Legionary without border:
with border from roman sarcophogi:
Centurion 4 color version:
I want to create something that can come close to replacing my standard "cherubs on bicycles" decks since I really can't identify with cherubs on bicycles. I want it to be dorky enough for other nerds to ask me about it but not gob-smacking enough to draw unsolicited attention. I settled on a scutum because I feel like it adds to my style, is appropriately geeky and is iconic enough to (hopefully) go onto a cardback without smelling like an "art card". I want to make something that is functional for both cardistry and card magic - so I want the back nice and "spinny" and the insides to be nearly standard and identifiable.
I'd rather the design lean toward "I can't believe that doesn't already exist" more than "wow that's amazing art".
So what do you guys think of that? Am I thinking about the right things? What do you think of the design? Does it make you want to work on a new "Testudo" move?
Thanks in advance.