Different strokes, my friendTwoPieceFeed wrote:You're just a jabroni.vasta41 wrote:I would like to stipulate that I cannot speak for Vic but I don't believe my behavior to be poor. When I've messaged Natalia I've simply asked in so many words for my deck, an update, or a refund. I've also let her know that her business practices are deplorable but as a backer who has potential had money stolen from him, I find it necessary to remind creators of this. If that's considered poor behavior then so be it- I don't think it's too much to ask for backers of this project to receive their cards, an update, or a refund at this point. And while she has the ability to rectify this situation by supplying us with one or more of those three things, it does not take away from the fact that she asked people to give her more money (in the form of launching another KS project) during her tardiness and silence on this project and for me, that's the end of that.th4mo wrote:Poor behavior from one person towards another person almost never results in better behavior from the other person.
But y'all can thank Victor for whatever "success" he's had on this one if you want i guess... Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
In all seriousness, although I'm not a big fan of you constantly calling her a scammer (or just you in general), I don't think you've conducted yourself in a poor manner here.
Also in all seriousness, I'm joking about not being a fan of yours. You are a jabroni, though.![]()
I'm not really a fan, but I'm not not a fan. Y'know?

In any case I don't enjoy being scammed. And I'm surprised that you of all people have a problem with me calling her a scammer. You chose your words very deliberately and often can be very harsh. I am "pro free speech" so although it's not my style I have no issue with it. But I call someone who has, for all intents and purposes, stole my money a scammer and you don't like that? I'm am blue in the facing talking about this effing issue so I'll try to keep this brief but dear God- I must be taking crazy pills if the rest of you, sans Victor, don't have a problem with her starting a new campaign. That's the distinction here for me. I still don't have my Don Quixote v3 deck and it's long over due with no updates either. I'm certainly not happy about it but it's not like Cellar Window is asking MORE people for MORE money while I wait unpatiently. That kind of activity smells of a SCAM to me; hence Natalia's new title: scammer.
It's obviously possible for her to deliver the decks (or a refund) sometime soon in which case I'll be proven wrong. But I'll not sit idly by watching someone clean up their digital foot print by closing all her websites and asking for more money while not delivering on what she previously asked other people money for.