Jackson Robinson's Haunted 8's Proof Deck on Ebay

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WillHart CthulhuWho1
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Jackson Robinson's Haunted 8's Proof Deck on Ebay

Unread post by WillHart CthulhuWho1 »

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Jackson Robinson's Haunted 8's Artist's Proof Deck on Ebay?

It happened today, at 4:49 p.m., PDT; and I was just there for the fun of seeing how high the bidding would go.

It was listed as:

HAUNTED 8 Kings Wild Shorts Playing Cards Jackson Robinson Artist Proof Autograph

With the following description:

"I'm not sure how to put a value on this. This is not only the October issue deck for the long sold out Jackson Robinson Kings Wild subscription but this is actually an artist proof deck that is hand signed by the artist and creator Jackson Robinson himself on the front of the tuck box. The cards are still sealed in the plastic wrapping. As this is the Artist Proof it does not have the numbered seal the standard decks have. Don't miss this rare chance to own some Halloween history :) super low starting bid and free shipping :)"

That Starting Bid was a mere $30.00.

The auction wasn't mentioned here as far as I could tell, and I assumed everyone interested in it was keeping quiet about it, but I knew that at least six people were watching during the last few days because the auction page said, "Six Watching"... including myself; too broke to even dream of competing against the much deeper-pocket collectors I knew were watching this auction.

So I figured there was going to be an interesting bidding war; and both my wife and I made our guesses as to how high the bidding would go in the last few seconds. She thought $125, and I guessed $150.

But then, a funny thing happened.

There were no bids on this auction during the days leading up to the final minutes; but I knew this was standard procedure for those not wanting to tip their hands until the last couple of seconds.

I just wanted to be able to come back in here and congratulate the winning bidder, who I assumed would be a member here; but I wanted to be able to say I "tried" to win the auction.

So, during the last 8 seconds, I went ahead and bid the $30.00 Starting Bid amount, just to say I had tried...

In the end, I have come here to congratulate the lucky winner of this auction.

And the Winner was...


With my almost not attempted $30.00 Starting Bid.

I was the only Bidder, and I am stunned. Very happily stunned; but stunned nevertheless.

So, where was everybody?

And how high had you been prepared to go?

Thank You All for making my day!

Will Hart
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Re: Jackson Robinson's Haunted 8's Proof Deck on Ebay

Unread post by Bradius »

Yep, that is the risk of a no minimum bid on eBay. The seller likely thought they had a good chance of big bucks. A true auction can flush folks that really want something rare to bid high. Sometimes you can get a big price that way. However, sometimes (more frequently I think) someone can walk away with a nice deal. The seller gets back their money and a little extra. Congrats on a nice pick up. I like the deck.
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Re: Jackson Robinson's Haunted 8's Proof Deck on Ebay

Unread post by STLBluesNut »

Congrats! I'd say that is a pretty great deal.

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Re: Jackson Robinson's Haunted 8's Proof Deck on Ebay

Unread post by shermjack »

Congrats, Will! :ugdance: Definitely a sweet deal since they were 25 each, so the seller didn't really make anything off of the sale as he has to pay eBay and PayPal fees. :roll:
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Re: Jackson Robinson's Haunted 8's Proof Deck on Ebay

Unread post by rousselle »

Congrats, Will!

Good on you for making a bid even though you expected the snipers to getcha. Glad the stars lined up for you just right. :)
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Re: Jackson Robinson's Haunted 8's Proof Deck on Ebay

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

I don't think artist proofs are worth much. Sealed decks are where the money is at.
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Re: Jackson Robinson's Haunted 8's Proof Deck on Ebay

Unread post by WillHart CthulhuWho1 »

TwoPiece wrote:I don't think artist proofs are worth much. Sealed decks are where the money is at.
Having missed out on the Subscription option, I'm pretty happy with the price and rarity of this deck; plus, it is signed, and the cards themselves are also still sealed...

So, as with all transactions, the only real question is, "Do I feel like I got a good deal?"

And, in this case, the answer would be, "No."

Because, I actually got a "Great" deal instead!

I just checked on eBay, and a floodgate of similar decks have just popped up at $50.00, so I am very glad to have gotten this one for $30.00!

Will Hart
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Re: Jackson Robinson's Haunted 8's Proof Deck on Ebay

Unread post by TheGentlemanWake »

Reviewed these... part of my Halloween special! Enjoy!

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Re: Jackson Robinson's Haunted 8's Proof Deck on Ebay

Unread post by STLBluesNut »

TheGentlemanWake wrote:Reviewed these... part of my Halloween special! Enjoy!

I was able to pick up a display deck from a nice member of this community, I like them a lot. Loved the review video!

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Re: Jackson Robinson's Haunted 8's Proof Deck on Ebay

Unread post by Bradius »

I hadn't studied Jackson's Crazy 8's, so your information that Jackson had adapted the courts from that deck for the Haunted deck was interesting. I guess in retrospect "Haunted 8's" is a little giveaway :lol:
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