"ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by Cardians »

I kinda preferred the other tuck displayed shown to us a while back, but good lord that's all of shine.

Thanks for the update Lotrek!
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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by Bradius »

I am pleased with the new tuck design. Just for reference, below was what he showed us for the tuck originally.


Update: 15 error decks still available.
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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by Merlebird »

I do admire your indefatigable sense of humor about it. If I made a mistake like that I would probably lie on the floor and cry for a week before sending any e-mails....

Transparency builds trust, and your reputation speaks for itself. I have every confidence the deck will arrive in due time and that it will be beautiful. So while I can imagine the disappointment and frustration you must be feeling as a creator, I can't say I share it as a collector. I know the final product will be better for the lessons learned.

Whoever finally spotted the mistake probably deserves a raise, though.
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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by Lotrek »

Cardians wrote:I kinda preferred the other tuck displayed shown to us a while back, but good lord that's all of shine.

Thanks for the update Lotrek!
The old design was leaving too little space for the word "Arabesque" which is already a bit hard to read. The first design was rather simple while the second makes extensive use of the debossing AND embossing, creating actually 3 levels. There is a lot to see in that tuck. ;)
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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by Thedissident001 »

If you weren’t so damned talented Lotrek, I’d have stopped backing you a long time ago for the recurrent nature of these avoidable errors that plague so many of of your projects.

But you are so damned talented and devoted to your craft, and it is frustratingly impossible to remain angry at a character who is so affable.


PS As much as I am tempted to buy the error deck, I don’t agree with the concept of financing mistakes, and at $50USD per deck, postage included or not, there is no way you are losing money (only profit).
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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by vasta41 »

Lotrek, I repeat: WAIT FOR THE NEXT DECK TO BE IN YOUR HANDS BEFORE SELLING! I'm not upset but dear God... It's almost comical.
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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by Bradius »

PS As much as I am tempted to buy the error deck, I don’t agree with the concept of financing mistakes, and at $50USD per deck, postage included or not, there is no way you are losing money (only profit).
I am sorry, but that is just not close to true. At $50 per deck for 70 decks, that comes to only $3,500. That will not get near the cost of reprinting 333 Arabesque decks with double foil on the reverse and on the court cards, plus the cost to cut finish and assemble them, plus the cost to mail the error decks internationally.
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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by Lotrek »

vasta41 wrote:Lotrek, I repeat: WAIT FOR THE NEXT DECK TO BE IN YOUR HANDS BEFORE SELLING! I'm not upset but dear God... It's almost comical.
It is.
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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by Merlebird »

Bradius wrote:
PS As much as I am tempted to buy the error deck, I don’t agree with the concept of financing mistakes, and at $50USD per deck, postage included or not, there is no way you are losing money (only profit).
I am sorry, but that is just not close to true. At $50 per deck for 70 decks, that comes to only $3,500. That will not get near the cost of reprinting 333 Arabesque decks with double foil on the reverse and on the court cards, plus the cost to cut finish and assemble them, plus the cost to mail the error decks internationally.
Math problems aside, it's the implication that artists only deserve to eat when they're successful that doesn't sit well with me.

If you're not making mistakes, you're not doing art.
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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by Bradius »

The Arabesque error deck is now sold out.
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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by bigskybaby »

WOW, all error decks are sold out within two hours!
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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by vasta41 »

If he were scrapping the decks people would complain. So he tries to sell them and people still complain? Why? Just don't buy them lol Geez, you really can't please everyone.
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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by Lotrek »

Merlebird wrote:
Bradius wrote:
PS As much as I am tempted to buy the error deck, I don’t agree with the concept of financing mistakes, and at $50USD per deck, postage included or not, there is no way you are losing money (only profit).
I am sorry, but that is just not close to true. At $50 per deck for 70 decks, that comes to only $3,500. That will not get near the cost of reprinting 333 Arabesque decks with double foil on the reverse and on the court cards, plus the cost to cut finish and assemble them, plus the cost to mail the error decks internationally.
Math problems aside, it's the implication that artists only deserve to eat when they're successful that doesn't sit well with me.

If you're not making mistakes, you're not doing art.
I agree. It's just that this mistake is so idiotic... I executed an incredibly complex production without serious problems and I designed wrong indices in 2 cards????
On the other hand, I think that I was so much focused on the technical side that I took for granted the pips etc were okay so I didn't really check as carefully as I should.
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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by Merlebird »

Lotrek wrote:It's just that this mistake is so idiotic... I executed an incredibly complex production without serious problems and I designed wrong indices in 2 cards????
Well, as the old saying goes, even Homer sometimes nods.

Good company for a Greek to be in, I think! ;)
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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by TheGentlemanWake »

Lotrek wrote:
Merlebird wrote:
Bradius wrote:
PS As much as I am tempted to buy the error deck, I don’t agree with the concept of financing mistakes, and at $50USD per deck, postage included or not, there is no way you are losing money (only profit).
I am sorry, but that is just not close to true. At $50 per deck for 70 decks, that comes to only $3,500. That will not get near the cost of reprinting 333 Arabesque decks with double foil on the reverse and on the court cards, plus the cost to cut finish and assemble them, plus the cost to mail the error decks internationally.
Math problems aside, it's the implication that artists only deserve to eat when they're successful that doesn't sit well with me.

If you're not making mistakes, you're not doing art.
I agree. It's just that this mistake is so idiotic... I executed an incredibly complex production without serious problems and I designed wrong indices in 2 cards????
On the other hand, I think that I was so much focused on the technical side that I took for granted the pips etc were okay so I didn't really check as carefully as I should.
I bet this NEVER happens to you again. Lol.

I admit I bought a misprint deck. Figure I can review that while I wait for the final version. lol
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Unread post by Oscar53955 »

TheGentlemanWake wrote:Just got “THE” email. Sigh. [emoji20]

So there’s a misprint. Lotrek had to scrap the existing decks because he can’t print replacement cards because there’s no more card stock of the type he used. Selling misprint version for $50
Strange... I didn't get this email. I checked my spam too. I also checked my other email with which I signed up on Lotrek's website for updates. The last one I received was about the foil upgrade. Any new ETA mentioned in the email?
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Re: Re:

Unread post by shermjack »

Oscar53955 wrote: Any new ETA mentioned in the email?
Lotrek is resuming printing after Easter and it should take about two weeks to complete.
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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by TGunitedcardists »

Lotrek wrote: I agree. It's just that this mistake is so idiotic... I executed an incredibly complex production without serious problems and I designed wrong indices in 2 cards????
On the other hand, I think that I was so much focused on the technical side that I took for granted the pips etc were okay so I didn't really check as carefully as I should.
Some of the greatest eyes and critques in the card industry reside on this board. Perhaps open up the designs to the community for a last check to see if anything is missing or to catch some mistakes.

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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by HFMJ »

I know it may look like I whine, but I have a suggestion. If it would be possible in the future for sales like this to be announced for instance with 24h in advance. That way I think everybody would have an equal chance at getting them. I went to bed 30min before the email and it's the second time this happens to me :roll: , first was with the Liturgy red and green decks.
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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by bigskybaby »

HFMJ wrote:I know it may look like I whine, but I have a suggestion. If it would be possible in the future for sales like this to be announced for instance with 24h in advance. That way I think everybody would have an equal chance at getting them. I went to bed 30min before the email and it's the second time this happens to me :roll: , first was with the Liturgy red and green decks.
Although I was lucky enough to buy one, I totally agree with your point. Everyone should get an equal chance to buy a deck.
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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by Gonzalo »

Bradius wrote: Oh well. I guess I get to double down and get an error deck also.
My thoughts exactly. Silver lining and all that. ;)
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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by sms69x »

Totally expecting this.. Otherwise it wouldn't be a Lotrek's deck.
I did my part to help you with your next print run...

Thank you.
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Re: Re:

Unread post by RichK »

Oscar53955 wrote:
TheGentlemanWake wrote:Just got “THE” email. Sigh. [emoji20]

So there’s a misprint. Lotrek had to scrap the existing decks because he can’t print replacement cards because there’s no more card stock of the type he used. Selling misprint version for $50
Strange... I didn't get this email. I checked my spam too. I also checked my other email with which I signed up on Lotrek's website for updates. The last one I received was about the foil upgrade. Any new ETA mentioned in the email?
I didn't get it in 2 of my emails. Very odd.

Sorry for the error Lotrek. Hang in there.
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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by Smocito »

I think everybody who bought the deck should have the chance to buy the deck with the error (in case all decks were printed)

Lotrek would minimize his loss and it would avoid decks being destroyed.

I understand that, now, it wouldn't be fair if someone bought the deck because it would be an ultra limited (70 only) deck, or if someone has bought more now than they had bought of the Arabesque, or if someone bought one now and hasn't bought the Arabesque...

I understand it's Lotrek's decision, we will still get the deck we bought, I just wish his decision was different.
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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by Bradius »

I suspect that Lotrek was more stunned that I was at how fast those error decks sold out. If he had any inkling they would have been so popular he would have increased the number he sold to help recoup more of his losses (Yeah, another costly mistake Lotrek). :lol:

That said, if anyone feels left out, he still has those signed version 1 uncut tuck sheets from the Ambassador Collectors that are still available. Only 25 were made available and I think most are still available. My point is not all of Lotrek's mistakes are gobbled up by the collectors.
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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by akicer »

Well, I'm not surprised at all when I see the error deck sold out that fast

To me it's an easy buy since I just see the error deck a special deck (with even fewer quantity) with two gaff cards lol
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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by caramelo »

I bought the Arabesque deck right at the first moment.
I had faith that it would be a fantastic deck and I was not disappointed. It's fabulous.
I do not understand is why I did not receive any email saying that there had been a problem with the deck, a delay or that there would be a sale of the decks with an error.
Having to know about the news by third parties does not seem good policy.

I still continue to look forward to my deck, which as I have already said here previously was my birthday present, which was in January.

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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by Lotrek »

caramelo wrote: Having to know about the news by third parties does not seem good policy.
It's not a policy... I sent the email to "all customers" from my website's shoutout service. Now I see that quite a few people didn't get it. It was actually not sent to them. I don't know why, I certainly had no reason to purposefully exclude anyone from the email. Now I wonder how many people didn't get the email and are waiting for the deck... I'll have to check them one by one.
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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by Gonzalo »

It seems all the stars have alligned and I just received my "Error" deck today, 10/04.

I think I've run out of adjectives. "Gaff cards" aside, the deck is outstanding. Breathtaking.

In my modest opinion, Lotrek has surpassed himself this time. I wonder what would be next from him.

Thanks, man.
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Re: "ARABESQUE" by OathPlayingCards

Unread post by Ace »

Looks like I missed out on both versions! Wish I had pickup either one, they look great.
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