Deck prototyping discount UC member benefit (by MPC)

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Deck prototyping discount UC member benefit (by MPC)

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

Anyone who uses UC can use my MPC discount codes, now.

The 20% code is intended to provide a 20% discount for prototypes - up to 17 until prices change, I believe. Use the code MIKEMPC20 during checkout to get the 20% off orders up to $300 total before shipping & other fees.

At this point, I do enough of these prototype decks to get my own 10% discount off even their best discounts for all orders - use MIKEMPC10 at checkout for that discount. It should work for all orders, but specifically for $300.01+ totals.

They have to be renewed every six months, but I have had the first one for 2 1/2 years now. I expect that they will be renewed every six months, but please let me know if you have any questions or problems by PM or email me
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Re: Deck prototyping discount UC member benefit (by MPC)

Unread post by guru »

Hey Mike,

Thanks again for this. I'd been using your codes for quite some time now and have printed a no. of versions of prototypes for both Guru Ganjifa & DAPC. Thanks to MPC as well as these kind of rates are not available elsewhere and makes it easy for us to test and review the versions.

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Re: Deck prototyping discount UC member benefit (by MPC)

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

guru wrote:Hey Mike,

Thanks again for this. I'd been using your codes for quite some time now and have printed a no. of versions of prototypes for both Guru Ganjifa & DAPC. Thanks to MPC as well as these kind of rates are not available elsewhere and makes it easy for us to test and review the versions.

That's exactly what they are for, Sunish. Everyone should print some prototype decks to insure that you know exactly where your design is, and check that the intended goals are met. There's nothing like having your design in hand!
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Re: Deck prototyping discount UC member benefit (by MPC)

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Many thanks for this Mike. I am getting ready to prototype something so will try this!
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Re: Deck prototyping discount UC member benefit (by MPC)

Unread post by davegk »

Hey Mike / others,

In the past I've never had a problem sending MPC pdf files of vector artwork created in illustrator. They even sent me a full sheet template which I used to lay out the entire deck in a pdf file which they printed from. However, my latest order has been a big hassle as they are insisting I convert all my art to raster files (jpg/gif/tiff) and upload directly into their ridiculous web-based interface. Otherwise, they'll charge me a bunch of extra fees to "convert it for me" which sounds like they are manually converting pdf to jpg and then uploading it themselves (??!)

I thought they were printing directly from vector files (like every other printer I've ever worked with) so I'm confused why their process is so convoluted now, especially when I haven't had any problems in the past.

What has your experience been with sending files? and is there someone I can contact directly at MPC who can help me sort this out?

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Re: Deck prototyping discount UC member benefit (by MPC)

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davegk wrote:Hey Mike / others,

In the past I've never had a problem sending MPC pdf files of vector artwork created in illustrator. They even sent me a full sheet template which I used to lay out the entire deck in a pdf file which they printed from. However, my latest order has been a big hassle as they are insisting I convert all my art to raster files (jpg/gif/tiff) and upload directly into their ridiculous web-based interface. Otherwise, they'll charge me a bunch of extra fees to "convert it for me" which sounds like they are manually converting pdf to jpg and then uploading it themselves (??!)

I thought they were printing directly from vector files (like every other printer I've ever worked with) so I'm confused why their process is so convoluted now, especially when I haven't had any problems in the past.

What has your experience been with sending files? and is there someone I can contact directly at MPC who can help me sort this out?


Hi David,

I also saw the same request to upload raster files from MPC post July this year. Before that, they were fine with the PDF template you mentioned above.
As per them, it is their company policy now. I've observed that a couple of new faces have joined their production team so it is highly likely their service is in much demand and they are seeing huge surge in their orders. You'll find that they have a sort of monopoly in printing prototype decks on high quality stocks at ridiculously low prices and shorter lead time due to the digital press.

Anyways, I've got a contact of one of the Managers @ MPC or QPP and I will be sending you his contact details via PM. I'd given him a call once I'd to resolve an issue ASAP and other times the email worked fine. Hope it helps.

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Re: Deck prototyping discount UC member benefit (by MPC)

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

davegk wrote:Hey Mike / others,

In the past I've never had a problem sending MPC pdf files of vector artwork created in illustrator. They even sent me a full sheet template which I used to lay out the entire deck in a pdf file which they printed from. However, my latest order has been a big hassle as they are insisting I convert all my art to raster files (jpg/gif/tiff) and upload directly into their ridiculous web-based interface. Otherwise, they'll charge me a bunch of extra fees to "convert it for me" which sounds like they are manually converting pdf to jpg and then uploading it themselves (??!)


Dave, I have never had any problems, even using my direct upload to their Dropbox share, but I know that Sunish is correct about new faces in the group, and also heard a horror story from the sales manager about a fairly expensive problem that came up because they had "fized" a problem for someone. That in itself is enough to make them require that they print exactly what you send instead of helping out, even if it did save time for everyone.

They do have a good leg up for printing prototype decks as Sunish noted as well, which is why I openly offer the 20% discount to members for small batch decks. Your not going to get less than 250 decks from Expert/Legends, USPCC or even Gambler's any time soon.
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Re: Deck prototyping discount UC member benefit (by MPC)

Unread post by willroya »

I noticed the coupon code has expired, also have to pay an extra $75 for pdf files to upload." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Deck prototyping discount UC member benefit (by MPC)

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

willroya wrote:I noticed the coupon code has expired, also have to pay an extra $75 for pdf files to upload.
Unfortunately this post you replied to is years old, and I have noted nearly two years ago that it "will expire iat the end of April" (2016!).

It was a nice bonus perk for friends, but I suppose it was a victim of its own success? They told me that it was being used on more than half of the orders that qualified when they sent notice that they were not going to renew it for the fourth year.

I can get 10% for my orders because of the amount I do, but I don't have any codes to share any more.
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Deck prototyping discount UC member benefit by MPC

Unread post by Arabeklag »

I dont know a thing about tarot decks but I do like the way your 2 & 5 of Hearts have a "transformation" deck look to them. The Aces are nice too. Any thought of that style of deck if the art allows it?
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