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Unread post by MagikFingerz »

Is there any way to limit the amount of spammers that sign up for this forum? Maybe adding a captcha or whatever that's called on sign-up, if it's not already there.
- Tom

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Re: Spammers

Unread post by admin_noreply »

If you can figure that out you'd be a millionaire.

Half the spam comes from a real person who signs up, then turns on the spambot. Also, spambots have figured out how to 'beat' the reCaptcha and similar broken word barriers.
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Re: Spammers

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

I see. It's weird though, there seems to be so much more spammers here than other forums I frequent.
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Re: Spammers

Unread post by badpete69 »

When I ran my gaming forums, I made everyone need an approval by the admin (me) before they could have access. You catch a lot off the bat that way. Like that moron that is posting porn all over our forums right now
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Re: Spammers

Unread post by MJF »

Agreed, I think that's a great idea of having admin approval for new users... The delay would hopefully prevent most spammers from putting forth the effort, unless they are really dedicated and wait to setup the account and let the bot loose...

Another idea would be to "hide" posts flagged by users, that way the community would be able to clean this crap up. Admins would of course have final approval and can overturn a "flagging". Of course, this would likely require customized code for the forum...

the porn idiot is up to 19 posts now...
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Re: Spammers

Unread post by admin_noreply »

we're working on a solution, we should have 99% of it in control in a day or two
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Re: Spammers

Unread post by admin_noreply »


All first posts must be approved for moderation. This should limit the spam by 99%.
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Re: Spammers

Unread post by testtest »

Jay, can you approve this?

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Re: Spammers

Unread post by CBJ »

testtest wrote:Jay, can you approve this?

I approved it, but before I did.. I checked the moderation approval queue .. it wasn't on the list

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Re: Spammers

Unread post by Oswin »

It's not possible to put any code to valid a new arrivant !?
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Re: Spammers

Unread post by admin_noreply »

As stated earlier, half the spam comes from a real person who activates an account which is then handed over to a spambot. Also, spambots have figured out how to 'beat' the reCaptcha and similar broken word barriers.

The admins and mods now approve each members first post. This should catch 99% of spam. The down side to this is it takes a bit longer for honest members first post to appear on the boards. After the first post new members can post freely, just like normal. The mods and admins are checking the boards frequently so it shouldn't be too long of a wait.

As always, if any slips through, use the report button near the 'quote' icon.

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