Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by vasta41 »

TwoPieceFeed wrote:
vasta41 wrote:
th4mo wrote:Poor behavior from one person towards another person almost never results in better behavior from the other person.
But y'all can thank Victor for whatever "success" he's had on this one if you want i guess... Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
I would like to stipulate that I cannot speak for Vic but I don't believe my behavior to be poor. When I've messaged Natalia I've simply asked in so many words for my deck, an update, or a refund. I've also let her know that her business practices are deplorable but as a backer who has potential had money stolen from him, I find it necessary to remind creators of this. If that's considered poor behavior then so be it- I don't think it's too much to ask for backers of this project to receive their cards, an update, or a refund at this point. And while she has the ability to rectify this situation by supplying us with one or more of those three things, it does not take away from the fact that she asked people to give her more money (in the form of launching another KS project) during her tardiness and silence on this project and for me, that's the end of that.
You're just a jabroni.

In all seriousness, although I'm not a big fan of you constantly calling her a scammer (or just you in general), I don't think you've conducted yourself in a poor manner here.

Also in all seriousness, I'm joking about not being a fan of yours. You are a jabroni, though. 8-) 8-)

I'm not really a fan, but I'm not not a fan. Y'know?
Different strokes, my friend 8-) I think it's great that two people who don't like each other (such as ourselves) can still look past that and agree to disagree. Like they say, don't ever let the truth get in the way of a good argument! Hehe
In any case I don't enjoy being scammed. And I'm surprised that you of all people have a problem with me calling her a scammer. You chose your words very deliberately and often can be very harsh. I am "pro free speech" so although it's not my style I have no issue with it. But I call someone who has, for all intents and purposes, stole my money a scammer and you don't like that? I'm am blue in the facing talking about this effing issue so I'll try to keep this brief but dear God- I must be taking crazy pills if the rest of you, sans Victor, don't have a problem with her starting a new campaign. That's the distinction here for me. I still don't have my Don Quixote v3 deck and it's long over due with no updates either. I'm certainly not happy about it but it's not like Cellar Window is asking MORE people for MORE money while I wait unpatiently. That kind of activity smells of a SCAM to me; hence Natalia's new title: scammer.
It's obviously possible for her to deliver the decks (or a refund) sometime soon in which case I'll be proven wrong. But I'll not sit idly by watching someone clean up their digital foot print by closing all her websites and asking for more money while not delivering on what she previously asked other people money for.
:evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

vasta41 wrote:Different strokes, my friend 8-) I think it's great that two people who don't like each other (such as ourselves) can still look past that and agree to disagree. Like they say, don't ever let the truth get in the way of a good argument! Hehe
In any case I don't enjoy being scammed. And I'm surprised that you of all people have a problem with me calling her a scammer. You chose your words very deliberately and often can be very harsh. I am "pro free speech" so although it's not my style I have no issue with it. But I call someone who has, for all intents and purposes, stole my money a scammer and you don't like that? I'm am blue in the facing talking about this effing issue so I'll try to keep this brief but dear God- I must be taking crazy pills if the rest of you, sans Victor, don't have a problem with her starting a new campaign. That's the distinction here for me. I still don't have my Don Quixote v3 deck and it's long over due with no updates either. I'm certainly not happy about it but it's not like Cellar Window is asking MORE people for MORE money while I wait unpatiently. That kind of activity smells of a SCAM to me; hence Natalia's new title: scammer.
It's obviously possible for her to deliver the decks (or a refund) sometime soon in which case I'll be proven wrong. But I'll not sit idly by watching someone clean up their digital foot print by closing all her websites and asking for more money while not delivering on what she previously asked other people money for.
:evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted:
I have no problems with you calling her a scammer, but your large, bold, red text had blinded me on multiple occasions. I just think that you've gone a little overboard with it. Also, I do have a problem with her launching a new campaign without fulfilling many others. If you're late on one, or sometimes two like JR considering he has many campaigns, then that's one thing. IMO, her focus should be on fulfilling the overdue decks.
rousselle wrote:You are a fussy, picky guy.
Lotrek wrote:Given the number of morons produced in the world every day, a pessimist is actually a well informed realist.
Räpylätassu wrote:"Tyhmyydestä sakotetaan." You get fined for being stupid.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by vasta41 »

TwoPieceFeed wrote: I have no problems with you calling her a scammer, but your large, bold, red text had blinded me on multiple occasions. I just think that you've gone a little overboard with it. Also, I do have a problem with her launching a new campaign without fulfilling many others. If you're late on one, or sometimes two like JR considering he has many campaigns, then that's one thing. IMO, her focus should be on fulfilling the overdue decks.
That red text was in another thread where I was trying to warn potential backers that they should not give this chick any of their money. Clearly not enough people heeded my warning since that project looks like it will fund but I was just trying to help out fellow cardists.
JR has produced well over 50 decks of playing cards and has a track record of delivering his decks. Not to mention his website is alive and well. Natalia is well within single digits of created decks and doesn't have nearly the track record of JR so I think comparing the two is apples and oranges. In fact, as I've said before, comparing Natalia to ANYONE is wrong- what she is doing here is unprecedented (going AWOL and amidst the absence, creating a new KS campaign). If I end up getting my cards or a refund then she will no longer be a scammer. But at this very moment in time, we (backers of this project) have been scammed. Period. Clearly no one else seems to think so so I don't know why I keep carrying on here.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

vasta41 wrote:
TwoPieceFeed wrote: I have no problems with you calling her a scammer, but your large, bold, red text had blinded me on multiple occasions. I just think that you've gone a little overboard with it. Also, I do have a problem with her launching a new campaign without fulfilling many others. If you're late on one, or sometimes two like JR considering he has many campaigns, then that's one thing. IMO, her focus should be on fulfilling the overdue decks.
That red text was in another thread where I was trying to warn potential backers that they should not give this chick any of their money. Clearly not enough people heeded my warning since that project looks like it will fund but I was just trying to help out fellow cardists.
JR has produced well over 50 decks of playing cards and has a track record of delivering his decks. Not to mention his website is alive and well. Natalia is well within single digits of created decks and doesn't have nearly the track record of JR so I think comparing the two is apples and oranges. In fact, as I've said before, comparing Natalia to ANYONE is wrong- what she is doing here is unprecedented (going AWOL and amidst the absence, creating a new KS campaign). If I end up getting my cards or a refund then she will no longer be a scammer. But at this very moment in time, we (backers of this project) have been scammed. Period. Clearly no one else seems to think so so I don't know why I keep carrying on here.
'Cause you're a jabroni!

I'm not defending Natalia one bit. I'm also not trying to compare her to anyone. I agree that, right now, she should be considered a scammer. I just think you're somewhere in the middle between Superbanhammered Vic and the middle crowd (that wants answers and the decks or their money). IMO, anyone who isn't concerned with her business in 2018, is even more of a jabroni than thee. :lol: :lol:
rousselle wrote:You are a fussy, picky guy.
Lotrek wrote:Given the number of morons produced in the world every day, a pessimist is actually a well informed realist.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by RichK »

I checked my PM to her about the status and it was dated Feb. 7th! I know JR mentioned the KS messaging wasn't working well on his last project so maybe she didn't get it.

Her last log in was March 29 so I'm sure she's seen the comments. I wish she'd put up an update to say something, preferably nothing ambiguous like the MUERTOS decks.

And I have to wonder if she just had the CRAZY decks on her website as "Sold Out" since she doesn't have them.

It's a real shame someone so talented would go silent despite her giving free decks for delays in projects. Kudos for that but please speak up.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by th4mo »

vasta41 wrote:
th4mo wrote:Poor behavior from one person towards another person almost never results in better behavior from the other person.
But y'all can thank Victor for whatever "success" he's had on this one if you want i guess... Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
I would like to stipulate that I cannot speak for Vic but I don't believe my behavior to be poor. When I've messaged Natalia I've simply asked in so many words for my deck, an update, or a refund. I've also let her know that her business practices are deplorable but as a backer who has potential had money stolen from him, I find it necessary to remind creators of this. If that's considered poor behavior then so be it- I don't think it's too much to ask for backers of this project to receive their cards, an update, or a refund at this point. And while she has the ability to rectify this situation by supplying us with one or more of those three things, it does not take away from the fact that she asked people to give her more money (in the form of launching another KS project) during her tardiness and silence on this project and for me, that's the end of that.
Don't worry, vasta, my post was entirely about victor and no one else. I don't fault you, and I think you are doing us all a service by beating the drum on this one. I wish i had paid more attention early enough to cancel my Avalon pledge, but at least that was just for one deck. Besides that, you defend yourself and your positions well.

As for Victor, it's actually pretty remarkable the number of people he has managed to alienate in this little world of ours. I will grant that he is often on the "right side", as he is in regards to Natalia's current behavior. However, even when he is in the right, he is so tactless that he manages to offend even his allies. I doubt that his way of haranguing his targets is ever productive in any way. He's become such a cliche that everyone knows who he is and just tries their best to ignore him now. (Or maybe that's just me... ;) )
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by Conturbia »

Ouch it's so sad to read bad things about Natalia. I hope she's fine and she will fulfill all of the backers (myself included)
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva (wap)

Unread post by jerichoholic »

I’m sorry if I’m a bit of a pest sometimes but I did get Natalia’s attention. She did comment on some projects and posted an “update” but it’s almost the same as not updating because she provided no new information whatsoever and didn’t respond to any concerns. Also despite saying she was refunding me, she has not. She only did the update because I reported her to KS
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva (wap)

Unread post by Cardians »

jerichoholic wrote: Also despite saying she was refunding me, she has not. She only did the update because I reported her to KS
And so you should Victor.

She took everyone's money and went silent. She has a business to run and should run it. If you didn't report her, she wouldn't of updated on any of her outstanding projects.

And your right, the update is so vague that there's nothing really telling anybody anything. No delivery timeline, no reasons as to why it's been delayed, nothing. Good on you Victor. We need more people like you sticking up for members and paid KS supporters to call Natalia out on her bullsh*t.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva (wap)

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

jerichoholic wrote:I’m sorry if I’m a bit of a pest sometimes but I did get Natalia’s attention. She did comment on some projects and posted an “update” but it’s almost the same as not updating because she provided no new information whatsoever and didn’t respond to any concerns. Also despite saying she was refunding me, she has not. She only did the update because I reported her to KS
Do you have evidence of this?

You're quite the person to take sole individual credit, despite the fact that many people messaged her and/or reported the project(s).
rousselle wrote:You are a fussy, picky guy.
Lotrek wrote:Given the number of morons produced in the world every day, a pessimist is actually a well informed realist.
Räpylätassu wrote:"Tyhmyydestä sakotetaan." You get fined for being stupid.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva (wap)

Unread post by PipChick »

TwoPiece wrote:
jerichoholic wrote:I’m sorry if I’m a bit of a pest sometimes but I did get Natalia’s attention. She did comment on some projects and posted an “update” but it’s almost the same as not updating because she provided no new information whatsoever and didn’t respond to any concerns. Also despite saying she was refunding me, she has not. She only did the update because I reported her to KS
Do you have evidence of this?

You're quite the person to take sole individual credit, despite the fact that many people messaged her and/or reported the project(s).
well..., from the looks of the comments section on this particular campaign as well as 'The Last Legion' & 'AVALON' campaigns, it appears she did only choose to publicly comment on 'The Last Legion' campaign to call him out personally in regards to concerns he was bringing up and seemed to have decided against responding (and therefore ignoring) others.... so I guess there's that....

That's not to say that I, myself, agree with Victor's tact (or rather, lack thereof) in getting her attention; nor would I agree that he and he alone is to credit for her latest updates; but surely something he said and/or did must have gotten far enough under her skin for her to have broken her silence to call him out on that particular campaign considering so many others before him had also been commenting to voice their frustrations - as well as I'm sure messaging her and/or reporting her project(s) - and yet she had still continued to remain silent and allow those backers' comments go unanswered...

I suspect it also had A LOT to do with the fact that she realized his inflammatory comments posted on a newly launched campaign bringing her piss-poor communication on other projects to light would be a threat to the success of funding and she felt obligated to try and put out the flames and shut him up before losing pledges from those that took the time to validate his claims - because not responding, would've most definitely proven the point he was making in his comments - so, in my eyes, he kinda did to a small extent forced her hand so to speak. And, as for the updates without any substance on the progress of those other projects, I also suspect similarly in that those were made as a half-assed attempt to salvage her reputation as a creator from that of how his comments painted her as. Just a show; a meaningless display of "effort" and "communication" on her part but those are just a few of my conspiracy theories :ugthink:

In the end, no one but Natalia will definitively know for what reasons she decided to eventually get around to updating/commenting on projects (and frankly, I personally don't really care) but I'm sure many others are grateful to some very, very small extent that at least she had... better late than never, amiright? As for the value of the actual content in the updates; that's a different debate to have and one I don't care to open the door to.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by Azid »

This is so frustrating !

Last Update from 25. Feb 2018: ( ... ts/2122522" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; )

"Our super fun "CRAZY" decks should be ready for shipping at the end of next month!
I am very excited about this deck!!! This is one of my favorite decks :)
Also, if you would like to add an extra "CRAZY" deck or "CRAZY" Deck SUPER LIMITED EDITION (100 DECKS ONLY) / ULTRA LIMITED EDITION (20 DECKS ONLY), they are available for pre-order on my website and will be shipped at the same time with our standard decks."

This means the decks should have been shipped at end of march and right now everyone should have got his decks, but NOOOOO.
Not even surveys were sent, no more updates/comments on this campaign since that day.
I guess that update was only posted to promote her "SUPER LIMITED" recolors of the Crazy deck printed by MPC. And another 6000$ were given to her. --->" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; :o
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by vasta41 »

Everyone who backed MUST report this project. Yes, it will probably do nothing. But it shows initiative. And Natalia needs to know that she can't get away with this.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by maxs »

According to her Instagram it seems like she's got better things to do, like climbing rocks and hanging out with some dudes in the desert. :?
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by vasta41 »

maxs wrote:According to her Instagram it seems like she's got better things to do, like climbing rocks and hanging out with some dudes in the desert. :?
...on our dime. :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by jerichoholic »

FYI I just noticed that "Artganics" has backed 1 project, you'll never guess which one...The Last Legion. Gee I wonder how much money Natalia put in her own project just to make sure it funded. Not sketchy at all.

That would explain the $815 spike in pledging on one day especially considering there was only 2 backers that day and especially considering nobody pledged for the gross tier and there is no other way to account for that pledging unless somebody else pledged a ton which I find doubtful. Also you look at pledging before and after that day and it's pretty much non-existent. The times there was a decent amount of pledging there was several backers not just 2 backers. Just doesn't add up. ... hart-daily
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

jerichoholic wrote:FYI I just noticed that "Artganics" has backed 1 project, you'll never guess which one...The Last Legion. Gee I wonder how much money Natalia put in her own project just to make sure it funded. Not sketchy at all.

That would explain the $815 spike in pledging on one day especially considering there was only 2 backers that day and especially considering nobody pledged for the gross tier and there is no other way to account for that pledging unless somebody else pledged a ton which I find doubtful. Also you look at pledging before and after that day and it's pretty much non-existent. The times there was a decent amount of pledging there was several backers not just 2 backers. Just doesn't add up. ... hart-daily
Jesus Christ, you're annoying, and obsessed...

Pardon me, but you never have anything constructive to say, it seems. You have all of these "holier than thou" perceptions and some very ridiculous conspiracy theories that just flood this place with negativity.

Even with her projects shrouded in negativity you just continue attempting to push it even further.
rousselle wrote:You are a fussy, picky guy.
Lotrek wrote:Given the number of morons produced in the world every day, a pessimist is actually a well informed realist.
Räpylätassu wrote:"Tyhmyydestä sakotetaan." You get fined for being stupid.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva (wap)

Unread post by jerichoholic »

I only posted what I discovered which should raise some red flags at the least.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva (wap)

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

jerichoholic wrote:I only posted what I discovered which should raise some red flags at the least.
Informing us of a discovery is 1 thing, going off on a tangent and spreading a conspiracy theory that you have no true elaboration on, is another.

Plenty of people pledge in the waning hours, just as plenty of people drop pledges around then.

If you're going to give the facts, then give the facts, and leave the loose marbles in your own bucket.

Remember these guidelines: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it positive?
rousselle wrote:You are a fussy, picky guy.
Lotrek wrote:Given the number of morons produced in the world every day, a pessimist is actually a well informed realist.
Räpylätassu wrote:"Tyhmyydestä sakotetaan." You get fined for being stupid.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by jerichoholic »

This wasn't in the final hours, it was a few days before it ended. Also if you bothered to look at the Kicktraq you will see she lost pledges on the last day.

I'm trying to be civil about it. You can say what you want about my behavior here on her projects but it's all on her. She hasn't bothered to post a meaningful update, like most other creators do, and has apparently been dealing with delays since January, 6 months ago. I hate to say it but how many other creators have done similar things, like say Erik Mana amongst others. Lack of updates, delays and personal issues, and lack of communication doesn't really bode well imo.

Natalia can fix this situation by doing ONE simple thing, an actual update with some details on what is actually going on as opposed to vague updates over a 6 month period with no information. It's not too much to ask whatsoever but she continues to ignore that and refuses to do or say anything meaningful, except to trust her, which I don't anymore.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by montenzi »

VJ your comments about $800 are so silly. Stop counting other people's money :uggrin:

Just read this:

For me it's just 144 decks lot...
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by kulidone »

montenzi wrote:VJ your comments about $800 are so silly. Stop counting other people's money :uggrin:

Just read this:

For me it's just 144 decks lot...
Well, I dont know why people in this forum are "hating" Victor, but you guys should stop spilling bullsh*t.

Before saying that someone's comments are so silly ... maybe you should find out the facts first or in your case learn to read. Victor wrote that "especially considering nobody pledged for the gross tier " and I checked that and its true. Also the gross tier is 1080$ anyway. So it seems you should LEARN to read and maybe taking some math classes.

Trashes everywhere.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by montenzi »

kulidone wrote: Before saying that someone's comments are so silly ... maybe you should find out the facts first or in your case learn to read. Victor wrote that "especially considering nobody pledged for the gross tier " and I checked that and its true. Also the gross tier is 1080$ anyway. So it seems you should LEARN to read and maybe taking some math classes.

Trashes everywhere.
I confirm that making such assumptions about pledges is unprofessional ans silly. It can be anything! 32,72, 144 decks, 55, 21 etc. Who cares? I am good in math and I know that if wholesalers don't like the price they will offer something more reasonable than $7.5 per deck :uggrin: But I agree that he can say anything about this project as he is a backer.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by kulidone »

montenzi wrote:
kulidone wrote: Before saying that someone's comments are so silly ... maybe you should find out the facts first or in your case learn to read. Victor wrote that "especially considering nobody pledged for the gross tier " and I checked that and its true. Also the gross tier is 1080$ anyway. So it seems you should LEARN to read and maybe taking some math classes.

Trashes everywhere.
I confirm that making such assumptions about pledges is unprofessional ans silly. It can be anything! 32,72, 144 decks, 55, 21 etc. Who cares? I am good in math and I know that if wholesalers don't like the price they will offer something more reasonable than $7.5 per deck :uggrin: But I agree that he can say anything about this project as he is a backer.
Omg... I will try to explain it to you slowly and clearly since you dont get it at all.

You said: "For me it's just 144 decks lot..."

1. The thing is... that it cant be a 144 decks lot, because there is NO backer with gross tier pledge.

2. Even if there was a backer with gross tier pledge. It doesnt make sense, because the MATH doesnt match. The gross pledge is 1080$ so if someone pledged a gross, the total pledge of the day should be 1080$+ and not 815$...

Verdict: What you said its bullsh*t. You didnt even read what Victor wrote nor find out the facts.

"It can be anything! 32,72, 144 decks, 55, 21 etc. Who cares? " :D I just cant stop laughing. Argument lvl 3000 here... and no, it cant be anything.

"I know that if wholesalers don't like the price they will offer something more reasonable than $7.5 per deck"
You are trying to say that the backer could get the gross for price less than 1080$ ... the thing is that there is NO backer with a gross. That means its not possible...

Please just say no more. There is no logic and thinking behind what you write.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by Merlebird »

kulidone wrote:"I know that if wholesalers don't like the price they will offer something more reasonable than $7.5 per deck"
You are trying to say that the backer could get the gross for price less than 1080$ ... the thing is that there is NO backer with a gross. That means its not possible....
You may never have negotiated an add-on or a la carte tier with a project creator on KS. You may not even know it's possible. But it happens all the time, and there are factors that may have made it more likely to happen here.

A project creator would be especially willing to cut a wholesaler a deal if, say, the alternative was not getting the pledges needed to fund. (That's just how buying in bulk works in general: the more you're buying, the greater your power to negotiate prices.) And since KS won't let you back for a tier unless you pledge the listed asking price for that tier - and since it's in neither the creator's nor the backer's best interests to announce that somebody got a discount - the sensible thing to do would be to pledge for a tier with a suitable sticker price in the amount privately agreed upon between creator and backer.

It doesn't really matter if anybody publicly pledged for the gross brick tier or not. What matters is any private negotiations, which, again, we can only speculate about. You're welcome to do that, of course, but you should bear in mind that not everybody has a burning interest in Natalia Silva fanfics.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

jerichoholic wrote:This wasn't in the final hours, it was a few days before it ended. Also if you bothered to look at the Kicktraq you will see she lost pledges on the last day.

I'm trying to be civil about it. You can say what you want about my behavior here on her projects but it's all on her. She hasn't bothered to post a meaningful update, like most other creators do, and has apparently been dealing with delays since January, 6 months ago. I hate to say it but how many other creators have done similar things, like say Erik Mana amongst others. Lack of updates, delays and personal issues, and lack of communication doesn't really bode well imo.

Natalia can fix this situation by doing ONE simple thing, an actual update with some details on what is actually going on as opposed to vague updates over a 6 month period with no information. It's not too much to ask whatsoever but she continues to ignore that and refuses to do or say anything meaningful, except to trust her, which I don't anymore.
I'm sorry, but your expectations are ludicrous, because she has in fact posted updates. If she has no news, and her update indicates as much, then what in the F are you looking for? "I want an update!" "I want an update with specific information that makes me feel like I will receive my deck tomorrow despite that being an unrealistic guideline!" You don't get to decide what information is required in an update. You're either asking for too much or asking for lies (which is self-contradicting). How are you blind to this? Do you think about what you're saying before you post it..?
rousselle wrote:You are a fussy, picky guy.
Lotrek wrote:Given the number of morons produced in the world every day, a pessimist is actually a well informed realist.
Räpylätassu wrote:"Tyhmyydestä sakotetaan." You get fined for being stupid.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

kulidone wrote:
montenzi wrote:
kulidone wrote: Before saying that someone's comments are so silly ... maybe you should find out the facts first or in your case learn to read. Victor wrote that "especially considering nobody pledged for the gross tier " and I checked that and its true. Also the gross tier is 1080$ anyway. So it seems you should LEARN to read and maybe taking some math classes.

Trashes everywhere.
I confirm that making such assumptions about pledges is unprofessional ans silly. It can be anything! 32,72, 144 decks, 55, 21 etc. Who cares? I am good in math and I know that if wholesalers don't like the price they will offer something more reasonable than $7.5 per deck :uggrin: But I agree that he can say anything about this project as he is a backer.
Omg... I will try to explain it to you slowly and clearly since you dont get it at all.

You said: "For me it's just 144 decks lot..."

1. The thing is... that it cant be a 144 decks lot, because there is NO backer with gross tier pledge.

2. Even if there was a backer with gross tier pledge. It doesnt make sense, because the MATH doesnt match. The gross pledge is 1080$ so if someone pledged a gross, the total pledge of the day should be 1080$+ and not 815$...

Verdict: What you said its bullsh*t. You didnt even read what Victor wrote nor find out the facts.

"It can be anything! 32,72, 144 decks, 55, 21 etc. Who cares? " :D I just cant stop laughing. Argument lvl 3000 here... and no, it cant be anything.

"I know that if wholesalers don't like the price they will offer something more reasonable than $7.5 per deck"
You are trying to say that the backer could get the gross for price less than 1080$ ... the thing is that there is NO backer with a gross. That means its not possible...

Please just say no more. There is no logic and thinking behind what you write.
Quit attempting to personally attack Montenzi. His response to your original inflammatory post was courteous and professional. He was diffusing the situation and you're perpetuating it. Your insistence on trying to further this argument is childish and unnecessary. Most of what you're saying is ignorant, considering that it's baseless, and does nothing to further any mature and respectful discussion of this thread.

Think before you post.
rousselle wrote:You are a fussy, picky guy.
Lotrek wrote:Given the number of morons produced in the world every day, a pessimist is actually a well informed realist.
Räpylätassu wrote:"Tyhmyydestä sakotetaan." You get fined for being stupid.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by kulidone »

Merlebird wrote:
kulidone wrote:"I know that if wholesalers don't like the price they will offer something more reasonable than $7.5 per deck"
You are trying to say that the backer could get the gross for price less than 1080$ ... the thing is that there is NO backer with a gross. That means its not possible....
You may never have negotiated an add-on or a la carte tier with a project creator on KS. You may not even know it's possible. But it happens all the time, and there are factors that may have made it more likely to happen here.

A project creator would be especially willing to cut a wholesaler a deal if, say, the alternative was not getting the pledges needed to fund. (That's just how buying in bulk works in general: the more you're buying, the greater your power to negotiate prices.) And since KS won't let you back for a tier unless you pledge the listed asking price for that tier - and since it's in neither the creator's nor the backer's best interests to announce that somebody got a discount - the sensible thing to do would be to pledge for a tier with a suitable sticker price in the amount privately agreed upon between creator and backer.

It doesn't really matter if anybody publicly pledged for the gross brick tier or not. What matters is any private negotiations, which, again, we can only speculate about. You're welcome to do that, of course, but you should bear in mind that not everybody has a burning interest in Natalia Silva fanfics.
What Victor wrote is a possible speculation as well considering the facts. Your reply to his comment was " thats silly" ... while your comment (about gross) is just mere speculation without any fact. Or am I wrong? So actually u just did the same thing as Victor, the thing is that you denied the possibility of Victor's speculation without any explanation why or with facts and thats the true "silly comment".

Thats the point.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by kulidone »

Quit attempting to personally attack Montenzi. His response to your original inflammatory post was courteous and professional. He was diffusing the situation and you're perpetuating it. Your insistence on trying to further this argument is childish and unnecessary. Most of what you're saying is ignorant, considering that it's baseless, and does nothing to further any mature and respectful discussion of this thread.

Think before you post. "

Well he kinda insulted Victor in indirect way. By calling his comment silly without an explanation why also with a link what's means wholesale in the dictionary. So I dont think it was professional from him. Dont you think?

Unless you prove wrong what I said, your comment has zero value. "Most of what you're saying is ignorant, considering that it's baseless" would love to know an explanation otherwise is just nothing as you said "ignorant and baseless".

While I agree that Victor is kinda obsessed and pushing it. You are no better than Montezi, because you are denying his speculation without an explanation and facts again which is "ignorant and baseless".

So yea stop describing yourself.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

kulidone wrote:"
Quit attempting to personally attack Montenzi. His response to your original inflammatory post was courteous and professional. He was diffusing the situation and you're perpetuating it. Your insistence on trying to further this argument is childish and unnecessary. Most of what you're saying is ignorant, considering that it's baseless, and does nothing to further any mature and respectful discussion of this thread.

Think before you post. "

Well he kinda insulted Victor in indirect way. By calling his comment silly without an explanation why also with a link what's means wholesale in the dictionary. So I dont think it was professional from him. Dont you think?

Unless you prove wrong what I said, your comment has zero value. "Most of what you're saying is ignorant, considering that it's baseless" would love to know an explanation otherwise is just nothing as you said "ignorant and baseless".

While I agree that Victor is kinda obsessed and pushing it. You are no better than Montezi, because you are denying his speculation without an explanation and facts again which is "ignorant and baseless".

So yea stop describing yourself.
The burden of proof is on the accuser, to provide facts as evidence, not the defense of what we know to be true. Without any evidence, everything you're conjecturing is baseless, and ignorant to the only facts actually available.

Montenzi did nothing to insult anyone. All he did was reiterate the confirmation of knowledge we're already exposed to; which is exactly what I am doing.

You guys are just pouring gas without lighting a flame. There's no ignition to these accusations. There's no fire to be put out. You're hallucinating outside of the reality that everyone else is living in.
rousselle wrote:You are a fussy, picky guy.
Lotrek wrote:Given the number of morons produced in the world every day, a pessimist is actually a well informed realist.
Räpylätassu wrote:"Tyhmyydestä sakotetaan." You get fined for being stupid.
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