Forum Moderators

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Forum Moderators

Unread post by badpete69 »

Well now that we are up and running again, I am sure you have all noticed some small changes, like Mike being the administrator. For the past 14 years I have hosted, built and maintained countless gaming forums (such as these ones) for my other hobby of computer gaming. I have offered to help Mike, Jay and others moderate these great forums and wanted to encourage everyone not to hesitate to ask questions, bring suggestions, raise concerns etc etc. We have a great community here at United Cardists and things have ran very smoothly so far. Feel free to PM at anytime if you do have questions or concerns, I and others will be glad to answer as soon as we can.

And once more here's to our forums running again yeahhhhhhh :D :D :D :D

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Re: Forum Moderators

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Congrats, Mr. P :D
- Tom

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