Adonael wrote:red borders went away
I'm afraid so, but it isn't a decision I've come to lightly. Automatically my design brain wants the back and front to match, but as red is one of the main deck colours for 2 of the suits it makes it difficult to play with. Red pips would have to become white and as the red is dark the black is barely visible so this would need to be white too.
I could have added a thin border similar to Le Chat on the edge of the cards, but having previously had thin borders on Vol.I its very stressful waiting to see how they have come out. If they were even a little off on the alignment, it would look odd and EPCC wouldn't reprint for free. So to be stress free, I can't have this as an option either.
So this leaves me with one option, which I'm happy with, I feel the red inner frame and all new cast of vampires sets the courts aside from Vol.I just enough to make it different. I can't see that people are using the deck for magic so the matching both sides should be less of an issue for general use or collecting.
Hopefully I'll see you on kickstater