2016 Decks of the Year Contest - THE WINNERS!

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Re: 2016 Decks of the Year Contest - THE WINNERS!

Unread post by vasta41 »

Thank you all! I will select the creator of this thread, montecarlojoe's tier.

You're up, Sherman!
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Re: 2016 Decks of the Year Contest - THE WINNERS!

Unread post by montecarlojoe »

I've updated the front page with your selections to make things a bit easier - don't forget to PM your prize sponsor!
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Re: 2016 Decks of the Year Contest - THE WINNERS!

Unread post by shermjack »

Thanks to Joe & Mike for organizing another great annual deck of the year contest and to all the sponsors for their donations! Congrats to all the winners! :ugdance:

For my prize, I would like to select the Noir Arts half brick! :drool: Here's hoping for a Defunctorum deck as that is one of the few NA projects I haven't backed, but looking forward to the decks regardless :ugthink:

Calypso, you're up!
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Re: 2016 Decks of the Year Contest - THE WINNERS!

Unread post by Calypso »

Good stuff. Thanks again to everyone involved in running this year's contest, and all the generous donators. :D

I'll select Natalia Silva's decks.

Octave, your turn.
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Re: 2016 Decks of the Year Contest - THE WINNERS!

Unread post by octave »

Hi all, thank you for everybody who contributed to this contest this year and congrats to all winners!
I gladly pick sarone13's tier and go for the cocktail hour deck. I missed the Kickstarter campaign and I'm happy I can still get one, since I have a thing for simplistic and elegant back designs.

Rouselle, you're next ;)
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Re: 2016 Decks of the Year Contest - THE WINNERS!

Unread post by rousselle »

Even at the tail end of the reward picking, there's still some awesome choices left. Believe it or not, I had a difficult time choosing. Even so, I'll opt for the Branle Tesoro from Noir Arts. Thanks, everyone, for offering such fantastic prizes, and to MontecarloJoe for running this year's contest!

Truly, a tough year to make some choices, given how amazing the cards were throughout the year.

Flashcards, you're up!
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Re: 2016 Decks of the Year Contest - THE WINNERS! (wap)

Unread post by flashcards »

Thanks to everyone for once again putting together a great contest. A special thanks to those who opted out of receiving prizes. Originally, I missed the prize pool by one point. But thanks to a few people's unselfeshness, I was able to qualify aftert all. Thanks.

I'll take the Noir arts tier 1: the mixed half brick. It will be great to finally be able to see the quality of their product.

Over to you StepChild.
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Re: 2016 Decks of the Year Contest - THE WINNERS! (wap)

Unread post by Räpylätassu »

flashcards wrote: I'll take the Noir arts tier 1: the mixed half brick. It will be great to finally be able to see the quality of their product.
Sherman already took that :D Left are the Defunctorum coins and Lorenzo's coins.
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Re: 2016 Decks of the Year Contest - THE WINNERS!

Unread post by flashcards »

Oops, my bad. The prize pool hadn't been updated when I looked at it. In any case, I'll be happy to have the following:

Lorenzo Gaggiotti
Tier 2:
6 copper coins with epoxy coating.

Sorry again for the mix up. Now it's StepChild's turn for realz.
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Re: 2016 Decks of the Year Contest - THE WINNERS!

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

Great job everybody picking and passing this year.

Again, thanks to everyone and I forgot to point to prize contributions in my previous post.

Just truly well done all around, especially Joe with the masterful coordination and supervision. You all make us look great! I can't wait to see what 2017 brings... It's already off to a good start.
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Re: 2016 Decks of the Year Contest - THE WINNERS!

Unread post by Stepchild »

[leaps, perhaps overeagerly, upon the Defunctorum coin set]

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Re: 2016 Decks of the Year Contest - THE WINNERS!

Unread post by cherrynukacola »

I just received my brick today from Rapy - what a wonderful selection of decks! Thanks again! :mrgreen:

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Re: 2016 Decks of the Year Contest - THE WINNERS!

Unread post by TGunitedcardists »

I just received 6 fantastic decks and 6 fantastic coins from the fantastic Lorenzo @Stockholm17. Thank you.

I will show my appreciation, as always, pledging for the upcoming RAVNs.
I will have to show my appreciation to the contest next year by giving back and offering a prize for 2017!

:ucstar: :ucstar: :ucstar: :ucstar: :ucstar:
Stockholm 17!
Stockholm 17!
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