Wonso (Elements) Korean-themed deck

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Wonso (Elements) Korean-themed deck

Unread post by ivanrogov »

I'm working on a Korean-themed deck called Wonso (or 'elements' in Korean). Colors and suits are from the South Korean flag, with other elements from Taoism. Suits and pips are non-traditional, using trigrams instead of the usual pips. This is the Poker version, as I've also have some designs for an octagonal version.
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Re: Wonso (Elements) Korean-themed deck

Unread post by TGunitedcardists »

When you say poker version, I assume you mean poker-size version. These could not be used for poker. If anything, they would be considered the bastard child of an Korean art deck. For an experimental project, I wish you luck, but this has a zero chance of success as a commercial/Kickstarter venture.
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Re: Wonso (Elements) Korean-themed deck

Unread post by Eric Lee »

Agreed. There's no reference to the standard poker deck and how it's supposed to be used outside of just an art collection. The Korean theme is nice and, if the art is good, I would back an Asian theme poker deck or even Magic/Game token deck , but not a random art deck that's unrelated to anything.

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