Mortamorx Cardistry deck

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Mortamorx Cardistry deck

Unread post by Beeshop »

Hi Everyone,

I'm pretty new here, and happy to found this forum! I started to share my plans on Instagram to be able to start a Kickstarter project soon.
I wanted to create a deck which is suitable for cardistry, magic tricks and poker as well. Of course all up on that, I wanted it to be attractive and stylish. Firstly I was inspired by Virtuoso SS16, I really like the idea of using so much geometrical shapes and lines, and that was I was trying to rethink. Furthermore, I wanted to create custome figures that recall real life characters.
I would like to ask about your thoughts and any feedback on my deck design from this community.
Thanks in advance!
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Some of the figures.

Unread post by Beeshop »

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Re: Mortamorx Cardistry deck

Unread post by Räpylätassu »

Inspired by Virtuoso...? Or just ripping off?

I'm sorry, even small details like the face on the Queen of Spades looks so much like the faces on Queens on the Virtuoso decks.
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Re: Mortamorx Cardistry deck

Unread post by Beeshop »

Hi Räpylätassu,

I appreciate that you took your time to have a look on my plans and giving a feedback!
I'm wondering what the other viewers might think, of course if more similar opinions would appear I would rethink the possibly questioned elements.
I do not consider this idea of mine as a ripoff, or copy. I rather think and believe that the new scheme and conception that the Virts has brought into card design is now already a trend, a great classic which can be reckoned as a benchmark to follow.
I know that this whole issue regularly appears when a new deck is about to come, (ripoff/not ripoff) but fortunately there are numerous examples when a design can stand on it's own feet, and shows up new ways to enjoy by the users, who make their judgement directly.
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Re: Mortamorx Cardistry deck

Unread post by RichK »

Ugh. It does look like a Virts copy. Bad idea.

And your King of Hearts looks like Robin Williams holding a gun. Really tacky since he committed suicide.
Move on, nothing to see here.
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Re: Mortamorx Cardistry deck

Unread post by Beeshop »

Hi All,

I'm very thankful for your inputs, especially Räpylätassu and RichK!
You gave me useful ideas which made me think my plans over. I think I'm not going to use real life characters on the faces. Now I'm redrawing some specific details and I hope I'm going to have my deck printed some day and I can hold it in my hand and that it will make all who use it happy and satisfied!

All the best,
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