Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - SHIPPING

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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - ???

Unread post by ecNate »

I got my shipping notice on Fri Aug 12 and received my single Mana deck today (Mon Aug 15).
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - ???

Unread post by halcyondaze »

Received my decks... Kinda disappointed with the signature box. Primarily due to it sitting in a (likely not climate controlled) warehouse with the coin wrapped in paper "stuck" in the foam. Hopefully it'll form back around the coin later, but kind of doubt it. Glad the cards are here, but done with backing anything he ever does again.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - ???

Unread post by PrincessTrouble »

halcyondaze wrote:Glad the cards are here, but done with backing anything he ever does again.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - ???

Unread post by badpete69 »

Everything came in today including the signature series... Glad to put this behind me but will support any action required until everyone has their rewards
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - ???

Unread post by dougfrye »

I'm in Virginia and received my items today. They were packed very well, so I'm good.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - ???

Unread post by th4mo »

Received my decks yesterday.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - ???

Unread post by Talisman »

I received my decks yesterday also. They came very well packed. I must say that these decks look spectacular.
Again I thank Sinjin7 for expiditing a fulfillment that should have taken place eons ago by Erik of course.
Lastly I thank Erik Mana for getting the my decks sent out to me correctly. Being that I pledged on the original campaign and the signature set, anything could have really been screwed up with my orders and it was done right there.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - ???

Unread post by chach »

Received my decks yesterday, both the regular and the signature series. I must say, they are very nicely put together. The presentation of the signature series is top notch, everything is number matched with holographic seals and it is a high quality product. Just wish it didn't take 2+ years and threat of kegal action to get them.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - ???

Unread post by MagikFingerz »

chach wrote:Received my decks yesterday, both the regular and the signature series. I must say, they are very nicely put together. The presentation of the signature series is top notch, everything is number matched with holographic seals and it is a high quality product. Just wish it didn't take 2+ years and threat of kegal action to get them.

Just wish it didn't take 2+ years and threat of kegal action to get them.

threat of kegal action

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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - ???

Unread post by Siege »

No shipping notification in U.K. yet. Anyone outside US heard anything ?
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - ???

Unread post by TGunitedcardists »

Siege wrote:No shipping notification in U.K. yet. Anyone outside US heard anything ?
Nothing. Waiting. I'm happy for the others on this forum who have received theirs, but would like to join them appreciating the decks I pledged for. And knocking off the list my only Kickstarter project not to have delivered (yet).
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - ???

Unread post by vasta41 »

MagikFingerz wrote:
chach wrote:Received my decks yesterday, both the regular and the signature series. I must say, they are very nicely put together. The presentation of the signature series is top notch, everything is number matched with holographic seals and it is a high quality product. Just wish it didn't take 2+ years and threat of kegal action to get them.

Just wish it didn't take 2+ years and threat of kegal action to get them.

threat of kegal action
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - ???

Unread post by 4.of.Clubs »

Siege wrote:No shipping notification in U.K. yet. Anyone outside US heard anything ?
Don't worry, only parts of US order has been shipped. (Hopefully we shouldn't be worried)
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - fulfillment status - ???

Unread post by chach »

vasta41 wrote:
MagikFingerz wrote:
chach wrote:Received my decks yesterday, both the regular and the signature series. I must say, they are very nicely put together. The presentation of the signature series is top notch, everything is number matched with holographic seals and it is a high quality product. Just wish it didn't take 2+ years and threat of kegal action to get them.

Just wish it didn't take 2+ years and threat of kegal action to get them.

threat of kegal action
This made my day.
I guess physical pain hurts worse. :lol:

What can I say, Sinjin and I have similar but different plans of attack.

One of the best instances of auto-correct ever. I'd be embarrassed if I weren't laughing so hard. :lol:
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - SHIPPING

Unread post by rousselle »

The most recent update to the project on KS includes a breakdown of the number of shipments made in the US, Canada, and International. According to the numbers provided, they appear to have shipped out just over half of the packages so far. The emphasis clearly has been on US shipments thus far, but the fact that some Canada and other Int'l packages have gone out seems to be an indication that the international backers are not being completely overlooked. I know it doesn't count until you actually have those cards in your hands, but I still take this as a hopeful sign.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - SHIPPING

Unread post by Justin O. »

You know, I got my cards, and they really are beautiful. I love the tucks, the design etc; they are pretty much everything I hoped for in production, but I still can't help but feel like I am owed more for the situation. Not necessarily physically, or monetarily, but maybe just having him acknowledge that it got to this point. Actually exactly that, I feel like I deserve for him to acknowledge the lawsuit prep that has taken place because I hate that it looks like he wasn't going to move on delivery until legal action started gaining momentum.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - SHIPPING

Unread post by Cardians »

Justin O. wrote:I still can't help but feel like I am owed more for the situation.
You received your decks and you want MORE!!!

Do you ever stop complaining?? You seem to do a lot of that.... Just saying....!
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - SHIPPING

Unread post by Justin O. »

Cardians wrote:
Justin O. wrote:I still can't help but feel like I am owed more for the situation.
You received your decks and you want MORE!!!

Do you ever stop complaining?? You seem to do a lot of that.... Just saying....!
Yeah, I received my decks and feel like I deserve more information for the delay. I would like to point out that I, for the most part, on this project, have remained positive and hopeful, expressly trying not to complain and not jumping on the lawsuit bandwagon.

But to answer your passive-aggressive, backhanded, e-asshole comment, yeah, I do complain a lot, and your "just saying" is profoundly antagonistic whether you mean for it to be or not.
I don't mind a project creator dicking off for years and only delivering once legal action is threatened, but I don't, obviously, handle 'You-Tube comments' grade, internet-troll bullshit like 'do you ever stop complaining??'. If you feel like I complain too much then suck it up, be an adult and deal, I don't point out your shortcomings anymore than I hold you to any higher standard like you aparently hold me to, but pointing it out to me doesn't serve anyone anything, and the subjective scope of your tiny little world isn't interesting or helpful to anyone.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - SHIPPING

Unread post by chach »

Justin O. wrote:
Cardians wrote:
Justin O. wrote:I still can't help but feel like I am owed more for the situation.
You received your decks and you want MORE!!!

Do you ever stop complaining?? You seem to do a lot of that.... Just saying....!
Yeah, I received my decks and feel like I deserve more information for the delay. I would like to point out that I, for the most part, on this project, have remained positive and hopeful, expressly trying not to complain and not jumping on the lawsuit bandwagon.

But to answer your passive-aggressive, backhanded, e-asshole comment, yeah, I do complain a lot, and your "just saying" is profoundly antagonistic whether you mean for it to be or not.
I don't mind a project creator dicking off for years and only delivering once legal action is threatened, but I don't, obviously, handle 'You-Tube comments' grade, internet-troll bullshit like 'do you ever stop complaining??'. If you feel like I complain too much then suck it up, be an adult and deal, I don't point out your shortcomings anymore than I hold you to any higher standard like you aparently hold me to, but pointing it out to me doesn't serve anyone anything, and the subjective scope of your tiny little world isn't interesting or helpful to anyone.

+1 I'm with you 100% on this, Justin. Both in feeling like it's lacking something and saying F people complaining about complaining.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - SHIPPING

Unread post by 4.of.Clubs »

Justin O. wrote: But to answer your passive-aggressive, backhanded, e-asshole comment, yeah, I do complain a lot, and your "just saying" is profoundly antagonistic whether you mean for it to be or not.
I don't mind a project creator dicking off for years and only delivering once legal action is threatened, but I don't, obviously, handle 'You-Tube comments' grade, internet-troll bullshit like 'do you ever stop complaining??'. If you feel like I complain too much then suck it up, be an adult and deal, I don't point out your shortcomings anymore than I hold you to any higher standard like you aparently hold me to, but pointing it out to me doesn't serve anyone anything, and the subjective scope of your tiny little world isn't interesting or helpful to anyone.
Can't agree more, but I would really just ignore Cardians.

Not sure why, but he's been trying stir sh*t up on this thread for a while now and he's not even a backer to this project.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - SHIPPING

Unread post by sinjin7 »

Every couple of years we'll get the member who fails to comprehend the irony of complaining about "complainers". But everyone is entitled to their opinions, even if they're as silly as this. Usually, they do so in defense of a designer they're a fanboy of and think their beloved designer is wrongfully maligned. In this case, Erik is indefensible (despite Bruno's sycophantic efforts) and Cardians has already admitted he didn't even pledge for any Mana Sybil decks, so he doesn't have a dog in this race.

As for Erik providing a mea culpa for the past two years of wasting everyone's time, I doubt we'll get one. The guy is truly maddening. I gave him a list of conditions to follow, which he agreed to, and one of the conditions was weekly updates every Monday with specificity. Of course, Erik posts an update on Tuesday titled "Just saying hello..." where he mentions "a few batches that have gone out". I had to email him again letting him know this isn't acceptable because a "few batches" could mean anything and nothing. I had to twist his arm about info on international orders as well. At least to his credit, he posted a more specific update late the following day with actual numbers, including the progress of international orders, and it looks like fulfillment is well underway.

I'm just going to consider it a success that I've finally got my order, and that it looks like he'll actually complete everyone else's orders as well. It's blatantly obvious that without any prodding or pushing, this guy isn't inclined to do anything of substance, so to expect him to offer any kind of genuine apology or truthful explanation of what really went down between him and the Toronto fulfillment center is pipedream. I much rather have my decks than any more of his self-pitying excuses anyways.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - SHIPPING

Unread post by Cardians »

4.of.Clubs wrote: Not sure why, but he's been trying stir sh*t up on this thread for a while now and he's not even a backer to this project.
4.of.Clubs, I don't need to be a backer to this project to comment on your foolish candidness towards the creator. You and many others have heard nothing from Erik for how long? And now you expect him to give you more? He shipped your reward(s) and that's all he needs to do. He's done his job and you should be satisfied. Not complain that you need/want more. He doesn't owe YOU anything.

Your previous comment above that I commented on just goes to show your character. Your a complainer not just in this thread but many others. But again, I guess you have the right to voice your option just as I have...

This is a rhetorical statement and we all don't need your sophisticated reasoning or explanation. :P
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - SHIPPING

Unread post by Justin O. »

sinjin7 wrote:As for Erik providing a mea culpa for the past two years of wasting everyone's time, I doubt we'll get one. The guy is truly maddening. I gave him a list of conditions to follow, which he agreed to, and one of the conditions was weekly updates every Monday with specificity. Of course, Erik posts an update on Tuesday titled "Just saying hello..." where he mentions "a few batches that have gone out". I had to email him again letting him know this isn't acceptable because a "few batches" could mean anything and nothing. I had to twist his arm about info on international orders as well. At least to his credit, he posted a more specific update late the following day with actual numbers, including the progress of international orders, and it looks like fulfillment is well underway.

I'm just going to consider it a success that I've finally got my order, and that it looks like he'll actually complete everyone else's orders as well. It's blatantly obvious that without any prodding or pushing, this guy isn't inclined to do anything of substance, so to expect him to offer any kind of genuine apology or truthful explanation of what really went down between him and the Toronto fulfillment center is pipedream. I much rather have my decks than any more of his self-pitying excuses anyways.

I'm greatful for whatever part you played in getting the project on track, and even if all of the updates aren't perfect, it's nice to see regular updates.
The part that always sticks in my throat is that Mana has successful projects under his belt, this isn't his first project, this doesn't seem like it was out of his league as a designer or a project manager, and yet it still went way-far the wrong way.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - SHIPPING

Unread post by 4.of.Clubs »

Justin O. wrote: The part that always sticks in my throat is that Mana has successful projects under his belt, this isn't his first project, this doesn't seem like it was out of his league as a designer or a project manager, and yet it still went way-far the wrong way.
I agree, and I think if he does ever come up with another new deck I'll still buy it after market, just to ease the heartache.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - SHIPPING

Unread post by Bruno »

sinjin, you peddle your sychophancy for the toothsome psycho-fancy that reverberates. Selling your soul.

My attacks on misguided fools airing fraudulent design by Erik sychophancy ?
Pissing in peoples pockets is anathema to this adult.

I sleep fine, thanks fer asking !
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - SHIPPING

Unread post by nECr0MaNCeD »

Cardians wrote:
4.of.Clubs wrote: Not sure why, but he's been trying stir sh*t up on this thread for a while now and he's not even a backer to this project.
4.of.Clubs, I don't need to be a backer to this project to comment on your foolish candidness towards the creator. You and many others have heard nothing from Erik for how long? And now you expect him to give you more? He shipped your reward(s) and that's all he needs to do. He's done his job and you should be satisfied. Not complain that you need/want more. He doesn't owe YOU anything.

Your previous comment above that I commented on just goes to show your character. Your a complainer not just in this thread but many others. But again, I guess you have the right to voice your option just as I have...

This is a rhetorical statement and we all don't need your sophisticated reasoning or explanation. :P

It takes a lot for me to get involved in disagreements and arguments but this takes the cake.

This is a forum for fellow collectors and for the most part friends. No one would ever tell you that you aren't entitled to your opinion but the 3rd grade/trollish manner in which you address others here is unacceptable. People can agree to disagree without stooping childish 4chan like insults. Grow up.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - SHIPPING

Unread post by tonyricciardi »

As usual, Necro says it perfectly.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - SHIPPING (wap)

Unread post by Cbkimble »

Well, the thing is there is one particular person that enjoys being the @$$ and does everything to start trouble. He has at least 3 accounts. Don't pay any attention when this douche makes a comment.
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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - SHIPPING

Unread post by rousselle »

Hi, friends.

Let's please keep on topic. Let's see, the topic of this thread is... Have you gotten your Mana No. 3 rewards yet?

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Re: Mana - Platinum/Gold/"Sybil" - SHIPPING

Unread post by 4.of.Clubs »

rousselle wrote:Hi, friends.

Let's please keep on topic. Let's see, the topic of this thread is... Have you gotten your Mana No. 3 rewards yet?

NO! :evil: :evil: :evil:
But Soon I hope. :ugdance: :ugdance: :ugdance:
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