Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by alric »

alric wrote:
Bruno wrote:Stop stamping your feet boyo. :lol: :lol: :lol:
This unproductive, trollish comment was so predictable. As will be the follow-up. smh
And right on cue:
Bruno wrote:Have a cuppa man.
Your mendacious negativity counts for nought.
Say what you like, however you want, you are still an unproducing nobody.
Create, if you can.
As I said, so predictable. You just can't help yourself, can you, Bruno? You always have to have the last trollish word, you just can't shut up. Speaking of unproducing nobodies, 90% of your posts are unintelligible, and the other 10% is just sucking up to designers. Seriously, what do you contribute here at UC, aside from hijacking threads with your babbling? I've had enough of you, so I'm going to block you so I don't have to see your petty retort to this post, or anything else from you ever again. Fare well, childishly intemperate Bruno, have fun playing in your mom's basement.
That is all.
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by alric »

shaitani wrote:
alric wrote: ...
Then some months later they'll sell them again saying "only 700 available", over and over again. We've seen D$D and T11 pull this bullshit in the past.
I've only been collecting a relatively short time so i might not have experienced what you're talking about. But, can you provide specific examples for these two sellers?

I know for sure Ellusionist does this, I can pull up emails where they've outright lied, but I've never seen Theory 11 do it. Dan and Dave do some grandiose talking about their decks (which I consider completely legitimate) but I've also never heard them lie to or trick their customers.
D$D are probably the worst offenders. Just look back at the red Smoke & Mirrors (v.6). Dan and Dave advertised, as they had with their previous decks, that the v.6 is also super limited, never to be printed again. They sold thousands and then claimed to be sold out. About 6 months later, they claimed they found a few more bricks somehow stashed away un-noticed in their attic, and then sold thousands more. You can't make this stuff up, they actually claimed they somehow found more decks in their attic! With every version of the S&M decks, they swore they would never re-print them again, then they went ahead and reprinted the entire series - 10,000 of each version!

Say what you will about E (and they're plenty full of shit), but at least they were transparent enough to disclose the print runs on their decks so we would actually know if they were in fact "limited" or not. With the exception of the White Centurions, T11 never disclosed the print runs of any of their "limited" decks. The only reason they finally gave up the print run of the White Cents was because it was probably the only deck that was in fact printed in actual limited numbers.
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by Adonael »

alric wrote:Fare well, childishly intemperate Bruno
I just saw the flag on his profile, and on behalf of Australia I would like to apologise for his existence. Put the population of Florida into a land the size of the US, where all of nature is trying to kill you, and there are a lot of places a man can lose his mind in the outback. That's why should I ever travel the country it'll be along the coast for the most part, Wolf Creek is a good example of why, the Bruno's out there are scary when there isn't a keyboard between you and them.
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by Bruno »

John Jarrett, nice fellah !
An actual actor, and a great Australian
Not many of us left.
O, I beg of you your comprehensions,
yet laugh at your contempts ....
my only competition is with myselves.

But Lèse-majesté, especially >Normans, natch.

Is jarnstill the Ars of the Hors Nebulous ?
Neigh .... the Effluxor of the Omniverse ??
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by shaitani »

alric wrote:
shaitani wrote:
alric wrote: ...
Then some months later they'll sell them again saying "only 700 available", over and over again. We've seen D$D and T11 pull this bullshit in the past.
I've only been collecting a relatively short time so i might not have experienced what you're talking about. But, can you provide specific examples for these two sellers?

I know for sure Ellusionist does this, I can pull up emails where they've outright lied, but I've never seen Theory 11 do it. Dan and Dave do some grandiose talking about their decks (which I consider completely legitimate) but I've also never heard them lie to or trick their customers.
D$D are probably the worst offenders. Just look back at the red Smoke & Mirrors (v.6). Dan and Dave advertised, as they had with their previous decks, that the v.6 is also super limited, never to be printed again. They sold thousands and then claimed to be sold out. About 6 months later, they claimed they found a few more bricks somehow stashed away un-noticed in their attic, and then sold thousands more. You can't make this stuff up, they actually claimed they somehow found more decks in their attic! With every version of the S&M decks, they swore they would never re-print them again, then they went ahead and reprinted the entire series - 10,000 of each version!

Say what you will about E (and they're plenty full of shit), but at least they were transparent enough to disclose the print runs on their decks so we would actually know if they were in fact "limited" or not. With the exception of the White Centurions, T11 never disclosed the print runs of any of their "limited" decks. The only reason they finally gave up the print run of the White Cents was because it was probably the only deck that was in fact printed in actual limited numbers.
Wow, so I've never bought a smoke and mirrors deck before, but I didn't know about the "we found more in our attic" play, that move is pretty douchey. It's a clear attempt to manipulate the rarity and interest if it's true.

Regarding Theory 11, I don't consider non-disclosure of print numbers to be a douchebag thing to do. I mean, we all know they print a huuge number of everything in order to be able to sell their gold foil decks at $10 a pop and still make money. But I'd rather the company tell me nothing about the number, which just leaves it to me whether I want the deck or not, than to purposely mislead or outright lie about the numbers.

Ellusionist on the other hand is absolutely NOT transparent, they constantly mess around with their numbers, for example when Madison Select came out, they played the pronoun game by making this claim: "With only 2,000 box sets produced". Well, this is bad grammar, so it is purposely constructed to make the reader believe there is only 2000 of each of the decks inside. But of course, not long after they released another 500 or whatever of each because "obviously" there were more decks they claimed, so that 2000 claim is for the literal box that the contents are being sold in. I shouldn't have to put on my lawyer glasses to figure out what the hell they mean with their numbers. If they were being transparent they'd tell us exactly how many of each deck were produced.

Now, I personally hope JR isn't playing the same kind of grammar game, but as of right now the page for the White Edition actually says "only 900 white editions produced". I'm not sure if he made a correction or what but that's a lot clearer. If I had to bet I'd say he did a print of 1000 of the Verum Videre decks total, and then put 900 in white tucks, 72 in the gold tucks, and then kept some number of the 28 remaining ones for himself or for another edition or for future sales or whatever.
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by Bradius »

Now, I personally hope JR isn't playing the same kind of grammar game, but as of right now the page for the White Edition actually says "only 900 white editions produced". I'm not sure if he made a correction or what but that's a lot clearer. If I had to bet I'd say he did a print of 1000 of the Verum Videre decks total, and then put 900 in white tucks, 72 in the gold tucks, and then kept some number of the 28 remaining ones for himself or for another edition or for future sales or whatever.
It is my guess too that he had just 1,000 of the decks printed. I am making a reasonable guess that it is not near as costly to print in metallic ink instead of using foil. In this case, I think he is using his reputation and rarity to make a high price point. If he sells out, and I think he will, it will bring him in about $25,000, which should net him a nice profit after the printing cost for the decks without the tucks, the supplies for him to print the tucks himself. Shipping and handling is extra, so that hopefully is a net wash.

I noticed that Jackson Robinson is trying to get more engaged in the actual process of printing and assembing his decks, which is admerable. However, I think he has a long way to go to catch up to Lotrek who practically lives in the printer's factory when his decks are printed and applies his own varnish on the cards. I can't imagine what it took to make those first foil backed cards, and then take it further to make the Golden Oath deck with JUST foil. I think of how Sunish and Lotrek are so involved with the printing of the actual cards, which is what I really like to see in truly custom playing cards. I am just wondering what Alex Chen can do if he ever puts some of his magic on a 3D printer...

BTW, I did get a message that my order has been shipped, so I should have it early next week as I live practically next door to Austin.
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

There's a constant fog around here that consistently clouds the judgment of many. It reminds me of so many people who forget that athletes are also just humans.

Some people's passions take over their lives. Lotrek and Sunish seem to be those types of people. I am, too, one of those people. There are also other types of people that choose to, or have to, dedicate more time to their families and personal lives as opposed to their careers. JR seems to be that type of person in the last couple of years.

My older bother is one of those people, too. He committed so much time to IT/PCs/Games, but then he got married and inherited a step-child, and just spends the bare minimum on what used to be the biggest part of him.

Maybe Lotrek and Sunish have families, could even be big families, but that doesn't seem to change anything for them. I don't like to make things personal around here, but when you start taking humanity out of the artistic equation of things like collecting and sports, then you're not appreciating or accounting for the genesis of that person's work or passion.
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by sinjin7 »

Trying to find the balance between passion for work and family is all good and fine. Trying to make as much money as you can is also fine. I don't knock Jackson for any of those things. Paul posted a list of issues Jackson had with past campaigns, and really you can go much further back to the Moriarty deck in his Sherlock Holmes series to see when he first started to go off the rails. All those things are water under the bridge for me. How he runs his business is 100% up to him and none of my business.

But the one thing I can't let slide is him printing cards in China and then putting them in tucks that claim the cards were printed in Taiwan, and then not clearing up that fraud even though he's had ample time to do so. He HAD to know the cards were being printed in China, and he HAD to know the tucks said they were printed in Taiwan. The fact that he let it go tells me he made a conscious decision to commit fraud. Since the release and sale of his Legal Tender decks, I've personally implored him to set the record straight on his KS page as well as his website so no one else is mislead, and he purposefully continues to perpetrate the deception. I hate to sound like a broken record on this, but to me, this speaks to a serious defect in character. I've based my decision to no longer support Jackson and his products not on how he prices his decks, or whether I like his art, or his ignorant arrogance in telling us to #practicemore, or him not delivering on what he promised. I want nothing to do with Jackson because he lacks the moral compass to make the ethical decision to correct his fraudulent behaviour despite all of his righteous Biblical quotations. I just can't see myself rationalizing away this hypocrisy because he happens to make a pretty deck every now and then.

I am taking a principled pass on this ironically named deck.
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by Bradius »

The decks came in.

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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

Bradius wrote:The decks came in.

Meh. The more I look at them, the blander they become. I'm glad that I didn't go in on these (plus I told myself to abandon JR decks).
rousselle wrote:You are a fussy, picky guy.
Lotrek wrote:Given the number of morons produced in the world every day, a pessimist is actually a well informed realist.
Räpylätassu wrote:"Tyhmyydestä sakotetaan." You get fined for being stupid.
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by alric »

I guess the die-cut is cool, although I wish it lined up better. For all the hype about his letter-pressed tucks, this one is sooooooo bland. From a distance it's gonna look like plain kraft paper.
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by sms69x »

Bradius wrote:The decks came in.
Is it numbered?? From what I can see it doesn't look like it is!
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by Bradius »

Good catch! The decks were not numbered, which I thought was odd for a very limited issue.
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by pstaehlin »

Well folks, what do you think? Check out this Ebay listing. Think it'll sell? ... SwjM5aLE9i" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by shermjack »

This one is even more and he opened it to look at the cards! :lol: ... 0005.m1851" onclick=";return false;

It will be interesting to see what they really do sell for. 8-)
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project) (wa

Unread post by vincero »

Coming from a novice like me, looks bland and not worth the price being asked
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by Bradius »

Holy Mother of ..... wow. I was thinking about selling them on ebay, but not for those prices. Mine are unopened.

Yeah, they may look bland, but from a rarity perspective, the gold edition is rather a rare issue and sold out in a few minutes. I guess I had best put mine on the market and figure out how to sell stuff on ebay so I can cash in for $$$$. :ugking:
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by shaitani »

Bizarre that he wouldn't just number them. I wonder if he got tired creating all those tucks and was like 'f it'. The more cynical perspective in me wonders if there were more than 72 made and sold since now it's almost impossible to verify.
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by vincero »

shaitani wrote:Bizarre that he wouldn't just number them. I wonder if he got tired creating all those tucks and was like 'f it'. The more cynical perspective in me wonders if there were more than 72 made and sold since now it's almost impossible to verify.
This... I personally wouldn't even think of buying it for the Rarity as it is hard to verify limited numbers and thus to an extent the value it implies on the secondary market. It may be remotely possible, or not, especially if it happens that more undisclosed quantities are released or counterfeits are discovered. In the end, this demands a lot of trust in the creator of this deck.
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by sms69x »

Bradius wrote:Good catch! The decks were not numbered, which I thought was odd for a very limited issue.
I guess that for $48 a deck, asking for a number would be asking too much!
I'll have to take JR's word on this, which should be more than enough!! He never lied to us about anything, so I think we can trust him :mrgreen:

Also this deck description comes with a biblical reference, so fear nothing...
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by RichK »

I looked at both deck pictures and they're the same cards in each deck except for the triangle eye card in the Gold Edition so you figure a run of 1000 and that gets you his 972.

No numbers is very odd. Guess he couldn't be bothered.
Move on, nothing to see here.
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

Why would these people think they will sell for $500+..?

Last time I checked, there are unsold Unbranded Black Reserve Note decks for <$350.

They should've spent the meth money, that they misused, on the meth.
rousselle wrote:You are a fussy, picky guy.
Lotrek wrote:Given the number of morons produced in the world every day, a pessimist is actually a well informed realist.
Räpylätassu wrote:"Tyhmyydestä sakotetaan." You get fined for being stupid.
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by alric »

vincero wrote:
shaitani wrote:Bizarre that he wouldn't just number them. I wonder if he got tired creating all those tucks and was like 'f it'. The more cynical perspective in me wonders if there were more than 72 made and sold since now it's almost impossible to verify.
This... I personally wouldn't even think of buying it for the Rarity as it is hard to verify limited numbers and thus to an extent the value it implies on the secondary market. It may be remotely possible, or not, especially if it happens that more undisclosed quantities are released or counterfeits are discovered. In the end, this demands a lot of trust in the creator of this deck.
THIS is why I've been saying we should get more transparency from deck designers selling supposedly limited decks. Just give us the real actual numbers up front. I gotta say, the arrogance of the almighty Bible-thumping Jackson Robinson is approaching breath-taking levels. Not only does he throw out an ultra limited number like 72 (which is in part fueling the ridiculous asking prices on eBay), but he doesn't even bother numbering these supposedly ultra-limited decks. I mean, WTF?!? Jackson should know better by now. He couldn't take the couple of minutes to count to 72? :roll:
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by theOutsider »

RichK wrote:I looked at both deck pictures and they're the same cards in each deck except for the triangle eye card in the Gold Edition so you figure a run of 1000 and that gets you his 972.
I opened the White Edition and it had the triangle card that you see through the cutout. Looks like the only difference is the tuck.

I think the standard edition is worth it at cost. Nice looking deck. But you'd really, really, really have to like the guy to pay extra for that other tuck.
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by sms69x »

There is another version of this deck: Christmas Edition


Only 32 made and offered by the man himself to those he deem worthy (not me of course)!! :D

So 900 + 72 + 32 = 1004, so I guess we can expect to have a few more edition of this deck in the future... Though he clearly stated the numbers on each edition, he's just hidding how many tuck swaps he intend to do and also how many decks he printed...
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by vasta41 »

sms69x wrote:Only 32 made and offered by the man himself to those he deem worthy (not me of course)!! :D
Anyone reading this that wants this deck better get the hell off of UC right this second! Because there's no way he's giving any to members here.
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by sms69x »

vasta41 wrote:
sms69x wrote:Only 32 made and offered by the man himself to those he deem worthy (not me of course)!! :D
Anyone reading this that wants this deck better get the hell off of UC right this second! Because there's no way he's giving any to members here.
Actually I got in the known of this deck through Magic Orthodoxy, who is or was a member here!!
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by pstaehlin »

sms69x wrote:There is another version of this deck: Christmas Edition


Only 32 made and offered by the man himself to those he deem worthy (not me of course)!! :D

So 900 + 72 + 32 = 1004, so I guess we can expect to have a few more edition of this deck in the future... Though he clearly stated the numbers on each edition, he's just hidding how many tuck swaps he intend to do and also how many decks he printed...

How does one purchase this other version?
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by Harvonsgard »

You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that’s being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.

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rousselle wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:52 pmI very much want this in my collection, but at long last... I have to stop the insanity.
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Re: Verum Videre (Jackson Robinson / Kings Wild Project)

Unread post by brownsl »

Beautiful. Any details?
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