Delirium - The Lost Decks - live on Kickstarter

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Delirium - The Lost Decks - live on Kickstarter

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Hello UC!

I am going to launch a campaign for fund my "Lost" Delirium decks, the ones I didn't had the chance to fund in 2014 with the Delirium Prism campaign.

You might remember "Delirium Insomnia" :mrgreen:

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The other deck (Delirium Mystery) that was in the 2014 campaign page is now revealed: Delirium Ascension
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I've updated and redesigned a lot of stuff - after 4 years many things changed and I wanted improve some things.

I've also integrated the story, there is a mini site that should be fun to read, that shows a lot of cards >" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Delirium Prism, the first deck of the series was the UC 2015 now it's completely sold out (I have just SEVEN, in Italy, as my personal collection) - I bet that some UC members have more than me...
(Just FYI - I have so few because I didn't realized it was so low stock - usually I would keep more than 7!) - I will never reprint it, as I always do.

The new Delirium will be printed by USPCC and there will be a 777 limited edition for celebrate that Thirdway Industries is now a real company.
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I hope you'll like the campaign - it will be live from 12 january of 2018 and there will be a lot of early birds with great offers, especially on Limited Editions.

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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - on Kickstarter 1-12-2018

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*throws $50 at the screen*
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - on Kickstarter 1-12-2018

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Cool, I missed the first version so if the prices are ok I will be in for this!
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - on Kickstarter 1-12-2018

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Mankin wrote:Cool, I missed the first version so if the prices are ok I will be in for this!
Gio's prices are a little bit on the expensive side [I'm going to guess of those I've bought I would have spent ~US$18 each, average] but they more than make up for it in the consistently gorgeous artwork and resale value. Right now I can't fill the holes I have I my collection for less than US$60 per deck of the 3 limited decks I am missing; and that's for decks that aren't even 2 years old yet.
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - on Kickstarter 1-12-2018

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Absolute Edition revealed - it will be limited to 777 :mrgreen:
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This campaign will have very good offers (especially on limited rewards).

As always, there are a lot of early birds, so I think you should be able to get one if you pledge on day one.

See you tomorrow!!!

@portcullis - Thank you :mrgreen:
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - on Kickstarter 1-12-2018

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WHAT TIME????? (so I can throw my money at the screen)
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - on Kickstarter 1-12-2018

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I'll probably launch in around 5hrs from now (15 PM in Italy) - I haven't released an "official" time since I'm not sure when I can launch accurately.

Today is a crazy day :D

Thank you in advance for your support!
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - on Kickstarter 1-12-2018

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You expect me to make it to midnight after working a 11 hour day?? This better be worth it!! [I know it is, really]
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - on Kickstarter 1-12-2018

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hello guys! I'm launching soon :-) 10-20 minutes :P
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - live on Kickstarter

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Now live OP updated
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - live on Kickstarter

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We're live!
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - live on Kickstarter

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Backer #41 reporting for duty! Was a bit closer to $90 than $50 for me, but I don't care.
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - live on Kickstarter

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portcullis wrote:Backer #41 reporting for duty!
Thank you! =)
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - live on Kickstarter

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You launched early!!!! Backer #63 here
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - live on Kickstarter

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Kage X wrote:You launched early!!!! Backer #63 here
Excuses excuses Backer #1 here hehehe
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - live on Kickstarter

Unread post by vasta41 »

$20 per deck ($60 EB for all 3) seems to be a bit much but USPCC printing wins me over!
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - live on Kickstarter

Unread post by Cardians »

$11 - Insomnia
$15 - Ascension
$56 - For all 3. ($30 - Absolute)

Same old, same old from Gio.

With a funding goal of $7,777, you mean to tell me that if this project barley funded, it would only cost $7,000 from USPCC to print 3 decks.

Easy PASS from a well known creator that continues to create the same style artwork, deck in and deck out.
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - live on Kickstarter

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@Kage - sorry again for the crazy launch! Today was a super busy day for me (not only for the campaign), so I had to fix everything and launch when I was ready.
I hope everyone had the chance to get a good reward. In future I will probably decide a launch hour and communicate it in advance as I did with my other projects.

Ahah the years pass, but Pierre is always the fastest backer of the west. :uggrin:

@Vasta - I did my best to make this project affordable, the only deck with a premium price is the Absolute Limited Edition - but I think and hope it's resonable, since it's limited to 777 and the idea is to make it really awesome :-) It should be already cool as it is, but stretch goals will add more whistles & bells ;)

Thank you UC Backers =)
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - live on Kickstarter

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@Cardians - Thank you for sharing your opinion - even if you don't like what I'm doing, I respect it no matter what.

On the other side, I am happy there are some others who thinks that what I do is still interesting :)

About the goal - well, yes, 7777€ was just a funny number. The actual cost of the project will be much more - but don't worry about that ;)
We already reached 15k and I have some TWI savings if I need to integrate Kickstarter money.

Actually I've thought to produce decks without Kickstarter......but even with their high fees, Kickstarter is, in my opinion, the most fun and effective way to make new decks.
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - live on Kickstarter

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I have to agree with Cardians on the "same old, same old" comment. I wasn't big on Delirium, but it was a success, and it IS a part of my collection. After a brick+ (6 Omnia, Dedalo, Sins/Eva) of the iconic artwork it gets a little old. Don't get me wrong, you're very talented and I enjoy viewing/playing the decks of yours I have collected, but I would really like to see something new from you. Re-hashing, if you will, this design just doesn't do anything for me.

Regardless of the above criticism, Pantheon is still one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life. I can never be too hard on you, simply because of how fantastic those cards are. Eva is also up there among favorites in my collection.
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - live on Kickstarter

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Thirdway Industries wrote:@Vasta - I did my best to make this project affordable, the only deck with a premium price is the Absolute Limited Edition - but I think and hope it's resonable, since it's limited to 777 and the idea is to make it really awesome :-) It should be already cool as it is, but stretch goals will add more whistles & bells ;)
OMG please be Metalluxe.... :drool:
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - live on Kickstarter

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@TwoPieceFeed - Innovation is an important value, but it's not the only thing that matters in a project, in my opinion.
I've did a lot of different projects oriented on innovation, but this time I wanted to do something different: the idea here was to see what would happen if I decide to make "old", never published decks, with all the experience I've maturated in those 4+ years of playing cards design. With a new back, box, printer, story ... I had a lot of fun, and hopefully backers will have too.

Anyway - "New" projects will come, "Delirium: The Lost Decks" is an exception :)
I've started a new one, but it's an Odissey and it's taking ages...

Thank you for your kind words and feedback! It's always useful.

I'm happy you like Pantheon & Eva, are probably my favourite ones as well.
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - live on Kickstarter

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@Vasta - I'm not considering Metalluxe for this project - but it's definitely interesting for a future project.
I have to ask USPCC about that --- to be honest, I know just a little about Metalluxe and I need to gather informations before launch a project that include it - so far I know only that it's awesome and expensive!
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - live on Kickstarter

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Question, on your TWI website, were decks like Eva, Pantheon, etc. the same price when you launched or these are marked up now of the stock you have left?
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - live on Kickstarter

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@Myv - you can see the all the "launch" prices on the campaign pages :-)
Usually, my decks cost a lot less on Kickstarter - I do that on purpose because I think that backers deserve the best offer possible, since they're giving me money in advance, without know how the deck will turn in the end.

Pantheon, for example, was €23 on Kickstarter (free shipping within US) and $65 on my site (plus shipping).

I usually don't allow preorders on Limited Editions until the Kickstarter is delivered (for example, Lunatica Chimera/Phoenix editions are unavailable for now) - when I publish on my site, the prices are already the "retail value". Sometimes I also raise prices of the limited editions a bit when I'm really low stock.

I can control the price of Limited Editions since I don't wholesale them (of course some retailers can buy them on Kickstarter and resell later).

I hope it helps! :-)
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - live on Kickstarter

Unread post by Cardians »

Myv wrote:Question, on your TWI website, were decks like Eva, Pantheon, etc. the same price when you launched or these are marked up now of the stock you have left?

Myv, it's best to get decks during a launch/release as the aftermarket is harsher on the rarer limited edition decks.

But generally you can still find the most common decks at fair prices after campaigns are over, maybe a few dollars more.
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - live on Kickstarter

Unread post by Azid »

Again a nobrainer for me, i like the decks from Giovanni a lot.

Yes, all the decks have a similar style, but every deck is different except the 2 limited decks of the Lunatica campaign and now the Abolute deck where it's a tuck swap. For me this is NOT that "same old, same old" as there are so many creators who uses Standard faces (maybe recolored) and just work on a back design + Ace and Jokers, or those creators who do one deck with 2-3 different back colors.
So bottom line for me is that Giovanni puts a lot more effort in his decks then others do, while almost no one is complaining about their work :roll:
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - live on Kickstarter

Unread post by Mankin »

I am a bit late, backer #223

It is amazing how easy this gets funded!
Goodluck with the rest of the campaign =)
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - live on Kickstarter

Unread post by JuFiN »

The color for the ascension card backs are crying out for metaluxe!

Anyway I’m just happy to have gotten in on time to snag one of the last early birds :)

No coin this time?
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Re: Delirium - The Lost Decks - live on Kickstarter

Unread post by robinsonwood »

Looks awesome! Love the illustration style. 8-)
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