My issue with Mint Playing Cards

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My issue with Mint Playing Cards

Unread post by Nocturnal »

This has actually been on my mind for quite a while but I think now is the best time to bring it up.
The Mint 2 is being released and I personally think the cards are really beautiful.
However, To reference from ( ... escription" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;),
Asad states that the (Raspberry Mints will also be available as a $10 add on. They will NOT be limited, and will continue to be sold at after they are printed. ), yet we're seeing the decks being jacked up in price because of the limited run. (Ebay is selling a normal black and red set at USD 120)
If this applies to Limited Edition Mints, I'll be more than fine with it because it is Limited Edition.
So, the question remains whether the Raspberry Mints will truly be limited or not? If it is, Shouldn't backers have been informed about this and shouldn't another run of Raspberry mint cards be available before launching Mint 2?
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Re: My issue with Mint Playing Cards

Unread post by sinjin7 »

I think it's clear a new print run of Raspberry Mint decks is NOT being produced in order to preserve the inflated value of the original Raspberry Mint decks by not diluting the market. I doubt Asad had any idea his decks would increase in value so much, and he's taking advantage of that fact with the marketing of his Mint 2 decks. He's got himself covered, though, for when he eventually does release re-printed Raspberry Mint decks, and the secondary market drops for the Raspberry Mints. When people start complaining, he can always say he was up front about the fact that more would be eventually produced. Personally, I wouldn't buy any Raspberry Mints at their high prices right now. Having said that, Asad probably isn't going to re-print the Raspberry Mints anytime soon, not until he's done with with all his Mint re-colors - you know he's coming out with more color changes. By the way, none of the Mint 2 variants should be considered "limited", not at their projected print runs, not even the foiled version.
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