Kalevala Playing Cards

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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - LIVE NOW

Unread post by guru »

TwoPiece wrote:Thanos pimp-slapped him into Nidavellir's core...
Naah....Thanos had his a$$ whipped.

https://www.instagram.com/p/BnYOBgTFp0F ... ayingcards
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - LIVE NOW

Unread post by Bradius »

I am with TwoPiece on this. Titan over demi-whatever wannabe. Although, he might be able to bore him to sleep with his poetry. Maybe best he can hope for.
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - LIVE NOW

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

Bradius wrote:I am with TwoPiece on this. Titan over demi-whatever wannabe. Although, he might be able to bore him to sleep with his poetry. Maybe best he can hope for.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
rousselle wrote:You are a fussy, picky guy.
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - LIVE NOW

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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - LIVE NOW

Unread post by PipChick »

not to completely go off track on this thread or anything, but I just gotta say; I find it really odd that Thanos, supposedly being aaalll about balance and what not in the universe, only has one glove for his infinity stones... just seems a bit outta character IMHO... lol
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - LIVE NOW

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Michael Jackson only wore one glove, and the way that man could dance... I would consider him an expert on balance.
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - LIVE NOW

Unread post by guru »


Thanks everyone for the support.

Surveys have been sent already as I need the names for the exclusive Kalevala booklet. Limited edition deck is already in Production and I hope to get it delivered along with other add-ons earlier than expected. Fingers crossed.
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - LIVE NOW

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congrats on running yet another great campaign! :D
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - LIVE NOW

Unread post by guru »

Pre-Order for Kalevala deck & Väinämöisen soitto (20 in X 30 in - Linen Cotton Canvas Print) available now here: https://guruplayingcards.com/store

Latest Kickstarter update with more details at the following link:

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/su ... ts/2286473
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards

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Latest update here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/su ... ts/2295017" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

USPCC has confirmed that the SE deck should finish production by October-end.

Kalevala prototype deck (only 2 left, #3.6 & #4/6) is available in store.
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards

Unread post by Räpylätassu »

Do you have any news for the limited editions? Basically asking that which editions production is going to be finished first?
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"One makes a trip by day, but by night one sets out on a journey." -Moominmamma

I dream of a world where wars are fought only by having dance offs. I also dream that a Finnish playing card designer would exist. The former seems more likely to happend.

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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards

Unread post by guru »

Räpylätassu wrote:Do you have any news for the limited editions? Basically asking that which editions production is going to be finished first?
Limited edition will be finished first if all goes well with the production.....
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards

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Latest Production update:

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/su ... ts/2297659" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;




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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards

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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards

Unread post by guru »

Limited edition deck has finished production and here are a few pics. For more, check the latest update here:

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/su ... ts/2313547" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;





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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards

Unread post by sms69x »

Beautiful Sunish!

Great work again!
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards

Unread post by guru »

USPCC confirmed today that the production is over....

More here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/su ... ts/2320089" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;





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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards

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And again, we are way ahead of the scheduled deliver time!!
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards

Unread post by guru »

Booklets are done...at last...Free and exclusively for KS backers. Head over to the store to add to your existing pledge before shipping commences.





More here:

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/su ... ts/2325492" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Sunish: I interpreted that to mean we had to add these to our shipment to get them, but now I'm pretty sure I misunderstood. That last sentence is only concerning additional decks/add-ons, correct?
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards

Unread post by Bradius »

I am confused as well. I am not sure what we need to do. Do we need to go to your website to add the free backer booklets? Or go there to purchase any extra booklisnd other stuff to save on combined shipping?
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards

Unread post by guru »

Bradius wrote:I am confused as well. I am not sure what we need to do. Do we need to go to your website to add the free backer booklets? Or go there to purchase any extra booklisnd other stuff to save on combined shipping?
No, you don't need to do anything. Each backer will receive the booklet for free as was mentioned during the campaign.
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards

Unread post by guru »

MagikFingerz wrote:Sunish: I interpreted that to mean we had to add these to our shipment to get them, but now I'm pretty sure I misunderstood. That last sentence is only concerning additional decks/add-ons, correct?
The booklets will be included in the package, I gave the last call to add any deck as the fulfillment companies are going to receive the booklets in the next few days and the shipping will commence then.

On another note, booklets are printed in short run and I am just making sure that each backer receives at least one.
You won't be receiving one booklet per deck, your package will have at least one included irrespective of the no. of decks you'd backed.

You can add decks, art prints etc. through the store but not the booklets.
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards

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Thanks for the clarification Sunish!
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards

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Shipping starts tomorrow......Check latest update here.

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/su ... ts/2328537" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards

Unread post by Räpylätassu »

I just got a shipping notification from GW for these!
Left my heart in SIERRA MADRE

"Finding it... that's not the hard part. It's letting go."

"One makes a trip by day, but by night one sets out on a journey." -Moominmamma

I dream of a world where wars are fought only by having dance offs. I also dream that a Finnish playing card designer would exist. The former seems more likely to happend.

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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards

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Received a tracking number also! Thanks, Sunish!
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards

Unread post by Räpylätassu »

Räpylätassu wrote:I just got a shipping notification from GW for these!
And just got a shipping notification from SFC as well. Can't wait to have these!
Left my heart in SIERRA MADRE

"Finding it... that's not the hard part. It's letting go."

"One makes a trip by day, but by night one sets out on a journey." -Moominmamma

I dream of a world where wars are fought only by having dance offs. I also dream that a Finnish playing card designer would exist. The former seems more likely to happend.

Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a penguin. Have you ever met a sad person with a penguin?

Are lobsters mermaids to scorpions?

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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards

Unread post by caniveski »

Got my LTD Kalevala today along with Bharata deck from GPC website, I have to say I am really pleased with what i see from the tucks ( after a couple of hours of trying to unravel the packaging !! ) The booklet is a really nice touch and will force me to open a deck .

1st Time backer of GPC and will happily back again
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards

Unread post by Räpylätassu »

I got my limited editions today! Would have gotten them a few days sooner, but I was out of town and wasn't able to receive them.

Really happy with them!
Left my heart in SIERRA MADRE

"Finding it... that's not the hard part. It's letting go."

"One makes a trip by day, but by night one sets out on a journey." -Moominmamma

I dream of a world where wars are fought only by having dance offs. I also dream that a Finnish playing card designer would exist. The former seems more likely to happend.

Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a penguin. Have you ever met a sad person with a penguin?

Are lobsters mermaids to scorpions?

"I did not hit her, it's not true, it's bullsh*t, I did not hit her, I did naaaht! Oh hai Mark!"



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