know I'm not the only dystopian sci-fi geek around here!!
@Gio, glad that you dig that idea since that was my favorite of the three :D

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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

Adonael wrote:For people like me, any extra time between releases is actually a good thing and something I often hope for lol as it can very well be the difference between being able to back or not. Betrayers was unfortunately the first Gio campaign I wasn't able to back since the first Omnia, so forgive me for celebrating the delay haha. I'm thinking of solely becoming a Lotrek/Gio/Lorenzo(non-RAVN) collector, maybe then I'll have a chance! The idea of a dystopian deck also makes my ears perk up, just the thought of what you could do with propaganda type artwork is exciting.
I am very sorry you have missed Betrayers! I usually help my best supporters to complete the collection with great discounts, so when Betrayers is delivered feel free to drop me a message at and I will provide a discount.

Anyways, I understand the delay celebration haha. Monolith won't be cheap, but on Kickstarter I am planning to do BIG discounts and it will be an easier campaign than Odissea (just 2 decks). It will be probably less demaning than my other big projects.

A curiosity on my previous projects: you might have noticed I have a passion for tragic heroes who challenge entities extremely more powerful than them, often Gods. I did this almost in every project I've did.
This can be read as a metaphor of one hero vs the world (or the society, or the humanity).

A "dystiopian story" would fit Thirdway Industries stuff perfectly - probably a little more inspired from V for Vendetta than 1984/Animal Farm.
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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by rousselle »

First, let me just re-affirm that I think Gio is a very class act, looking out for his loyal fans and all. Super awesome.

Second, I was having fun on the other thread encouraging Gio (and others) to consider themes that have been done to absolute death. But, I neglected one theme that I think is SO big, it could only be done justice by a collaboration among our star designers. I mean: imagine pooling the talents of Gio, Lotrek, Jackson, Lorenzo, Randy, and Steve Minty -- with Chris Ovdiyenko designing the coins -- to make a super, colossal, never-to-be-topped version of... Fontaines!

Quick! Somebody call Ellusionist to consult on the marketing campaign for this!
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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

rousselle wrote:First, let me just re-affirm that I think Gio is a very class act, looking out for his loyal fans and all. Super awesome.

Second, I was having fun on the other thread encouraging Gio (and others) to consider themes that have been done to absolute death. But, I neglected one theme that I think is SO big, it could only be done justice by a collaboration among our star designers. I mean: imagine pooling the talents of Gio, Lotrek, Jackson, Lorenzo, Randy, and Steve Minty -- with Chris Ovdiyenko designing the coins -- to make a super, colossal, never-to-be-topped version of... Fontaines!

Quick! Somebody call Ellusionist to consult on the marketing campaign for this!
Jesus f^&*ing Christ, Allan. Wtf is wrong with you..?
rousselle wrote:You are a fussy, picky guy.
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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by Merlebird »

TwoPiece wrote:
rousselle wrote:I mean: imagine pooling the talents of Gio, Lotrek, Jackson, Lorenzo, Randy, and Steve Minty -- with Chris Ovdiyenko designing the coins -- to make a super, colossal, never-to-be-topped version of... Fontaines!

Quick! Somebody call Ellusionist to consult on the marketing campaign for this!
Jesus f^&*ing Christ, Allan. Wtf is wrong with you..?
My working theory is lead poisoning.
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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by Magic Tapp »

rousselle wrote:First, let me just re-affirm that I think Gio is a very class act, looking out for his loyal fans and all. Super awesome.

Second, I was having fun on the other thread encouraging Gio (and others) to consider themes that have been done to absolute death. But, I neglected one theme that I think is SO big, it could only be done justice by a collaboration among our star designers. I mean: imagine pooling the talents of Gio, Lotrek, Jackson, Lorenzo, Randy, and Steve Minty -- with Chris Ovdiyenko designing the coins -- to make a super, colossal, never-to-be-topped version of... Fontaines!

Quick! Somebody call Ellusionist to consult on the marketing campaign for this!
I have another idea - how about a monthly subscription for that collective’s decks? Now, that would be something!
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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

to make a super, colossal, never-to-be-topped version of... Fontaines!
I would make Fontaines with sexy malicious queens :lol:
That's twisted, but fun.
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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by STLBluesNut »

Thirdway Industries wrote:
to make a super, colossal, never-to-be-topped version of... Fontaines!
I would make Fontaines with sexy malicious queens [emoji38]
That's twisted, but fun.
I don't do Fontaines, but count me in for this version lol.

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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by Merlebird »

Just saw the Kickstarter update to the Betrayers campaign. All you border-color hyperpartisans: feast your eyes on this!
White Monolith


Since the launch delayed a little, I've decided to make a new deck: White Monolith.

The White Monolith will be an experimental deck, printed by USPCC. 

For the first time, I will use Pure Silver Ink. Pure Silver is the color added to others to make them metallics, so it will be really, really shiny. I will also use some of the most fluorescent Neon inks. It will be a fun deck.


Oh, also - Courts will be different than Black Monolith. The QoC shown above is not final.
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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by vasta41 »

Merlebird wrote:Just saw the Kickstarter update to the Betrayers campaign. All you border-color hyperpartisans: feast your eyes on this!
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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

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so, SO much shiny silver...

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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

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Hehe yes, White Monolith will have crazy colors.

I've used this pure silver only once, on Omnia Illumina - but inks I've used before are not good as the ones I'm using with USPCC.

I have very high expectations, the sample I have is incredible - it's similar to foil.
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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

Eh... The faces aren't different enough from past designs to entice me into backing this one. :| :|
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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by Merlebird »

TwoPiece wrote:Eh... The faces aren't different enough from past designs to entice me into backing this one. :| :|
I do think that QoC needs some rework to play up the sci-fi feel better - the lightning bolts and Neptune symbol feel more evocative of a sea nymph than an alien or android - but Gio's indicated this is not the final artwork, so I am willing to wait and see what alterations he makes.

Silver and neon should make for a hell of a presentation, that's for sure.
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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by STLBluesNut »

That QoC is awesome. I love that you used gradient shading rather than just solid color fill. Looking forward to backing this.

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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by Azid »

Any news from Kickstarter approval / will it launch tomorrow ? If yes, time ? :P
Sorry, but i'm hyped and can't wait to back this project.
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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

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Hello guys, I am still waiting about Kickstarter approval on Monolith.

They made an error, and they thought I had another campaign running (not Betrayers, another one of another creator).
As you can imagine I am furious, since I am waiting a reply since tuesday and the error is totally on their side.

I've did all in my power to launch tomorrow, but now I can only wait. My idea is send a newsletter if I'll have news within some hours.

Otherwise I'll reschedule as soon as possible, maybe next week.

I'm very hyped about launch Monolith too, of course :)
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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by Thirdway Industries »

After a long and difficult Odyssey (really, this waiting was very painful) finally Kickstarter approved the project. Few hours before the launch :shock:

Anyways, I can confirm the original date - I hope you're happy with this news :)

As always, plenty of early birds and surprises.

A little preview for my UC friends:
Black and White Monolith will have completely different courts, no recolors ;-)

I hope you'll be there!

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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by Decknowledgy »

Thirdway Industries wrote:
A little preview for my UC friends:
Black and White Monolith will have completely different courts, no recolors ;-)
My gawd :o :o :o Gio you have really topped the chart again with this one!!
When you said this project was a combination of your conventional style with a very different theme, you've absolutely succeeded!! Will be there, time noted.
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Re: Monolith by Thirdway Industries | KS 15 February

Unread post by STLBluesNut »

Thirdway Industries wrote:After a long and difficult Odyssey (really, this waiting was very painful) finally Kickstarter approved the project. Few hours before the launch :shock:

Anyways, I can confirm the original date - I hope you're happy with this news :)

As always, plenty of early birds and surprises.

A little preview for my UC friends:
Black and White Monolith will have completely different courts, no recolors ;-)

I hope you'll be there!

You're damn right we'll be there!

At least embossed tucks on matte stock pretty please [emoji4]

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