Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

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Re: Crazy Deck now live on KS

Unread post by jerichoholic »

Incidentally i've just discovered something about her recent projects and updates. With the Avalon project she posted an update in January that the art was done and that it was currently in production. 2 months later, almost to the day, she posts the EXACT same update. What gives? Saw basically the same thing on her Muertos projects. Posted an update a couple months ago that there was some "delay". And more recently posted almost the same identical update about there being a delay. Quite frankly i'm losing trust in her and don't appreciate her vague copy and paste updates.
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Re: Crazy Deck now live on KS

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Over 2 months past due and not a single update as to why.
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Re: Crazy Deck now live on KS

Unread post by Gareth »

vasta41 wrote:Over 2 months past due and not a single update as to why.
You know the names of the designers who only appear here when they need a new project funded and rarely send out updates*?

If you didn't already have Natalia on that mental list, you now have the opportunity to do so. ;)

* Updates that are actual updates about the project, not promotional messages about other projects of theirs or a link share.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by RichK »

I sent her a KS message asking for update yesterday. Lets see what happens...
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Re: Crazy Deck now live on KS

Unread post by Cardians »

Gareth wrote: You know the names of the designers who only appear here when they need a new project funded

If you haven't already, add Paul Carpenter to the list. The lack of communication since his Radia deck promotion and hype prior to people getting their hands on them has been non-existent. Many people had questions and concerns regarding the stock quality & seal issues and then he went into stealth mode.

I'm sure Mr. Carpenter will be here to promote his next, not so exciting deck The Priory deck :roll:
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Don't doubt yourself my friends, it's easy to figure that the creators such as Paul and JR DO come here and read the threads, they just avoid logging in to show they've been here.

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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by guru »

I don't think this has happened with Natalia's projects before 2017.

I hope she is doing fine.

On a long shot, she might be able to save a few bucks if she combine decks from her pending projects during fulfillment. Given most of the backers are common across projects, it might be possible that she is waiting for production to finish for all different decks so that she can get shipping done at one go.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by jerichoholic »

I hope not. Myself and others paid shipping on each project which adds up, don't need her using this to pad her wallet.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by guru »

jerichoholic wrote:I hope not. Myself and others paid shipping on each project which adds up, don't need her using this to pad her wallet.
I think if you are provided the option of getting all decks in a single shipment, you might not be able to refuse given the delay in those projects. I'm not saying it will happen but if she has faced challenges personally or professionally, and she wants to fulfil all rewards in the coming months, combined shipment is a better option.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by RichK »

guru wrote:
jerichoholic wrote:I hope not. Myself and others paid shipping on each project which adds up, don't need her using this to pad her wallet.
I think if you are provided the option of getting all decks in a single shipment, you might not be able to refuse given the delay in those projects. I'm not saying it will happen but if she has faced challenges personally or professionally, and she wants to fulfil all rewards in the coming months, combined shipment is a better option.
Combined shipping is convenient for creator but not cool for backers of both or all 3 projects who pledged and had to add shipping. She could have asked on survey if you backed other Muertos deck and sent PM offering refund if it was a single/2 deck, not brick, purchase. It is a tough choice in my opinion.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by rorschach »

Does Kickstarter have any rules about this type of thing?
RichK wrote:
guru wrote:
jerichoholic wrote:I hope not. Myself and others paid shipping on each project which adds up, don't need her using this to pad her wallet.
I think if you are provided the option of getting all decks in a single shipment, you might not be able to refuse given the delay in those projects. I'm not saying it will happen but if she has faced challenges personally or professionally, and she wants to fulfil all rewards in the coming months, combined shipment is a better option.
Combined shipping is convenient for creator but not cool for backers of both or all 3 projects who pledged and had to add shipping. She could have asked on survey if you backed other Muertos deck and sent PM offering refund if it was a single/2 deck, not brick, purchase. It is a tough choice in my opinion.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by RichK »

No. Each project was unique so she could charge shipping on each.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by Cardians »

When her latest update stated the exact same thing, I immediately asked for a refund.

All my decks I pledged for where to be printed by MPC. When I asked if they were at least ready (considering MPC turn around time), she stated they "unfortunately not, and they would be done when USPCC finishes."

That's when I request a refund of all 4 of my pledges totaling $124usd (including all shipping).

At first she was "totally cool" with offering me a full refund, and when I needed to request a second time for my refund instead of "waiting it out" as she was hoping for, she then message me explaining how KS takes 8-10% in fees and could offer me $114usd. Instead of fighting her for $10, I ate the cost and took the partial refund.

There is def something going with either USPCC & MPC f***ing her over by pushing her print queue aside for others, or it's something she's personally doing (artwork, communication, deposit/final payment) that's making these take a lot longer and in longer I mean weeks & even months when you add in the shipping timeline.

Glad to get outta this one,
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by vasta41 »

Cardians wrote:There is def something going with either USPCC & MPC f***ing her over by pushing her print queue aside for others, or it's something she's personally doing (artwork, communication, deposit/final payment) that's making these take a lot longer and in longer I mean weeks & even months when you add in the shipping timeline.
Waiting a long time for decks to arrive isn't something I care about, AS LONG AS I KNOW A REASON. I think I speak for most when I say a simple update would have sufficed. And unless she lost her fingers I don't see why she couldn't type out a quick, 2 sentence explanation regardless of what happened.
I'm sorry if I sound cold and callus but like I previously said it's one thing to "duck and cover" and it's another thing completely when you emerge from hiding only to create a new deck while eliciting sympathy for her plight to new supporters STILL without typing that 2 sentence explanation to the current supporters of her overdue project.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by rorschach »

I can't be certain, but I think she has done this before. Seems to me that this is a loophole in Kickstarter rules? I can't speak for other international backers, but anything from 1-5 decks cost the same amount to ship up here to Canada. Since she was charging about $6USD for shipping per campaign, she is making atleast that much off every international backer who has potentially backed multiple campaigns. I will give her the benefit of the doubt insofar as that she probably did it purely for logistical purposes, but I find it hard to believe she has not thought about this angle.

Aside - Is anyone else worried her website is down?
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by vasta41 »

I am reporting this project to KS and I suggest everyone else who pledged do the same.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by Bradius »

Please feel free to do so, but it will get you nowhere. There is no guarantee that any rewards will ever be fulfilled. As backers, this is a real risk we take that I think creators sometimes forget. The risk is real for unknown first time creators, but can even happen with established creators.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by vasta41 »

Bradius wrote:Please feel free to do so, but it will get you nowhere. There is no guarantee that any rewards will ever be fulfilled. As backers, this is a real risk we take that I think creators sometimes forget. The risk is real for unknown first time creators, but can even happen with established creators.
I'm doubtful but there is strength in numbers my friend.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by rousselle »

My guess is that it won't have any impact regarding this particular project -- I mean, there were many people who were much more angry with Erik Mana who complained much more loudly to KS and that had zero effect as far as motivating Mana goes -- but it could put any currently open or future project of hers into some kind of jeopardy, I suppose.

I'm inclined to continue to give her the benefit of the doubt for just a wee bit longer, although I do share everyone's concern that she hasn't popped up even if only to say, hey, I'm struggling here but I'm not gone (or something to that effect.)

So, yeah. I agree there's reason for concern, but I'm not ready to pile on just yet.

This situation could be analogous to Russel or Adam Clarkson, but it could also be analogous to Robert Tomlinson. Remember that his wife and business partner ripped up his heart as well as his business and yet, in the end, he made good on all of his commitments and rose from the mess in tact. I don't know how much Natalia's romantic partner was also involved in her card business, but to the same extent I gave Robert the benefit of the doubt, I choose to give Natalia that same benefit. We'll see.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by vasta41 »

rousselle wrote:This situation could be analogous to Russel or Adam Clarkson, but it could also be analogous to Robert Tomlinson.
The difference here is that none of those people ever had the BALLS to start another project and ask for more money while blatantly ignoring the people that already gave her money for a currently past-due, unfulfilled project! I wish people would stop comparing Natalie to all these other people- she is different. She is worse. Erik went M.I.A.- that was not good. But a year into his hiding he didn't release another deck asking for more money!! And if he did we would have crucified him. Having a late project is bad. Not sending out updates is worse. (Giving the benefit of the doubt at this point is possible EXCET...) Having a late project, not sending out updates about it, and starting a brand new project is deplorable. That's what is setting me off about Natalie. It's a whole new low.
Why does it seem like I'm the only one here who finds this atrocious?? This is practically a Ponzi Scheme, people- wake up!
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by jerichoholic »

You're not the only one. I've even asked for a refund and gotten no response thus far. I've made comments on the project and she hasn't even bothered to defend herself nor has she bothered to post an update. Also I believe she blocked me on IG. And her website is gone. The whole thing reeks. She has also been MIA on KS since launching it last I checked. She posted 1 single comment on it, I thinking thanking people for backing or whatever without bothering to respond to anything.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by jerichoholic »

She finally commented on a couple of her projects but only because i've reported all of them and because i've been ripping her apart a bit but rightfully so imo. And guess what despite all of that still no update from her and still no response to all the concerns. She just commented that i'm banned from her projects which is all good and well because I have no plans to back anymore of her projects and I can just get her decks later on if anything.

Like I said in my last comment the whole thing could have been avoided if she just did her job as a creator of posting updates or responding to comments. Is that too much to ask? I think not and it is her responsibility as a Kickstarter creator to keep us informed and respond to comments and messages.

Also apparently i'm getting a refund minus the kickstarter 10% but I have yet to see anything. And her website is back and low and behold the Muertos decks are apparently available and the Avalon is on a preorder for May delivery, oops.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by CBJ »

jerichoholic wrote:She finally commented on a couple of her projects but only because i've reported all of them and because i've been ripping her apart a bit but rightfully so imo. And guess what despite all of that still no update from her and still no response to all the concerns. She just commented that i'm banned from her projects which is all good and well because I have no plans to back anymore of her projects and I can just get her decks later on if anything.

Like I said in my last comment the whole thing could have been avoided if she just did her job as a creator of posting updates or responding to comments. Is that too much to ask? I think not and it is her responsibility as a Kickstarter creator to keep us informed and respond to comments and messages.

Also apparently i'm getting a refund minus the kickstarter 10% but I have yet to see anything. And her website is back and low and behold the Muertos decks are apparently available and the Avalon is on a preorder for May delivery, oops.

Banned from another project/site. I see you're still making friends everywhere you go.


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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

CBJ wrote: Banned from another project/site. I see you're still making friends everywhere you go.
I don't think that kind of passive-aggressiveness is warranted, especially considering his actions are completely valid in this case.

In fact, judging by her recent update on Avalon, the actions of Victor and Paul may have caused her to break her silence.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by jerichoholic »

Yes she has broken her silence but sadly she hasn't provided any new info and just posted more of the same updates about "delays" and production problems. I don't mind getting banned by a creator I have no plans to back anymore. And quite frankly the whole situation could have been prevented if she bothered to post a meaningful update with information and responded to comments instead of ignoring her projects for months on end and posting vague updates. I don't understand how after all this time she has no solid information on production and hasn't given us any information on what the delays are.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by vasta41 »

CBJ wrote:
jerichoholic wrote:She finally commented on a couple of her projects but only because i've reported all of them and because i've been ripping her apart a bit but rightfully so imo. And guess what despite all of that still no update from her and still no response to all the concerns. She just commented that i'm banned from her projects which is all good and well because I have no plans to back anymore of her projects and I can just get her decks later on if anything.

Like I said in my last comment the whole thing could have been avoided if she just did her job as a creator of posting updates or responding to comments. Is that too much to ask? I think not and it is her responsibility as a Kickstarter creator to keep us informed and respond to comments and messages.

Also apparently i'm getting a refund minus the kickstarter 10% but I have yet to see anything. And her website is back and low and behold the Muertos decks are apparently available and the Avalon is on a preorder for May delivery, oops.

Banned from another project/site. I see you're still making friends everywhere you go.

I think you were just being funny but I don't blame Vic for this one. Natalie stole our money (as of now at least) and we just want it back. But unfortunately we have to fight fire with fire here. What a scum bag she is.
EDIT: What's worse is there's a bunch of backers on the comments page saying I should consider Natalia's feelings and just be patient :roll: I bet they also bought beans from the same guy selling Jack his beanstalk beans.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by shermjack »

Thank you Victor and Paul for helping get some communiction from Natalia...let’s hope she gets her head out of the clouds and makes things right for those of us who have been waiting on our decks.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by th4mo »

Poor behavior from one person towards another person almost never results in better behavior from the other person.
But y'all can thank Victor for whatever "success" he's had on this one if you want i guess... Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by vasta41 »

th4mo wrote:Poor behavior from one person towards another person almost never results in better behavior from the other person.
But y'all can thank Victor for whatever "success" he's had on this one if you want i guess... Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
I would like to stipulate that I cannot speak for Vic but I don't believe my behavior to be poor. When I've messaged Natalia I've simply asked in so many words for my deck, an update, or a refund. I've also let her know that her business practices are deplorable but as a backer who has potential had money stolen from him, I find it necessary to remind creators of this. If that's considered poor behavior then so be it- I don't think it's too much to ask for backers of this project to receive their cards, an update, or a refund at this point. And while she has the ability to rectify this situation by supplying us with one or more of those three things, it does not take away from the fact that she asked people to give her more money (in the form of launching another KS project) during her tardiness and silence on this project and for me, that's the end of that.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

vasta41 wrote:
th4mo wrote:Poor behavior from one person towards another person almost never results in better behavior from the other person.
But y'all can thank Victor for whatever "success" he's had on this one if you want i guess... Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
I would like to stipulate that I cannot speak for Vic but I don't believe my behavior to be poor. When I've messaged Natalia I've simply asked in so many words for my deck, an update, or a refund. I've also let her know that her business practices are deplorable but as a backer who has potential had money stolen from him, I find it necessary to remind creators of this. If that's considered poor behavior then so be it- I don't think it's too much to ask for backers of this project to receive their cards, an update, or a refund at this point. And while she has the ability to rectify this situation by supplying us with one or more of those three things, it does not take away from the fact that she asked people to give her more money (in the form of launching another KS project) during her tardiness and silence on this project and for me, that's the end of that.
You're just a jabroni.

In all seriousness, although I'm not a big fan of you constantly calling her a scammer (or just you in general), I don't think you've conducted yourself in a poor manner here.

Also in all seriousness, I'm joking about not being a fan of yours. You are a jabroni, though. 8-) 8-)

I'm not really a fan, but I'm not not a fan. Y'know?
rousselle wrote:You are a fussy, picky guy.
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Re: Crazy Deck designed by Natalia Silva

Unread post by Bradius »

I'm not really a fan, but I'm not not a fan. Y'know?
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