Is encyclopedia of card flourishes worth it?

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Is encyclopedia of card flourishes worth it?

Unread post by lecardcollector »

Is the encyclopedia of card flourishes by the flourishman worth it? The book? The dvd?
It's $75 just for the book.
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Re: Is encyclopedia of card flourishes worth it?

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

I like it a lot, but I can't say if it'll be worth $75 for you.

I haven't checked, but I would think it possible to find tutorials for a lot of the flourishes on youtube.

If you want some pictures from the book, you can shoot me a PM (you need to have made 3 posts). Though it's at my parents house, so it could take some time.
- Tom

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Re: Is encyclopedia of card flourishes worth it? (wap)

Unread post by lecardcollector »

Thanks! This should be my third post so please!
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