Edgy Bros Coloring Book based on 2nd Ed. Dia de los Muertos

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Edgy Bros Coloring Book based on 2nd Ed. Dia de los Muertos

Unread post by edgybros »

Hi to all Cardists out there! We wanted to say first and foremost that we were honored to work with Mike Ratledge on our previous Avant-Garde campaign, and were sorry we couldn't find anything special to do for our Cardists friends as the inventory got sucked up pretty quickly during the campaign. We've had repeated requests for Ultra Limited Decks but alas, they're long since sold out. Perhaps we can find something in this next campaign.

To that end, we did want to announce that we have a campaign launching on KS on Tuesday, Noon PST that will feature a coloring book based on our Second Edition Dia de los Muertos decks, with the courts and deck backs as the featured illustrations. Also, we've added extended illustrations of the courts to make them full-bodied for non-card enthusiasts who simply want more to color.

We know this is a card collectors forum, so the reason we're announcing here is that as a bonus item in three of our pledge tiers, Backers will be able to purchase an Original or Painted Design deck (or one of each) for only an additional $12 per deck, with shipping at no cost. In other words, if you're into coloring books, you'll be able to also buy one of our 2nd Ed. decks for less than you can buy them anywhere online - as far we're aware of, at least. You certainly can't get them from our site for that, and we charge shipping.

Also, we enjoyed getting Backer input on our artwork during our previous campaigns, and we know a lot of Backers might be interested in having our designs in just black and white with a chance to make their own version using the colors of their choice. The book will be available as a PDF for half the coloring book price to print out and experiment with at your leisure. As for something special for UC members only who backed the Avant-Garde campaign, we're talking about doing something with the PDF for this campaign as a special "Thank You." We'd love to hear your thoughts.

So, a heads up to you guys, and hope to see you over on KS this Tuesday!
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Re: Edgy Bros Coloring Book based on 2nd Ed. Dia de los Muer

Unread post by edgybros »

The campaign is now live!

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/21 ... y-brothers" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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