2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL - Winners Announced!

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2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL - Winners Announced!

Unread post by DeckAwards »

Let the Voting for the 2017 UC Playing Card Decks of the Year begin!

See rules, prizes, and other details below.

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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL

Unread post by DeckAwards »


  1. DO NOT POST YOUR VOTES ON THIS PAGE. Kindly PM both this dedicated account (DeckAwards) and Mike Ratledge your votes.
  2. Decks must be released between January 1st, 2017 and December 31st, 2017.
    1. Decks that are not released in 2017 are ineligible.
    2. Reissued versions of established decks may be declared ineligible if no significant change was made to the original design.
    3. KS Decks must be delivered in 2017 to be considered.
    4. KS decks that started delivery in 2016 and concluded delivery in 2017 are eligible ONLY if not voted for in the 2016 competition.
    5. KS decks that start delivery in 2017 and concluded delivery in 2018 are eligible, but will not be eligible in the 2018 competition if voted for in the 2017 competition.
    6. If your entry contains an ineligible deck you will be informed and allowed to re-enter.
  3. The administrators reserve all rights to revoke anyone's participation rights should any dishonest activities be suspected.
  4. The sponsors have all rights to change any prizes without prior notice.
  5. Everyone is allowed to participate in the voting, including designers themselves (who are allowed to vote on their own decks.) Any Administrators / Moderators participation will have already cast their votes prior to viewing any other votes to ensure fairness.
  6. The Administrators / Moderators reserve all rights to amend any of the above rules without prior notice.
  7. Voting will commence Saturday, February 17th, at 6pm Eastern Standard Time.
  8. Votes must by in by Saturday, March 17th, at 9pm Eastern Standard Time. (This is an extended deadline from the originally posted date.)
  9. Prizes from our sponsers will be picked by in order by the final placement of the participants as determined randomly by the contest Administrators.
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL

Unread post by DeckAwards »

  • Any non-crowdfunded deck released in 2017 is eligible - however reissues of established decks may be declared ineligible if no significant change was made.
  • Crowdfunded decks delivered in 2017 are eligible - but only if they have not been declared eligible and voted on in previous DOTY contests (for those cases where delivery happens over the new year).
  • An official list of eligible decks will not be published - entries will be assessed on a case by case basis.
  • Members may collaborate and build a list if they wish!
Specific deck queries:
  • No decks have had their eligibility questioned as of this time.
Useful resources:
https://www.kickstarter.com/discover/ca ... ng%20cards
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL

Unread post by DeckAwards »


  • Best Ace of Spades
  • Best Back
  • Best Courts
  • Best Pips
  • Best Jokers
  • Best Gaff/Extra Card
  • Best Use of Colours in a Deck
  • Best Deck for Flourishing
  • Best Deck for Fanning
  • Best Deck for Magic
  • Best Uncut
  • Best Tuck
  • Best Coin
  • Best Innovation
  • Best Crowdfunding project
  • Best Rookie Deck
  • Best Non-Poker Deck
  • Best Deck for Poker Play
  • Best Overall
  • The spirit of the "Best deck for Poker play" is to choose the best traditional standard deck for play in general - there are many other games we could have chosen such as Bridge, Gin or Cribbage - but poker is probably the most popular and familiar. For sake of argument when judging or selecting a deck think Texas Hold'em.
  • The best Deck for Poker Play should be exactly that - best for playing with - not just the prettiest deck that could conceivably be used to play, and can and should consider factors including design, durability, slipperiness, feel, etc.
  • Best non-poker deck is looking at decks that could not be used for Texas Hold'em Poker (or similar games) at all - that is a deck that does not conform to four suits (Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs - or artistic substitutes) each comprising of 10 number cards (1 or Ace through 10), and three face cards (Jack, Queen, King). You would normally expect 2 jokers (Black and Red), but having only one, or both the same colour, for whichever artistic reason would not qualify a deck on its own. nor would card marking or gimmicks (being able to cheat doesnt make them unplayable!)
  • Best rookie deck is looking for best Deck produces by a first time artist or producer - the platform it was made available through is not important. A new production company or trading name for someone who has previously prduced decks would not qualify.
Voting and points system
  • Each entry is comprised of a single vote for each category
  • For each category, the votes are added up and first, second and third place decks are established
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL

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Several individuals and companies have expressed interest in donating prizes to be available to participants in this year's voting. Participants will be ranked in a random order once voting has concluded, and will be given the opportunity to select one prize tier from the prize pool donated by these generous sponsors, with each succeeding participant on the list choosing from among the remaining prizes, in turn. This year's contest moderator (UC Moderator "rousselle") is recusing himself from the prize pool drawing.

If you would like to contribute to the prize pool, please post your donation in this thread! Thanks!

Prize pool donations will be listed below:

guru -- awarded to joeblow
Eight decks:
1 x Divine Art deck (numbered between 1-30)
6 x Bharata Major Arcana tarot decks
1 x 100% handcrafted (hand-painted, lacquered cards and wooden box) poker deck
(Cost of shipping is not included.)

shermjack -- awarded to jaytayo2212
Tier 1: The full range of Carat Cases from X1 - X4 and X6

shermjack -- awarded to th4mo
Tier 2: The full range of Carat Cases from X1 - X4 and X6

Thirdway Industries -- awarded to Merlebird
Mixed half-brick of Thirdway Industries decks, 3 Unlimited and 3 Limited Edition + shipping in the USA/Europe/Canada
The six decks are: 1 Pantheon, 1 Eva, 1 SINS Anima, 1 SINS Corpus, 1 SINS Mentis and 1 Omnia Perduta.
(I might need a little contribution for ship in the most "far" countries).

A brick of Felines and Chickens plus US domestic shipping
(If winner could defray costs of international shipping, that would be much appreciated)

sinjin7 -- awarded to flashcards
One brick from sinjin7's secret stash (listed below), plus US domestic shipping.
(If winner could help defray costs of international shipping, that would be much appreciated)
Mana Sybil Livida - unique cigarette style tuck box
Mana Silver Oracle - still one of the most beautiful decks in my collection
Ace Fulton's Casino Midnight Fuel Ltd Edition - numbered 258/2500 and autographed by Brad Fulton
Branded Black Book Manifesto - unique typography deck
Bharata - gold gilded edges
Mechanic - animation in the back design
Bicycle Core - from the notorious Kickstarter campaign
BRuT - an Uusi deck, enough said
Blue Tune - Aloys deck limited to 2500
Boardwalk Papers - Blue Crown and EPCC collaboration
Gold Rarebit - gold foiled cards
Unicorn Emerald Edition - printed with 3D display technology

Räpylätassu -- awarded to JuFiN
One brick of cards, containing:
  • Green Turku Castle deck (Piatnik, custom shape)
  • Light Brown Turku Castle deck (Piatnik, custom shape)
  • Green L&H deck (Piatnik, bridge size)
  • Orange L&H deck (Piatnik, bridge size)
  • Vito Timmel's Giochi di Corte (Italian custom deck, 1991)
  • Bicycle Syzygy Platinum with signature
  • Rise of a Nation
  • Bicycle Colonial Unrest Limited Edition
  • Correspondances Blue (Grimaud custom deck, 1985)
  • Le Jeu de Cartes des Croisades (Grimaud custom deck, 1996)
  • Bicycle Brimstone v2
  • Bicycle Brimstone Aqua
(Shipped in two Grinders half-brick boxes)
(If winner could help defray costs of shipping, that would be much appreciated)

Paul Middleton
TEN SEPARATE PRIZES of one £25 voucher each for use on https://jpgamesltd.co.uk/
(ie, this is ten tiers of one voucher each, not one tier of ten vouchers ;))

AceCollectable Cards -- awarded to Cbkimble
One brick of Limited edition Ace Treasure Pirates plus another brick of standard edition Ace treasure pirates and 2 Uncut sheets.
(I'm clarifying with AceCollectable Cards now if these are being grouped as one prize tier)

Lotrek -- awarded to misterharmanko
1 Sanctus, 1 Arabesque, and 1 Golden Oath prototype

Bradius -- awarded to HFMJ
1 brick of Amethyst Jacq decks

Rick Davidson -- awarded to TGunitedcardists
A half brick of Rick Davidson designed decks, tentatively:
1 Origins First Edition
1 Origins Grail Limited Edition
1 Shadows of History
1 Rouen 1567
1 De Novo Viridi
1 De Novo Aurum

Tier 1: -- awarded to Räpylätassu
1 Stars and Stripes FDI Set

Tier 2: -- awarded to sms69x
1 Single Black FDI Deck

Stockholm17 -- Awarded to TwoPieceFeed
A Gemini Pollux bundle:

2 Gemini Terra
2 Gemini Ignis
2 Gemini Noctis
Custom Carat Case
Gemini Card Guard

Noir Arts
Tier 1:
Half brick of NPCC mixes decks which will include at least 2 decks that weren't presented to public.

Tier 2:
Half brick of NPCC mixes decks. Winner pick 6 different decks from available stock.
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL

Unread post by DeckAwards »


Best Ace of Spades
1st: Gemini (Stockholm17)
2nd: Apothecary: Ponderings & Insights (Alex Chin)
3rd: Sanctus (Lotrek), Arthurian (Jackson Robinson)

Best Back
1st: Gemini (Stockholm17)
2nd: Golden Oath (Lotrek)
3rd: -

Best Courts
1st: Gemini (Stockholm17)
2nd: Origins Shadows of History (Rick Davidson), Sanctus (Lotrek)
3rd: -

Best Pips
1st: Nouveau Bijoux/Perle (Bona fide)
2nd: Gemini (Stockholm17), Sanctus (Lotrek)
3rd: -

Best Jokers
1st: Gemini (Stockholm17)
2nd: Eva (Thirdway Industries)
3rd: -

Best Gaff/Extra Card
1st: Gemini (Stockholm17)
2nd: -
3rd: -

Best Use of Colours in a Deck
1st: Vizago (Abolina Art)
2nd: Gemini (Stockholm17), Pipmen World (Elephant), Apothecary: Ponderings & Insights (Alex Chin), Bharata (Guru)
3rd: -

Best Deck for Flourishing
1st: Virtuoso FW17 (Virtuoso)
2nd: Origin (Cardistry Touch)
3rd: Gemini (Stockholm17)

Best Deck for Fanning
1st: WTF Cardistry (De'Vo)
2nd: HoneyBee No.17 Metalluxe (Penguin Magic & Randy Butterfield)
3rd: -

Best Deck for Magic
1st: Ravn: Purple Haze (Ravn Magic & Stockholm17)
2nd: Butterfly (Ondrej Psenicka)
3rd: Madison Kittens (Ellusionist), White Lions Tour Edition (David Blaine)

Best Uncut
1st: Pipmen World (Elephant)
2nd: -
3rd: -

Best Tuck
1st: NPCCD 2017 (Alex Chin)
2nd: Golden Oath (Lotrek)
3rd: -

Best Coin
1st: Sins (Thirdway Industries), Dedalo (Thirdway Industries)
3rd: Origins Shadows of History (Rick Davidson), Hobo Coins (Dead on Paper)

Best Innovation
1st: Golden Oath (Lotrek)
2nd: Apothecary: Ponderings & Insights (Alex Chin), Liturgy (Lotrek)
3rd: -

Best Crowdfunding project
1st: Apothecary: Ponderings & Insights (Alex Chin)
2nd: Gemini (Stockholm17)
3rd: Divine Art (Guru)

Best Rookie Deck
1st: Divine Art (Guru)
2nd: Skateboard (Kevin Yu)
3rd: -

Best Non-Poker Deck
1st: Eros Tarot (Uusi)
2nd: Pipmen World (Elephant)
3rd: -

Best Deck for Poker Play
1st: Ravn: Purple Haze (Ravn Magic & Stockholm17)
2nd: HoneyBee No.17 Metalluxe (Penguin Magic & Randy Butterfield)
3rd: -

Best Deck Overall
1st: Golden Oath (Lotrek)
2nd: Gemini (Stockholm17)
3rd: Apothecary: Ponderings & Insights (Alex Chin)

  1. misterharmanko -- Lotrek prize tier
  2. joeblow -- Guru prize tier
  3. TwoPieceFeed -- Stockholm17 prize tier
  4. Räpylätassu -- VDX Tier 1 prize tier
  5. Merlebird -- Thirdway Industries prize tier
  6. sms69x -- VDX Tier 2 prize tier
  7. flashcards -- sinjin7 prize tier
  8. JuFiN -- Räpylätassu prize tier
  9. TGunitedcardists -- Rick Davidson prize tier
  10. jaytayo2212 -- shermjack carat cases prize tier 1
  11. vasta41 -- abstained from taking a prize
  12. th4mo -- shermjack carat cases prize tier 2
  13. Cbkimble -- AceCollectable Cards prize tier
  14. HFMJ -- Bradius' brick prize tier
  15. Stevecru
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL

Unread post by rousselle »

New prizes added to the prize vault. Let's get those votes in!

BTW, if you're looking for reminders of what decks you have that may have arrived in 2017, here are a couple more resources:

* I've been keeping a running tally of Kickstarter and self-funded projects that have arrived on my doorstep via the Watchdogs thread, where some of our fellow UCers have chimed in, as well. 2017 arrivals begin around here: viewtopic.php?f=81&t=5963&start=180#p113510

* Fellow moderator Princess Trouble had been keeping a running tally over at PlayingCardForum.com of both KS and commercial releases. Here's a link to the part of the list that commences in July of 2017: http://www.playingcardforum.com/index.php?topic=10798.0. I know that there were posts for earlier in the year, but I can't find them at the moment. Princess? Do you know where they are?

Taking a look at these lists... yeah, there were a lot of awesome releases in 2017. Let's vote!

EDIT by PT: Here's the first half of 2017: http://www.playingcardforum.com/index.php?topic=9997" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL

Unread post by IAmTheChin »

I admit I SHOULD have a better solution for this but this is the first thing that came to mind. Because the 2017 list is so extensive and the text is a bit dense would one of the admin/mods be interested in creating a separate Portfolio52 account exclusively for this and putting all eligible decks in a collection link so that people can visually see all the decks that they can vote on? It's not an ideal permanent solution but we can always delete the collection after the voting is over.
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL

Unread post by sinjin7 »

Being able to visually see all the eligible decks would be an immense help to jog the memory. And maybe we can extend the voting period by a couple of weeks as well if we do this to give people time for more informed voting.
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL

Unread post by vasta41 »

sinjin7 wrote:Being able to visually see all the eligible decks would be an immense help to jog the memory. And maybe we can extend the voting period by a couple of weeks as well if we do this to give people time for more informed voting.
I would like more time. Having a newborn makes it tough to devote as much time to cards as I used to but I'd also like to contribute another prize this year. I haven't had time to check my inventory but hopefully soon..
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL

Unread post by rousselle »

Yeah, I'm thinking the best thing to do is extend the deadline. And, a couple weeks should be fine. However, I have no idea how I can come up with the time to put together a special account on P52. Do I have any volunteers to help? :)
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL

Unread post by VXD »

Ladies and Gents

We would like to offer the following to UC members from our 2017 Mk.1 edition:

1 Stars and Stripes FDI Set
1 Single Black FDI Deck

I understand that extremely few members of UC actually possess one of our decks and hence we can't realistically be included in any of the judgements. Maybe this prize gift can go one step towards overcoming that issue for the future. As far as I'm concerned every deck out there rather than with us in storage is a good thing for us. I hope it provides a nice prize for 2 winners :)

Kind regards
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL

Unread post by vasta41 »

VXD wrote:Ladies and Gents

We would like to offer the following to UC members from our 2017 Mk.1 edition:

1 Stars and Stripes FDI Set
1 Single Black FDI Deck

I understand that extremely few members of UC actually possess one of our decks and hence we can't realistically be included in any of the judgements. Maybe this prize gift can go one step towards overcoming that issue for the future. As far as I'm concerned every deck out there rather than with us in storage is a good thing for us. I hope it provides a nice prize for 2 winners :)

Kind regards
Just because you couldn't offer traditional tucks doesn't mean we don't appreciate your contribution to the playing card world. And kudos for not tucking your tail between you leg!
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL

Unread post by shermjack »

VXD wrote:Ladies and Gents

We would like to offer the following to UC members from our 2017 Mk.1 edition:

1 Stars and Stripes FDI Set
1 Single Black FDI Deck

I understand that extremely few members of UC actually possess one of our decks and hence we can't realistically be included in any of the judgements. Maybe this prize gift can go one step towards overcoming that issue for the future. As far as I'm concerned every deck out there rather than with us in storage is a good thing for us. I hope it provides a nice prize for 2 winners :)

Kind regards
That’s awesome that you are donating some decks, thanks!

As for not being included in the judgements, I am definitely voting the VXD deck as being the best innovation for 2017, that’s for sure! ;)
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL

Unread post by flashcards »

I would also like to request an extension.
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

vasta41 wrote:And kudos for not tucking your tail between you leg!
Are you saying he only has one leg? That's a pretty serious insult, I might have to ban you for that :ugthink:

Agreed with the previous posters, it's very generous of you to offer up prizes, VXD!
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL

Unread post by vasta41 »

MagikFingerz wrote:
vasta41 wrote:And kudos for not tucking your tail between you leg!
Are you saying he only has one leg? That's a pretty serious insult, I might have to ban you for that :ugthink:

Agreed with the previous posters, it's very generous of you to offer up prizes, VXD!
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL

Unread post by ecNate »

rousselle wrote:Yeah, I'm thinking the best thing to do is extend the deadline. And, a couple weeks should be fine. However, I have no idea how I can come up with the time to put together a special account on P52. Do I have any volunteers to help? :)
I created an account 'UC 2017 Deck of the Year' (https://www.portfolio52.com/profile/10383/collection) and will PM you the login credentials. You can then use and share with anybody you trust to help add to the collection. I would suggest breaking out the work logically to minimize duplicate efforts - Person A does Kickstarter decks with deck name or artist last names A-M, Person B does N-Z, Person C does non Kickstarter decks, Person D browses search of 2017, Person E browses PCF list, Person F reviews/validates all added periodically to meet rules, etc.

As Alex said, there should be an easier way to do this, but the search currently is just a direct search string for all searchable fields (pretty much all other than description). As a a result, this search of https://www.portfolio52.com/search?search_string=2017 will find all decks released in 2017, but also those added in 2017 which could be much older. Still, it's a starting point. Obviously you can also search for decks you know are from 2017 and add them.

EDIT - These links may also help locate 2017 decks you may have forgotten about, some already mentioned, but duplicating in one spot.
https://www.kickstarter.com/discover/ad ... 349&page=1

WARNING - the date at the top of the popup or deck entry can be the date added and NOT the date it was released. You need to view the full record and look in the released date to confirm that. Although even then I think you may need to validate that is accurate as person entering may have used date logic different than this competition as P52 tends to use date on tuck and those near year end can be argued either way.
Decks must be released between January 1st, 2017 and December 31st, 2017.
Decks that are not released in 2017 are ineligible.
Reissued versions of established decks may be declared ineligible if no significant change was made to the original design.
KS Decks must be delivered in 2017 to be considered.
KS decks that started delivery in 2016 and concluded delivery in 2017 are eligible ONLY if not voted for in the 2016 competition.
KS decks that start delivery in 2017 and concluded delivery in 2018 are eligible, but will not be eligible in the 2018 competition if voted for in the 2017 competition.
If your entry contains an ineligible deck you will be informed and allowed to re-enter.
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL

Unread post by VXD »

MagikFingerz wrote:
vasta41 wrote:And kudos for not tucking your tail between you leg!
Are you saying he only has one leg? That's a pretty serious insult, I might have to ban you for that :ugthink:

Agreed with the previous posters, it's very generous of you to offer up prizes, VXD!

Haha....well I've been known to be somewhat legless of a Saturday evening I suppose.... ;)
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL - Deadline is March 17

Unread post by DeckAwards »

I have officially extended the deadline to March 17th at 9pm Eastern Time.

Now, then. If you haven't yet... work on your votes!

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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL - Deadline is March 17

Unread post by Bradius »

This just seems way too much work. I don't know how you all managed it in the past. Some categories, I am just befuddled to guess at as I am just not in a place to grade those categories. The bigger problem is just simply coming up with a list of the possible decks...Maybe we should have an ongoing thread for 2018 at least to list the possibly eligible decks with a link to the cards to make judging a bit easier next year.

Rainbow unicorns is topping my list so far I think.
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL - Deadline is March 17

Unread post by vasta41 »

Bradius wrote:This just seems way too much work. I don't know how you all managed it in the past. Some categories, I am just befuddled to guess at as I am just not in a place to grade those categories. The bigger problem is just simply coming up with a list of the possible decks...Maybe we should have an ongoing thread for 2018 at least to list the possibly eligible decks with a link to the cards to make judging a bit easier next year.

Rainbow unicorns is topping my list so far I think.
The hardest category for me this and every year is best innovation- there are so many options! Between the Vertex Deck, Prism Gilded, Apothecary, and anything Lotrek made, I have a hard time deciding.
As far as the categories go I pretty much flip a coin when it comes to voting for the best flourishing, fanning, and magic decks (myself and others have suggested combining those categories into one years ago to no avail). And that coin that I flip isn't one from any KS campaign since I don't collect coins, I collect cards. So that vote is also a coin flip. Almost every year we "vote" to add/subtract new categories but almost every year no headway is made. So like it or not, the categories you see are the categories you're gonna get.
As far as a deck index, thanks to PrincessTrouble here are two references: http://www.playingcardforum.com/index.p ... c=9997.150" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; and http://www.playingcardforum.com/index.php?topic=10798.0" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;. That's probably the most complete list out there. It would be nice if something like that existed on UC but I know it would be a HUGE undertaking and I certainly don't have the time to volunteer lol.
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL - Deadline is March 17

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

vasta41 wrote:As far as the categories go I pretty much flip a coin when it comes to voting for the best flourishing, fanning, and magic decks (myself and others have suggested combining those categories into one years ago to no avail)
But, but... THOSE ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT TYPES OF DECKS!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL - Deadline is March 17

Unread post by ecNate »

Umm, guys, see here. P52 User - UC 2017 Deck of the Year

If anybody wants to volunteer to keep expanding it let me know.

vasta41 wrote:
Bradius wrote:This just seems way too much work. I don't know how you all managed it in the past. Some categories, I am just befuddled to guess at as I am just not in a place to grade those categories. The bigger problem is just simply coming up with a list of the possible decks...Maybe we should have an ongoing thread for 2018 at least to list the possibly eligible decks with a link to the cards to make judging a bit easier next year.

Rainbow unicorns is topping my list so far I think.
The hardest category for me this and every year is best innovation- there are so many options! Between the Vertex Deck, Prism Gilded, Apothecary, and anything Lotrek made, I have a hard time deciding.
As far as the categories go I pretty much flip a coin when it comes to voting for the best flourishing, fanning, and magic decks (myself and others have suggested combining those categories into one years ago to no avail). And that coin that I flip isn't one from any KS campaign since I don't collect coins, I collect cards. So that vote is also a coin flip. Almost every year we "vote" to add/subtract new categories but almost every year no headway is made. So like it or not, the categories you see are the categories you're gonna get.
As far as a deck index, thanks to PrincessTrouble here are two references: http://www.playingcardforum.com/index.p ... c=9997.150" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; and http://www.playingcardforum.com/index.php?topic=10798.0" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;. That's probably the most complete list out there. It would be nice if something like that existed on UC but I know it would be a HUGE undertaking and I certainly don't have the time to volunteer lol.
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL - Deadline is March 17

Unread post by ecNate »

Bradius wrote:Rainbow unicorns is topping my list so far I think.
Except that's not eligible since it wasn't delivered until Feb 2018
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL - Deadline is March 17

Unread post by sms69x »

ecNate wrote:Umm, guys, see here. P52 User - UC 2017 Deck of the Year

If anybody wants to volunteer to keep expanding it let me know.
There's at least one strong contestant missing there: Divine Art by GPCC - Though the realase date on P52 shows 2016 (which matchs the printing on the deck) the deck was only delivered in 2017.
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL - Deadline is March 17

Unread post by ecNate »

Updated both, thanks.
sms69x wrote:
ecNate wrote:Umm, guys, see here. P52 User - UC 2017 Deck of the Year

If anybody wants to volunteer to keep expanding it let me know.
There's at least one strong contestant missing there: Divine Art by GPCC - Though the realase date on P52 shows 2016 (which matchs the printing on the deck) the deck was only delivered in 2017.
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL - Deadline is March 17

Unread post by NoirArts »

HI all,
we have also prepared 2 tiers:
1. Half brick of NPCC mixes decks which will include at least 2 decks that weren't presented to public.
2. Half brick of NPCC mixes decks. Winner pick 6 different decks from available stock.
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL

Unread post by Merlebird »

rousselle wrote:Fellow moderator Princess Trouble had been keeping a running tally over at PlayingCardForum.com of both KS and commercial releases. Here's a link to the part of the list that commences in July of 2017: http://www.playingcardforum.com/index.php?topic=10798.0. I know that there were posts for earlier in the year, but I can't find them at the moment. Princess? Do you know where they are?
I was waiting for her to post it but I just dug it up myself. 2017 decks appear to start here.
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Re: 2017 Decks of the Year - OFFICIAL - Deadline is March 17

Unread post by IAmTheChin »

Out of curiosity is the Apothecary eligible for this? I'm not sure how two part projects are treated since the first two were completed in 2017 but the full project itself is not yet released.
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