Dragon Back Poker Cards - Gold Ltd Run of 500: Live on KS

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Dragon Back Poker Cards - Gold Ltd Run of 500: Live on KS

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Re: Dragon Back Poker Cards - Gold Ltd Run of 500: Live on K

Unread post by sms69x »

This one looks really good! I like it very much, only the back is a bit meh.... But, £17 for one MPC deck??!! Hell not...
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Re: Dragon Back Poker Cards - Gold Ltd Run of 500: Live on K

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

That KoS artwork is just awful. So are the aces. Other than that; the faces are not bad.

The back design would honestly be great if it didn't have that vomit-inducing giant white border.
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Re: Dragon Back Poker Cards - Gold Ltd Run of 500: Live on K

Unread post by Cbkimble »

The courts look really good. Other than that, everything else is bland by comparison. The tuck has far too much empty space.
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Re: Dragon Back Poker Cards - Gold Ltd Run of 500: Live on K

Unread post by Albendon »

Good evening!

Thank you so much for your feedback on my deck, and I think I need it...!

OK, the back. I must confess I was torn with this but I'm not a great back artist. You mention the white boarder - I can change that easy. Do you think Gold, Black or pattern?

KoS - Yeah, not my best. Was trying to match it too close to the actual character. again, I can draw a new one.

Box - Torn between too much on it and too little! Some of my favourite tucks have been really basic, I have time to add more detail though.

Price - My 'problem' (not my favourite word) was getting to minimum order levels, and the postage price is Gamblers Warehouse fees +10% (Kickstarter) and currency conversion. I've based the price on 50 decks with all the whistles, plus a little extra to replace damaged decks etc.

Happy to be constructively flamed, wish I had come here before launching!

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Re: Dragon Back Poker Cards - Gold Ltd Run of 500: Live on K

Unread post by sinjin7 »

The problem with the back border is not so much the color, but that it is so wide. I would suggest making the border much thinner. Plus, I would make it black to match the face of the cards as well. I understand you're limited with the number of decks you can print, but I would suggest you check with EPCC/LPCC for prices on a 1000 deck print run. Theoretically, EPCC/LPCC is supposed to be more economical than USPCC for lower print quantities. I would stay away from MPC or NPCC. Sure, they can print lower print runs and are cheaper, but if you are able to make improvements to your deck, a successful KS campaign can cover your costs for a higher print run. If you don't fund with the higher funding goal to cover a better printer, then you can always re-launch with MPC. But I would rather have a failed KS campaign with a good printer than a successful KS campaign with a crappy printer that can't produce a quality product.
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Re: Dragon Back Poker Cards - Gold Ltd Run of 500: Live on K

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

Albendon wrote:Good evening!

Thank you so much for your feedback on my deck, and I think I need it...!

OK, the back. I must confess I was torn with this but I'm not a great back artist. You mention the white boarder - I can change that easy. Do you think Gold, Black or pattern?

KoS - Yeah, not my best. Was trying to match it too close to the actual character. again, I can draw a new one.

Box - Torn between too much on it and too little! Some of my favourite tucks have been really basic, I have time to add more detail though.

Price - My 'problem' (not my favourite word) was getting to minimum order levels, and the postage price is Gamblers Warehouse fees +10% (Kickstarter) and currency conversion. I've based the price on 50 decks with all the whistles, plus a little extra to replace damaged decks etc.

Happy to be constructively flamed, wish I had come here before launching!

Personally I'd like to see a mock-up of the golden scales back design full-bleed to the edges. Maybe that'd be too similar to Draconian? I'd prefer to see this printed with EPCC because of their superior registration (whether full-bleed or thin-bordered).
rousselle wrote:You are a fussy, picky guy.
Lotrek wrote:Given the number of morons produced in the world every day, a pessimist is actually a well informed realist.
Räpylätassu wrote:"Tyhmyydestä sakotetaan." You get fined for being stupid.
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Re: Dragon Back Poker Cards - Gold Ltd Run of 500: Live on K

Unread post by Albendon »

Hi Two Piece, how's this: (Quick Draft Concept)
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Re: Dragon Back Poker Cards - Gold Ltd Run of 500: Live on K

Unread post by sms69x »

This is a great improvement! I like both designs, but if you choose to go with the black bordered then try to match the black with the black color on the faces.
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Re: Dragon Back Poker Cards - Gold Ltd Run of 500: Live on K

Unread post by theCapraAegagrus »

Albendon wrote:Hi Two Piece, how's this: (Quick Draft Concept)
Yep, that border-less design looks really good. The line separating the two halves seems out of place, though. Is there a way to blend the halves together (without looking weird)? I'm not huge on tucks. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love a beautiful tuck case, but my focus is on the cards.
rousselle wrote:You are a fussy, picky guy.
Lotrek wrote:Given the number of morons produced in the world every day, a pessimist is actually a well informed realist.
Räpylätassu wrote:"Tyhmyydestä sakotetaan." You get fined for being stupid.
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Re: Dragon Back Poker Cards - Gold Ltd Run of 500: Live on K

Unread post by Albendon »

I can look at interlinking some scales - there goes this evening!
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Re: Dragon Back Poker Cards - Gold Ltd Run of 500: Live on K

Unread post by Albendon »

Hi all,

The scales didn't work. Looked into blending the colours more on the divider and it looks a lot better.

Just on the Aces, a few comments so I'm experimenting with a variation - any thoughts please?! (these are draft - not final)
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