What a glossy presentation.
The hand of a winner.
Note the obvious dexterity.
Note the impressively clean design line.
Note the chewed thumbnail and the dirty finger.
That slimy cardistry cuff.
Such .... diligent careless-ness ....
O, I beg of you your comprehensions,
yet laugh at your contempts ....
my only competition is with myselves.
But Lèse-majesté, especially >Normans, natch.
Is jarnstill the Ars of the Hors Nebulous ?
Neigh .... the Effluxor of the Omniverse ??
After my attendance of Cardistry Con, I can at least offer to give a slightly clearer picture here.
The deck is by 'My Turn', who is kind of a tongue-in-cheek character in the cardistry scene.
Like he showed up comically handcuffed to a golden briefcase to reveal the deck, and inside the briefcase was another briefcase.
I'm obviously just speaking from my own view of this, but I believe the deck to be an almost silly take on the idea of the hype behind various cardistry decks, and it sounds like he plans on doing more mashups of future popular decks. I'd wager the next one mixes the Checkerboard deck design into it.
Anyway, people seemed to like it and buy it up, it sold out at the Con by day 3 and I saw many people using them, and it appears to also be sold out on his site.
In summary, if you only buy decks via "value by quality", then this is a no brainer to avoid.
If you're a more economical collector who wouldn't hesitate to pick up $20 Fontaines, and you consider "value by popularity" to be important when buying decks, then this one is something to consider.
The idea is hilarious. This is *obviously* a parody/satire, reminiscent of the Mundaines idea that was floated a year or two ago. Except, this guy actually had them printed... and is now commanding $25 ea.
I salute with laughter. But, I will not be saluting with my twenty-five bucks. It's funny... but, not *that* funny.
Btw a small update on my original post above, I've come to understand that although hype deck is a little tongue in cheek, a primary intention was to honor or provide homage to the decks he is 'mixing'. My Turn isn't making fun of Fontaines or stripes or whatever, he's celebrating them.
If you don't understand the Cardistry scene then you're going to have trouble even being part of the conversation and you'll never quite understand why these things sell out and sell for triple or more on eBay.