Kalevala Playing Cards

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Kalevala Playing Cards

Unread post by guru »


Kalevala Playing Cards based on the Finnish national epic - Coming Soon.

Completely hand-drawn and a somewhat different direction as compared to the previous works by GPCC.

Thanks to @Räpylätassu for his expert advice and inputs. I don't think it would have been made possible without his prompt inputs. Lots of research and study went into this with most work taken out of the hindi translation of the epic poem by Vishnu Khare an Indian Hindi poet & translator.


You will find numerous translations of the epic in English and other languages but Khare was awarded Order of the White Rose of Finland for his Hindi translation of the national epic of Finland, Kalevala so this is one of the best ever translations done on the epic. Still, Räpylätassu's inputs were far more valuable because of his knowledge of the epic.

Printers being evaluated but most likely it is going to be USPCC this time.

PS: It has been there in custom deck drafting board as an unnamed deck for some time.
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by Räpylätassu »

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalevala" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

There you can find a good amount of information about Kalevala, for those that are unfamiliar with it, which I assume is almost everyone.

Do you have a launch date already Sunish? And how completed is the artwork?
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by guru »

Räpylätassu wrote:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalevala

There you can find a good amount of information about Kalevala, for those that are unfamiliar with it, which I assume is almost everyone.

Do you have a launch date already Sunish? And how completed is the artwork?
Roope - Thanks for sharing this.

Launch date is July mid or end probably. I am looking to complete the fulfillment of Bharata Series 2 deck first, and grappling with the tuckbox issue at the moment.

Artwork is almost complete, tuck design is what is remaining now.

How likely can USPCC do a full bleed back with good registration? I've asked them and awaiting their reply.
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

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Can't wait for this deck :ugdance:
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by Stepchild »

Ohhhh yeah! Can you do a gilded tier for these??
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by portcullis »

guru wrote:PS: It has been there in custom deck drafting board as an unnamed deck for some time.
I thought I had seen that artwork before!! Hadn't thought this would be the end result.

I'm a complete sucker for stuff like this. In short, count me in!

*pulls his 1980s Bosely translation off the shelf*
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by guru »

Thanks guys...Still thinking about the gilded decks though, let's see.
J2.png (556 KiB) Viewed 8908 times

I've not heard from USPCC yet about the query on back design but I'm sure they will respond in the coming days. I'm also getting a quote from Legends, just in case I want to opt for perfect registration.

Here are the 2 options with borders as I feel USPCC is really jittery about doing fine borders like the one shown in the first post with back design. The second one is a Stinger Style border.

CardBack-A.png (766.61 KiB) Viewed 8909 times
CardBack-B.png (729.5 KiB) Viewed 8909 times
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by Merlebird »

Sunish, what gilding colors does your vendor offer? For something like this I think an antiqued iron or bronze would fit the theme best, even though it wouldn't be as shiny. If neither of those is feasible then definitely silver over gold.
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by guru »

Merlebird wrote:Sunish, what gilding colors does your vendor offer? For something like this I think an antiqued iron or bronze would fit the theme best, even though it wouldn't be as shiny. If neither of those is feasible then definitely silver over gold.
The Chinese printer can offer any color but if I am going with USPCC then I might get the gilding done by GW. Legends or Expert through their Taiwan factory do not offer gilding so in case I go with them then there won't be any gilding offered. If I have to keep shipping rates lower for international backers then I need to get shipping done from Hong Kong if the deck gets printed by Taiwan factory. In this case I won't be able to offer gilding because sending decks to GW or China will increase overhead costs.

I will also be checking with USPCC for the cost of gilding but what I am seeing is that they offer good discounted rates to regular customers so Elite will be offered better rates on gilding as well as on standard deck printing as compared to myself, as an example. Last option is to get standard deck printed by USPCC and another limited option with gilding through Chinese printer.
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

I like the upper one better.
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

I also prefer back A, though I would like to see how a slight fade would look (ie keep the borders, but fade the edges of the artwork). That's actually what I first imagined before seeing the pics when you wrote stinger style border.
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by PipChick »

+1 on back A - even though the colors do fade into one another, I think the difference in the white with the more aged-looking beige is too stark and don't feel cohesive to the overall old world feel of the deck (IMO)... lookin' good though :)
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by guru »

MagikFingerz wrote:I also prefer back A, though I would like to see how a slight fade would look (ie keep the borders, but fade the edges of the artwork). That's actually what I first imagined before seeing the pics when you wrote stinger style border.

Here you go with Option C.

I am liking both A & C now.
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by guru »

Tuckbox options.....

A or B or C or D???

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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by CupcakeBaron »

1 and 4 are my favorites
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by Smocito »

I like both A and D.
Having to choose only 1 I'd choose D
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by Räpylätassu »

I like A the most, D is also good.
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I dream of a world where wars are fought only by having dance offs. I also dream that a Finnish playing card designer would exist. The former seems more likely to happend.

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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by Bradius »

I am not a big fan of the hilt of the sword. Maybe I haven't read enough of the tales (but I did glance through them), but it seems there could be a more captivating tuck cover to capture the story. I am also not a big fan of the knots/scrollwork off the sword on the reverse. I am not sure what they are there for. From a color perspective, I prefer #2 and #4, but it depends on the color of the decks. I am not a huge fan of #3, but it could work if you are using red cards (and gold gilding with it might go well with it).
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by guru »

Bradius wrote:I am not a big fan of the hilt of the sword. Maybe I haven't read enough of the tales (but I did glance through them), but it seems there could be a more captivating tuck cover to capture the story. I am also not a big fan of the knots/scrollwork off the sword on the reverse. I am not sure what they are there for. From a color perspective, I prefer #2 and #4, but it depends on the color of the decks. I am not a huge fan of #3, but it could work if you are using red cards (and gold gilding with it might go well with it).

Brad -Yes, you're right. Initially, I thought that there could be a more captivating tuck cover to capture the story but it got difficult in execution. The central character in Kalevala, Väinämöinen, has been shown holding the sword in a number of paintings & illustrations. Did not find any better idea for Kalevala theme because the eagle (or the back design) or Louhi are also good options but they didn't look good on tuck.

Moreover, research showed a number of Finnish sword designs from 8th-9th century onwards with knots/scrollwork and this tuck design take an inspiration from them.

I've tried really hard to make sure that this deck stays true to Kalevala and Finnish folklore.




All the 3 above referenced from Suomen kansallismuse, Helsinki Finland
Bradius wrote: but it depends on the color of the decks
The color of the back and face cards are shown in the posts above. Note that if the deck is printed from USPCC, the tuck may not have embossing or foiling.

Can you all please take a look again and see what option will look best on a CMYK tuck with matte or glossy finish? Option A is where my inclination is...for an USPCC printed tuck.

I might do a limited edition with my printer in China which will have foiling and embossing on tuckbox with gilded edges on cards, but it is not final yet. At this stage, only USPCC seems final. I want to keep it simple....liaising with two different printers in two different geographies has its own challenges. Owing to some personal challenges, I don't have the bandwidth available to coordinate with different printers and shippers.
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by CupcakeBaron »

I feel that D really needs to have some level of foiling to look right so taking into account the chances you'll be printing with USPCC I'd agree on going with A.
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by Räpylätassu »

I like the option C for the back design.
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I dream of a world where wars are fought only by having dance offs. I also dream that a Finnish playing card designer would exist. The former seems more likely to happend.

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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by portcullis »

I know a lot of this art re the tucks is probably only a placeholder design, or at the very least open for debate, but am I alone in visualising that the font used on the tuck looks not right? All I see is the menu/livery for an Oriental restaurant or the English titles superimposed onto a title card of a wushu film.

I'm still very interested in the deck, but at the moment that only extends to the cards themselves.
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by guru »

CupcakeBaron wrote:I feel that D really needs to have some level of foiling to look right so taking into account the chances you'll be printing with USPCC I'd agree on going with A.
I agree - A looks better.

In case I want to do a foiled, embossed tuck as a limtied edition deck then I think option C (red) offers a better contrast.. foiling and embossing will look good on Red. Also, the red is best choice for mythic and epic stories. Kalevala is full of war and blood so "Red" becomes a default choice for a blinged out tuck. If I add ruby or red foil gilding to the cards then the tuck becomes a show stealer.
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by guru »

portcullis wrote: All I see is the menu/livery for an Oriental restaurant or the English titles superimposed onto a title card of a wushu film.
Yeah...it is possible because Kalevala is a Finnish epic & what you're seeing is an English title. Still, I believe it goes well with the theme of the epic.

It is completely handwritten and later digitized, so not using any specific font here.
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by Stepchild »

Tuck C gets my vote, for the reasons expressed by the other C voter, followed closely by tuck A.
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by sms69x »

This is a dramatic departure from Devine Art and Bharata, and I must say it is in the right direction!
That's a fantastic work, really love what I see so far.
The back design that looks best for me is C, though I think you could make the fadding larger, I believe it would look better.
As for the tuck box, A or D, but you need to find some aged pearlescent papper with some foil and emboss!!

I'l be there for sure, congrats Sunish on comming up with such a great design, and doing such a departure from what was "your style". Is great when designers have the confidence and talent to do so.
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

sms69x wrote:This is a dramatic departure from Devine Art and Bharata, and I must say it is in the right direction!
That's a fantastic work, really love what I see so far.
The back design that looks best for me is C, though I think you could make the fadding larger, I believe it would look better.
As for the tuck box, A or D, but you need to find some aged pearlescent papper with some foil and emboss!!

I'l be there for sure, congrats Sunish on comming up with such a great design, and doing such a departure from what was "your style". Is great when designers have the confidence and talent to do so.
rousselle wrote:You are a fussy, picky guy.
Lotrek wrote:Given the number of morons produced in the world every day, a pessimist is actually a well informed realist.
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by rousselle »

+ 1
This space intentionally left blank.
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by guru »

Looks like the probable launch will be between July last week - Aug first week.

Working with USPCC to get the artwork validated and approved while another US printer is getting the prototype decks done.
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Re: Kalevala Playing Cards - Coming soon

Unread post by guru »

Had the plan to get limited edition swords (high carbon fiber steel) made based on the design (as on the tuck). Seems like Kickstarter prohibits weapons, weapon replicas & weapon accessories as a reward or add-on to the campaign.

I got in touch with craftsmen who have done this for Game of Thrones, 300, Lord of the RIngs, Avengers (Mjölnir etc.), Assasin's Creed etc. & now working on the movie "The King"

They don't use any modern methods.....every item is handmade, hand sewn, hand hammered beating the competition from China, Poland & Czech Republic.

I might still offer this on my store and getting one prototype done now.
sample_proto_handmade finnishsword_sunish.png
sample_proto_handmade finnishsword_sunish.png (165.93 KiB) Viewed 6006 times

As I'm working directly with them, it won't break the bank but I am not sure how the shipping, VAT & regulations work for most countries.

Most may not find this relevant at all but if there are any enthusiasts out there of this kind of rare collectible, please feel free to reach out to me.

Note that blade is unsharpened and this should be used for a decorative or collectible purpose only though it is a fully functional & battle ready sword if sharpened.
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