Papercuts by Art of Play [NOW LIVE ON KICKSTARTER]

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Papercuts by Art of Play [NOW LIVE ON KICKSTARTER]

Unread post by serubi »

These Papercut playing cards by Art of Play will be on Kickstarter on Friday, May 18th, 2018. The cards are hand cut by Suzy Taylor.

Picture by myself

Picture by thecardcatalog

Picture from Art of Play
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play

Unread post by Merlebird »

ok but have you considered that i want them now tho
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play

Unread post by CupcakeBaron »

Shut up and take my money
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

I mean, it's a truly great looking box. But the little we see of the cards themselves doesn't look that impressive to me. Kinda seems too intricate for deck design. But I'd have to see more to be sure.
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play

Unread post by Adonael »

The tuck looks great, but what is that court even supposed to be? A flower wearing flowers sniffing a flower?

Edit: Oh wait I can see the face now haha, optical illusion?
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play

Unread post by jerichoholic »

What does hand cut mean exactly? And since when does Art of Play need to use Kickstarter? Wouldn't they just be paying money to Kickstarter for nothing? Their loss I guess.
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play

Unread post by serubi »

jerichoholic wrote:What does hand cut mean exactly? And since when does Art of Play need to use Kickstarter? Wouldn't they just be paying money to Kickstarter for nothing? Their loss I guess.
I found this on Suzy Taylor's Flickr account:

So judging from those photos, she has hand cut the design with an X-Acto knife.

As to why it's on Kickstarter, I'm not sure. Here's a quote from one of Art of Play's Instagram shots: "Join us next Friday at 9am, PST on Kickstarter for the launch of these very special playing cards that have our support, and need yours". That could be a hint that they do not own the deck. Although, the tuck box does say "Luxury playing cards by Art of Play". And the bottom says they are produced and distributed by Art of Play.

Either way, still a very beautiful deck in my opinion :)
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play

Unread post by Spectre »

Now I get the meaning of "Hand Cut". Thanks for the update.
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play

Unread post by Räpylätassu »

I don't see yet anything that makes this worth my while. In typical "big company" style a whole lot of hype, lots of
extreme close up pictures so that you actually can't see anything, no actual pictures of courts or back design.

Until I'm proven wrong, I'm just going to say that this will be mediocre.
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play

Unread post by Bradius »

The second picture in the first post has the Queen of Hearts and a partial view of the back. Not a great view of either, but something. I love the intricate details.
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play

Unread post by CupcakeBaron »

I love florals and intricate line work so I am super interested in this deck but after looking at it some more I wish there was more color incorporated into it. I don't love the basic black outline on white.
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play

Unread post by Casual Pixels »

Very nice; it's getting more and more rare to have something that both is true to the spirit of a deck of cards and yet brings to it something completely new.

Definitely looking forward to seeing more.
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play

Unread post by PipChick »

I dunno, I'm a bit skeptical on how this art technique and medium are going to translate onto the cards - in my mind, images constructed through paper layering seems like it would lend itself better to card design because the technique has a textured, dimensional quality that is unique and might be more successful (something like this or this). For this deck (and only from what I can see, which isn't much), it'll be hard to appreciate the immense amount of painstakingly time and work put into making these intricate paper cut motifs if it only appears to be a detailed fine line drawing... it's definitely a new idea, but I'll be interested to see more.
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play

Unread post by maxs »

PipChick wrote:For this deck (and only from what I can see, which isn't much), it'll be hard to appreciate the immense amount of painstakingly time and work put into making these intricate paper cut motifs if it only appears to be a detailed fine line drawing... it's definitely a new idea, but I'll be interested to see more.
It has been done before, all the Emmanuel Jose decks (Curator, Clipped Wings, Sawdust & Delicious) have been paper cut. I do agree that the effort of paper cutting is not visible anymore when transferred to a print product. I like the deck anyway. ;)
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play

Unread post by PipChick »

maxs wrote:
PipChick wrote:For this deck (and only from what I can see, which isn't much), it'll be hard to appreciate the immense amount of painstakingly time and work put into making these intricate paper cut motifs if it only appears to be a detailed fine line drawing... it's definitely a new idea, but I'll be interested to see more.
It has been done before, all the Emmanuel Jose decks (Curator, Clipped Wings, Sawdust & Delicious) have been paper cut. I do agree that the effort of paper cutting is not visible anymore when transferred to a print product. I like the deck anyway. ;)
while yes, those decks were created using paper cutting and some layering (quite skillfully and well done), he didn't created those images to have a 3D or textured feel accentuated by the lights and shadows that fall on the layers as they literally are constructed off the page as seen in the examples in my post - so I think this still very much could applied in a deck and might be better translated in a printed product; at least I'd be interested to see it tried.
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play

Unread post by maxs »

PipChick wrote: while yes, those decks were created using paper cutting and some layering (quite skillfully and well done), he didn't created those images to have a 3D or textured feel accentuated by the lights and shadows that fall on the layers as they literally are constructed off the page as seen in the examples in my post - so I think this still very much could applied in a deck and might be better translated in a printed product; at least I'd be interested to see it tried.
ah, ok. I thought you were referring to the Papercuts deck when you mentioned the "new idea".
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play

Unread post by PipChick »

maxs wrote:
PipChick wrote: while yes, those decks were created using paper cutting and some layering (quite skillfully and well done), he didn't created those images to have a 3D or textured feel accentuated by the lights and shadows that fall on the layers as they literally are constructed off the page as seen in the examples in my post - so I think this still very much could applied in a deck and might be better translated in a printed product; at least I'd be interested to see it tried.
ah, ok. I thought you were referring to the Papercuts deck when you mentioned the "new idea".
oh yes, sorry, in that case, you're totally right :)
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play

Unread post by serubi »

Here's a picture of the jack of spades:

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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play

Unread post by RichK »

All black or red courts too much for me. Pass.
Move on, nothing to see here.
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play

Unread post by CupcakeBaron »

Yup, great design but lacks dimension/depth as is.
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play [NOW LIVE ON KICKSTARTER]

Unread post by serubi »

These just went live on Kickstarter

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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play [NOW LIVE ON KICKSTARTER]

Unread post by Bradius »

While I was doing some stuff for a minute, the 2 deck Early Bird tier vanished. I guess I am in for 1 deck now. The pricing for original art is insane. I can’t believe that is what her work goes for. If so, I am definitely out.
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play [NOW LIVE ON KICKSTARTER]

Unread post by Merlebird »

Bradius wrote:The pricing for original art is insane. I can’t believe that is what her work goes for. If so, I am definitely out.
Wylie Beckert's asking price for the Wicked Kingdom originals was USD1750 so this is at least not unprecedented (though perhaps more than people are willing to pay; it doesn't look like anybody plunked down the cash for that WK tier).

For something that took as many hours as these must have I wouldn't be surprised if she priced them a little on the high side in part to discourage people from snapping them all up. I know if I'd spent a month laboring over the same damn piece of paper with an Exacto knife I'd be reluctant to part with it myself.
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play [NOW LIVE ON KICKSTARTER]

Unread post by Stepchild »

It is really too bad that this intricate, beautiful papercutting work translates to such a monotonous deck. I hoped to like this better. Not in.

(Prediction: The deck is sure to be available at ArtOfPlay at a slightly better cost eventually)
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play [NOW LIVE ON KICKSTARTER]

Unread post by Ace »

Stepchild wrote:I

(Prediction: The deck is sure to be available at ArtOfPlay at a slightly better cost eventually)
That is what I am thinking.

I misread the campaign, thought it had something to do with hand finishing of the deck themselves.
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play [NOW LIVE ON KICKSTARTER]

Unread post by serubi »

Stepchild wrote:It is really too bad that this intricate, beautiful papercutting work translates to such a monotonous deck. I hoped to like this better. Not in.

(Prediction: The deck is sure to be available at ArtOfPlay at a slightly better cost eventually)
The campaign says the future retail price for Papercuts on their website will be $15.
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play [NOW LIVE ON KICKSTARTER]

Unread post by JuFiN »

I just think it’s a huge shame she didn’t take the time to make some little spades hearts diamond and clubs for the number cards. They are so weirdly standard compared to the rest of the decks art. Also that king of spades head is massive xD.

Anyway I love the back design and the intricacy of much of the faces especially the queens veils. So I’m in but not as excited as I could have been.
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play [NOW LIVE ON KICKSTARTER]

Unread post by CupcakeBaron »

serubi wrote:
Stepchild wrote:It is really too bad that this intricate, beautiful papercutting work translates to such a monotonous deck. I hoped to like this better. Not in.

(Prediction: The deck is sure to be available at ArtOfPlay at a slightly better cost eventually)
The campaign says the future retail price for Papercuts on their website will be $15.
I'd dare to wager that they'll probably be available on ebay for $15 with free shipping at some point.
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play [NOW LIVE ON KICKSTARTER]

Unread post by tmbdp2001 »

Many moons ago I was an art major, and I am in awe of the work that went into these. But I'm not a big enough fan of the design to get these now.
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Re: Papercuts by Art of Play [NOW LIVE ON KICKSTARTER]

Unread post by Räpylätassu »

I'm sure she used a hell of a lot of time to design this deck. I like that.

Sadly, that's about all that I like about this deck. I find the design quite mediocre and there is nothing that really stands out for me.
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