UC KS Watchdogs (A strategy for tracking delays)

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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

Unread post by rousselle »

As of a month ago, there were 13 decks on my list of Kickstarter projects expected to ship by (or in) January of 2016 that I had not yet received. Of those 13, I'm now only waiting for...12.

That's right, in the month of January, I received exactly one Kickstarter project: Buskers (originally anticipated in September of 2015). As we enter February, I add six decks to my list of eagerly anticipated KS projects. Here's the rundown of projects originally planned for delivery before or by this month:
  • Mana Playing Cards No 3 (January '15) -- On December 17th, Erik posted in the comments section that he still had nothing to report on the status of shipping out the second batch after his trial shipment of 50 packages earlier in the month. No communication since then, thus far.
  • Venexiana Dark (February '15) -- As previously noted, I've received all of the items for this project except the uncuts. Lotrek and I agreed to a substitute item, which he will ship out with the Icon Demos and Icon Trials. Recent updates indicate that now the Demos and the Trials are going to wait to ship with the actual Icons Imperials, which are nearing completion.
  • Icons Imperial Edition (May '15) -- Speaking of Icons Imperial Edition, these decks are supposed to ship with the Grotesk Macabre, which are also nearing completion. :) Allow me to note that Lotrek is keeping in good communication with his backers.
  • Arcana (2nd half: December '15) -- Work on part 2 (the Expansion pack) continues, and Chris continues to engage with the backers in the comments section of his project page.
  • Viridian (December '15) -- As of an update posted a couple weeks ago, the cards are completed and en route, and were anticipated to arrive stateside by around the end of January, with fulfillment by CPC to begin Very Soon Thereafter.
  • Wasteland (December '15) -- Jackson reports that a third of the backers' packages have already been shipped, with the rest shipping out in short order. Tracking numbers are being mailed out as packages are shipped.
  • Piff the Magic Dragon (December '15) -- Just over a week ago, backers were notified that production is completed, the items are on their way to the states, and fulfillment is set to begin mid-February.
  • Rainbow Illusion (December '15) -- Likewise, an update a week ago from Landry showed photos of the finished product and informed backers that LPCC would be handling fulfillment, so that our decks should arrive soon.
  • Magna Carta 800th Anniversary (December '15) -- Alexander recently posted pics of the tuck box proofs, and notes that things are coming together well. He anticipated receiving the decks (except the gilded decks) near the end of January, with fulfillment to begin soon thereafter.
  • Alloy (January '16) -- Gamblers Warehouse (well, PlayingCardsDotNet) reports that the decks are expected to arrive at their warehouse in a day or two, with fulfillment to commence shortly thereafter.
  • Grotesk Macabre (January '16) -- The "regular" decks are in the production queue at LPCC (or is it EPCC?), while the "Black Mass" decks and tuck boxes are nearing the end of their production run (which should wrap up this week or thereabouts.) Photos of the updated samples look exquisite.
  • Impressions Foil Femme (January '16) -- MPC says fulfillment is set to begin within a couple weeks.
  • Texas (February '16) -- The project has hit a couple glitches, which Jackson has detailed in his updates to backers, but production continues and he outlined how he is addressing the speed-bumps. Fulfillment may be delayed by a month or two, but nothing earth-shattering.
  • Devastation (February '16) -- Jody posted an update a couple weeks ago. The annual shut-down of the factory means that production will likely not be completed until the end of this month, and then there's a month of travel taking the slow boat, which puts fulfillment (from Gamblers Warehouse) to begin in early April.
  • Nouveau UC 2016 (February '16) -- The same production back-up with EPCC that is delaying Devastation is also delaying Nouveau, so here, too, look for fulfillment in April.
  • Eminence (February '16) -- Also "in production" at LPCC (same factory as EPCC), so likely the same time frame as Nouveau and Devastation. Also being fulfilled by GW, too. :)
  • Scarabs (February '16) -- A little over a week ago, Scott announced that they've decided to go with Pledge Manager instead of BackerKit. Surveys should be going out soon.
  • Dapper Deck (February '16) -- These are being printed by EPCC; no word on if they beat the February shut-down at the factory.
That's 18 projects expected to be in my hands either this month or prior that I am eagerly awaiting. Quite a few of these have noted that shipping is happening now or within the next couple weeks. Here's to hoping.

And how about y'all? What deliveries are you still anticipating from Kickstarter projects?
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

Unread post by Kleetz »

rousselle wrote: [*]Eminence (February '16) -- Also "in production" at LPCC (same factory as EPCC), so likely the same time frame as Nouveau and Devastation. Also being fulfilled by GW, too. :)
Thanks for adding it to the list. While it's in production, the Chinese New Year really put a damper on it's scheduled delivery. It looks like it will be closer to the middle to end of March '16 that decks will be shipped / in backers' hands.

It's a bit of a bummer, but there's nothing that I could do. I'll also make an update about that in the coming week.

As far as what I'm anticipating, I'm still waiting on Magna Carta (two months late now), Indictus, Viva Mexico, and Grinders.

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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

Unread post by rousselle »

As of a month ago, there were 18 decks on my list of Kickstarter projects expected to ship by (or in) February of 2016 that I had not yet received. 18!

A few of them did roll in, and as always, receiving them is better than anticipating them. The Viridian decks (originally anticipated for December) were a nice, solid effort from Trikard, and Rainbow Illusion (also originally expected in December) were a likewise flawless execution. Impressions Foil Femme arrived from MPC (originally slated for January) arrived only a couple weeks past their original forecast, and the Dapper Deck from Vanishing, Inc. just squeaked in by arriving the last day of their anticipated delivery month of February.

As four projects get crossed off my list, five get added on our way into March. Here's the rundown of projects originally planned for delivery before or by this month:
  • Mana Playing Cards No 3 (January '15) -- A few days ago, Erik posted an update to the project offering a mea culpa and letting us know that he is still working the project as best he can while juggling challenges with the fulfillment center in Buffalo as well as in his personal life.
  • Venexiana Dark (February '15) -- As previously noted, I've received all of the items for this project except the uncuts. Lotrek and I agreed to a substitute item, which he will ship out with the Icon Demos and Icon Trials and the finished Imperials. However...
  • Icons Imperial Edition (May '15) -- This project again experienced a setback in the cutting stage of the process. Lotrek will be reassessing his process after taking a little time off to de-stress.
  • Arcana (2nd half: December '15) -- Work on part 2 (the Expansion pack) continues, and Chris continues to post new art and engage with the backers in the comments section of his project page.
  • Wasteland (December '15) -- Shipping is still in process, and appears to be going slower than anticipated. Those who have received their decks are posting glowing comments on the project page. Hoping to receive mine soon.
  • Piff the Magic Dragon (December '15) -- No word since February 3rd, when fulfillment was just around the corner. Clearly, there has been some delay; Chris has been good about keeping in touch with backers, so I'm sure there will be an update soon.
  • Magna Carta 800th Anniversary (December '15) -- In the comments section, Alexander posted that orders with only the Rebel decks have been shipped, but the Royal decks are still another week away or so from arriving at their fulfillment center.
  • Alloy (January '16) -- GW reports shipping is in progress and will hopefully be completed this week or next.
  • Grotesk Macabre (January '16) -- Black Mass needed another coat of varnish before it would be ready to cut, as of last week, but Lotrek expects that he is close to wrapping up Black Mass and that fulfillment can begin soon.
  • Texas (February '16) --As of a couple weeks ago, Jackson posted an update saying that there is a solid plan for addressing the previously identified production glitches, and that fulfillment is likely to be delayed six to ten weeks, but that is a very rough estimate.
  • Devastation (February '16) -- Jody reports that production of the decks is back on track at the factory. Photos of the new coin look exquisite.
  • Nouveau UC 2016 (February '16) -- Physical proofs are in, and production is moving right along.
  • Eminence (February '16) -- Also "in production" at LPCC (same factory as EPCC for Devastation and Nouveau), so likely the same time frame as Nouveau and Devastation -- fulfillment in early April. Also being fulfilled by GW.
  • Scarabs (February '16) -- Surveys have been sent out, and there's a concerted effort going on in the comments section to make sure everybody gets theirs filled out and submitted as soon as possible.
  • Viva Mexico (March '16) -- Jay expects to have the cards in hand by the end of March, and out to backers no later than April.
  • Le Chat Rouge (March '16) -- Even though Lorenzo submitted the artwork in November, the factory reports the cards won't be ready to ship out until mid-March. Given the slow boat from China to the US, we're looking at fulfillment in April. That said, he posted pics of the new coin... sweet!
  • Royal House Ltd Edition (March '16) -- At last word, everything was still on track for fulfillment to begin in March. Bummed that this will be the last Edgy Bros. project for a little while. :(
  • Grinders (March '16) -- Like Le Chat Rouge above, the files for this project have been at the factory since November but aren't slated to be printed and shipped until next week. Look for fulfillment in April, being handled by GW.
  • Black Diamond (March '16) -- at last word, everything was on schedule. Given the delays with fulfillment for Wasteland, I wouldn't be surprised if fulfillment likewise takes a little bit longer than planned for this project.
That's 19 projects expected to be in my hands either this month or prior that I am eagerly awaiting. Le sigh.

I'll note that, once again, the back-up really does seem to be frequently centered on longer production times at the factories, which is out of the hands of the project creators. I'm also noticing slow-downs at a couple of fulfillment houses, who are being buried by their own success. Still, as has been noted elsewhere, better late than never.

And how about y'all? What deliveries are you still anticipating from Kickstarter projects?
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

Unread post by PrincessTrouble »

Other than what you listed, I'm waiting on:

BRuT expected November 2015 (gilding is expected to be completed by late March / early April).
Chivalry expected November 2015.
40 Years of Fear (Jaws) expected October 2015 (shipping reported but still waiting for mine).
Chord Cards expected November 2015 (I received my "free" deck, i.e. sans tuck box, but am I still waiting for pledge deck).
Sideshow expected January 2016 (in transit from EPCC to GW).
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

PrincessTrouble wrote:Other than what you listed, I'm waiting on:
40 Years of Fear (Jaws) expected October 2015 (shipping reported but still waiting for mine).
This is the one that always gets me: Murphy's Magic Supply has them available for resellers, and has for a couple of months. It sure does seem like Scott could get the decks out to the backers before now. It's what he has done in the past, so not unexpected, but - I haven't really kept up with it because I didn't pledge for them. Even the "LE" ("chewed" tuck) version is available from resellers now.

Are you alone in this delay, PT? (or is it semi-universal?) It sure seems like he would figure out that a few of us are a bit more noisy than others, eh?
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

Unread post by PrincessTrouble »

Mike Ratledge wrote:
PrincessTrouble wrote:Other than what you listed, I'm waiting on:
40 Years of Fear (Jaws) expected October 2015 (shipping reported but still waiting for mine).
This is the one that always gets me: Murphy's Magic Supply has them available for resellers, and has for a couple of months. It sure does seem like Scott could get the decks out to the backers before now. It's what he has done in the past, so not unexpected, but - I haven't really kept up with it because I didn't pledge for them. Even the "LE" ("chewed" tuck) version is available from resellers now.

Are you alone in this delay, PT? (or is it semi-universal?) It sure seems like he would figure out that a few of us are a bit more noisy than others, eh?
They say they have been shipping since Feb 15th. I have several GW shipping notices so it's possible one of them is for Jaws, but then again maybe not. I wish in the tracking number email, there could be a one-line note with the name of the project. Would really be helpful for those of us that support multiple projects. In any case, I started "squeaking" in the comments on the project page. Hopefully, I'll get the grease. :)
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

Unread post by rousselle »

As of a month ago, there were 19 decks on my list of Kickstarter projects expected to ship by (or in) March of 2016 that I was still waiting to close the books on. I have to confess, that as much as I'm looking forward to receiving these projects, the accumulation of delays can dampen my enthusiasm.

That said, several of those projects did roll in, and like I said last month, receiving them is so much more enjoyable than anticipating them. Jackson Robinson's Wasteland (originally anticipated last December) arrived and totally lived up to Jackson's reputation for excellence. Piff the Magic Dragon's deck and coin (also anticipated around December) actually arrived at my doorstep on April 1st, and it is every bit as clever and interesting as Chris Chelko's project led us to expect. Likewise, Magna Carta (another December anticipatee) is every bit as elegant, and the panoramic tuck boxes every bit as regal as promised. Alloy from Gamblers Warehouse, projected for a January delivery, is, in a word, shiny. Love, love, love the prismatic foil on the cards. A couple of my decks were slightly dented on the corners; I haven't decided what to do about that yet. Hmmm. Finally, a deck that was anticipate to arrive in March arrived only a couple days into April, and that was the Viva Mexico deck. Congrats to Jay Losa for bringing an LPCC-printed deck in as quickly as you did!

As five projects get crossed off my list, only one gets added for April. Here's the rundown of projects originally planned for delivery by or before this month:
  • Mana Playing Cards No 3 (January '15) -- Erik has posted another (apparently monthly) update, this time noting that they have fulfilled 30 orders. A few folks have posted that they've received their rewards, but that they are missing a deck or two (the Livida decks).
  • Venexiana Dark (February '15) -- As previously noted, I've received all of the items for this project except the uncuts. Lotrek and I agreed to a substitute item, which he will ship out with the Icon Demos and Icon Trials and the finished Imperials. However...
  • Icons Imperial Edition (May '15) -- This project is on hiatus while Lotrek reassesses his process.
  • Arcana (2nd half: December '15) -- Chris recently reported that the art is almost done, and that it will soon be released to production.
  • Grotesk Macabre (January '16) -- In a recent update, Lotrek reports that things are moving forward well with the EPCC decks, but the Black Mass decks are now pending finding another printer who can handle the work.
  • Texas (February '16) --As of mid-February, Jackson posted an update saying that there is a solid plan for addressing the previously identified production glitches, and that fulfillment is likely to be delayed six to ten weeks, but that is a very rough estimate. I'm assuming that means we are likely due for another update soon.
  • Devastation (February '16) -- In early March, Jody reported that the decks were on their slow boat to Texas, and were anticipated to arrive this week (first week of April.) Look for fulfillment to begin soon.
  • Nouveau UC 2016 (February '16) -- As of the end of March, decks are produced and being shipped to Texas. Fulfillment anticipated to begin around the end of April.
  • Eminence (February '16) -- Vadim reported yesterday that these are due to arrive at GW's warehouse in Texas any day now, and then he will send out surveys to collect backers' addresses.
  • Scarabs (February '16) -- Digital proofs from USPCC have been received and approved as of mid-March, with signing of the contract expected soon thereafter.
  • Le Chat Rouge (March '16) -- Lorenzo reported yesterday that the decks are due to arrive at GW tomorrow (Saturday), and he anticipates fulfillment to begin next week.
  • Royal House Ltd Edition (March '16) -- USPCC just recently notified the Edgy Bros that production delays with the gilded decks are holding up the order for a month. Meanwhile, orders without gilded decks are being sent out, and people are starting to post in the comments section that they've received theirs, so my wait shouldn't be much longer!
  • Grinders (March '16) -- Like a couple of the projects above, these decks should be arriving at GW any day now (if they haven't already) and fulfillment is anticipated to begin shortly thereafter. Randy posted pictures of the finished product... wow. Just, wow.
  • Black Diamond (March '16) -- As of March 10th, USPCC told Jackson that production will likely take about ten weeks (metalluxe being more time intensive than other processes.)
  • Diamonds (April '16) -- Physical proofs are on their way from LPCC to SiShou. Once approved, LPCC will produce and then fulfill the project directly, which means sparing us the slow boat delays.
That's 15 projects expected to be in my hands either this month or prior that I am eagerly awaiting. I'm glad that number is coming down. I'm also excited to see that the bottleneck at EPCC/LPCC's production facility is working it's way through, and I may see five or so of these projects actually land at my doorstep this month. That would make this an awesome month.

And how about y'all? What deliveries are you still anticipating from Kickstarter projects?
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

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Still waiting for Spectrum.
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

Unread post by Mike Ratledge »

rousselle wrote:And how about y'all? What deliveries are you still anticipating from Kickstarter projects?
As you might expect, I'm truly looking forward to (almost as much as Karin) UC2016/Nouveau & Bourgogne hitting the streets, especially after getting a pair of each from the advance shipment from Expert PCC / Bill Kalush. They turned out SO very well, and I'm quite certain that Karin can't wait to see her 'baby' arrive on everybody's doorsteps! In fact, those Gran Reserva decks are looking like they will be out of this world with the fancy laser cut overwraps and hand-made tucks! Good stuff, I have someone taking some real pictures for me, hopefully that will happen before the end of the week(end).

Everybody knows that my patented crappy pix aren't worth showing, so I sent my pair off to Tony for the royal treatment. The other pair went into a PMI small flat rate box for Karin.
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

Unread post by rousselle »

As we entered April, there were 15 Kickstarter projects (that were playing card related, at least) that I'd back that had been anticipated to ship by around that month or sooner. Most of them, to be frank, had been anticipated to arrive much, much sooner.

I'm pleased to report that the number of "outstanding" projects (you know, as anticipated arrival is concerned) has come down again. In fact, toward the end of April, I was a pretty happy camper every day I went to the mail box, because I was rewarded with a new arrival of playing card goodness three days in a row. W00t!

Nouveau UC 2016 (originally anticipated in February) arrived, and the decks turned out even better than I'd imagined. Le Chat Rouge (originally expected in March) arrived in all of its sleek glory, and truly was (is) a sight to behold. The Edgy Bros.' Royal House Ltd Edition (also anticipated in March) arrived as well, and they did not disappoint. The only bummer with regard to these cards is that the Edgy Bros. must step away from their playing card design for a while to attend to other creative projects. I wish them all the success in the world, but do look forward to their return, whenever that happens.

Notice that none of these were particularly late. I had other good days as far as receiving cards in the mail go, but those were ordered from vendors or, in one case, it was a Kickstarter project that arrived well ahead of the anticipated ship date. (And now, for the life of me, I can't remember what it was, but it was probably a CPC or GW deck, amiright?).

Interestingly, none of the KS projects I've backed have an anticipated ship date of May, 2016, so this is a great month for all of the other projects I'm waiting on to catch up!
  • Mana Playing Cards No 3 (January '15) -- No news since the April 3rd update. Appears as if fulfillment remains stalled.
  • Venexiana Dark (February '15) -- As previously noted, I've received all of the items for this project except the uncuts. Lotrek and I agreed to a substitute item, which he will ship out with the Icon Demos and Icon Trials and the finished Imperials. However...
  • Icons Imperial Edition (May '15) -- This project is on hiatus while Lotrek reassesses his process. There is some minor news on this in the Grotesk Macabre note below....
  • Arcana (2nd half: December '15) -- Chris reported on April 20th that the proofs are in and look good, and he is going to release the files for production. Getting very close!
  • Grotesk Macabre (January '16) -- Lotrek reports that the EPCC decks are in and looking good and that fulfillment will begin soon for those who did not order Black Mass decks. As for those, Lotrek has found another printer he is happy with to handle Black Mass, so he is hoping to have those squared away this month or next. This, in turn, is good news for the ICON Imperials, as work on those can theoretically get underway after Black Mass is completed.
  • Texas (February '16) --On April 11th, Jackson let his backers know that everything is in except for the gilded decks. The gilded blue decks were expected to be ready by mid-May; no time frame was available for the gold gilded decks. Once these are in, fulfillment will begin.
  • Devastation (February '16) -- Jody reports in the comments that fulfillment is underway, and should be completed within the next couple weeks. Excellent!
  • Eminence (February '16) -- Surveys have been sent out to backers asking for updated addresses, and Vadim reports that the decks have arrived at GW for fulfillment, and will shortly be on their way to us. Excellent!
  • Scarabs (February '16) -- The team reported yesterday that USPCC is estimating completion of the decks by the end of May, and so we can reasonably expect fulfillment to begin either at the end of May or early June. Excellent!
  • Grinders (March '16) -- These are shipping now. Woo-hoo!
  • Black Diamond (March '16) -- As of March 10th, USPCC told Jackson that production will likely take about ten weeks (metalluxe being more time intensive than other processes.)
  • Diamonds (April '16) -- Cards are in production at LPCC, and will ship directly to backers from there once completed (best guess is around mid-May.) Excellent!
That's 12 KS projects on the "outstanding" list, many of which look to be wrapped up very soon now.

And how about y'all? What deliveries are you still anticipating from Kickstarter projects?
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

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Hmmmm. I haven't gotten my Royal House. Might need to drop Edgy Bros a pm...

I did get my Magna Carta decks yesterday. That made me happy. :)
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

Unread post by flyers3003 »

Got Nouveau and Grinders yesterday!

Still waiting on:
  1. Founders Playing Cards (July '13) - M@#$erF&*!er
  2. Meridian Bicycle Playing Cards (Feb '14) - I think he's dead
  3. Mana Playing Cards No. 3 (Jan '15) - Starting to fall into Founders territory
  4. Texas (Dec '15 Feb '16) - What rousselle said
  5. Grotesk Macabre (Jan '16) - What rouselle said
  6. Devastation (Feb '16) - What rousselle said
  7. Eminence (Feb '16) - What rousselle said
  8. Scarabs (Feb '16) - What rousselle said
  9. Bicycle Gentleman Playing Cards (Mar '16) - Shipping has started as of May 3rd.
  10. Middle Kingdom (Mar '16) - Cards on their way to Gambler's Fulfillment as of May 5th.
  11. Middle Kingdom Black (Mar '16) - Cards on their way to Gambler's Fulfillment as of May 5th.
  12. Black Diamond (Mar '16) - What rousselle said
  13. Aquatica (Mar '16) - Had to reprint. Expected to be finished reprint May 20
  14. 3D Mechanized Playing Cards V2 (Apr '16) - Card mechanisms have arrived and are being prepared for shipping as of May 3rd.
  15. Diamonds (Apr '16) - What rousselle said
So that's 15 decks I'm waiting on, although the 1st two are never happening. And it's because of the 1st two that I'm starting to lose faith in the 3rd. It looks like at least 4 of them should arrive this month.
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

Unread post by rousselle »

Yeah, truth be told, I'm not listing "Green Army Men" Deck, either, because I know that Adam is never going to make good on what he owes me. Grrrrr. (Since Adam will never produce the decks, and he said he would send out refunds, I will consider this project "fulfilled" if I ever get my refund.)

Then again... Ed Nash surprised me by delivering Asylum.

I suspect that Erik Mana is ultimately more likely to end up in Ed Nash territory than Adam Clarkson territory (Erik, like Ed, did have the decks produced, he just hasn't sent them out yet, whereas Adam never did have the decks produced. Same with Founders.) ie, I suspect the decks will eventually be sent out. Maybe.
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

Unread post by rousselle »

As of the beginning of may, there were 12 Kickstarter projects I'd back that had been anticipated to ship by around that month or sooner. A few of them arrived. Only one deck gets added to the list at the beginning of June, and that one... by mistake. More on that in the list below.

Kickstarter projects that I checked off as completed during the month of May are: Devastation (originally anticipated in February of this year), Eminence (February), and Grinders/Brimstone (March). All three projects had some really awesome work that made them entirely worth the wait.

In the meantime, I continue to anticipate the arrival of these 10 projects:
  • Mana Playing Cards No 3 (January '15) -- No news since the April 3rd update.
  • Venexiana Dark (February '15) -- As noted in earlier updates, I've received all of the items for this project except the uncuts. Lotrek and I agreed to a substitute item, which he will ship out with the Icon Demos and Icon Trials and the finished Imperials.
  • Icons Imperial Edition (May '15) -- Lotrek has reported that the decks are awaiting "the final cut," and should be packed and shipping next week!
  • Arcana (2nd half: December '15) -- As of May 22nd, Chris reports that final proofs look good; the next step is finalizing the contract and getting into the production queue. Getting closer!
  • Grotesk Macabre (January '16) -- GW has begun fulfillment. As I'm posting this a week into June, I can report that as of June 7, I've received my mixed (original and animated) half-brick of decks. Woo-hoo! Lotrek reports that Black Mass will be produced once the Icon Imperials are out the door.
  • Texas (February '16) -- Fulfillment has begun and many people have already reported receiving their rewards. Woo-hoo!
  • Scarabs (February '16) -- On June 4th, CKC reported that USPCC is finishing up production and will be shipping to them "soon." Look for fulfillment to begin in a couple weeks.
  • Black Diamond (March '16) -- As of June 1st, Jackson reports that the final proofs are awesome. He says that in order to keep the risk of mistakes down to a minimum, he will ship only one project at a time. So, once Texas is done shipping, he will ship either Black Diamond or Crazy 8s, whichever USPCC ships to him first.
  • Diamonds (April '16) -- Fulfillment has begun! As of June 7th, I've received the decks, and all I'm waiting for with this project is the coin.
  • Chicken Nuggets (June '16) -- The project accidentally listed my pledge tier as anticipated for June delivery, but recent updates have clarified that fulfillment is expected to begin in August. Still, I'm listing this here now because that's the anticipated fulfillment month posted when I look at my list of backed projects on KS.
That's 10 KS projects on the "outstanding" list, with some already having started fulfillment, several partially-fulfilled for me already, and a couple more likely to start shipping soon.

And you? What deliveries are you still anticipating from Kickstarter projects?
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

Unread post by RichK »

My wait list, very similar to rousselle:
  • Icons Imperial Edition (May '15) -- rousselle's comment above.
  • Arcana (2nd half: December '15) -- rousselle's comment above.
  • Grotesk Macabre (January '16) -- rousselle's comment above.
  • Texas (February '16) -- rousselle's comment above.
  • Scarabs (February '16) -- rousselle's comment above.
  • Black Diamond (March '16) -- rousselle's comment above.
  • Royal House (March '16) -- June 14th KS update said USPCC had gilded decks and Edgy Bros. waiting ~2 weeks for delivery then will ship to backers.
  • Diamonds (April '16) -- Got individual decks from Taiwan, waiting on Signature box/
Move on, nothing to see here.
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

Unread post by rousselle »

Another month and come and gone. As of the beginning of June, there were 10 Kickstarter projects I'd backed that had been anticipated to ship in or before that month. Interestingly, a couple of Kickstarter packages arrived *ahead of schedule* during the month of June, thus being neither added to nor removed from this list. However, none of the projects on the list completed, so they remain eagerly anticipated, in addition to a few new ones that I'm adding to the list because they are anticipated for July delivery:
  • Mana Playing Cards No 3 (January '15) -- No news since the April 3rd update.
  • Venexiana Dark (February '15) -- As noted previously, I've received all of the items for this project except the uncuts. Lotrek and I agreed to a substitute item, which he will ship out with the Icon Demos and Icon Trials and the finished Imperials and Imperial Signature decks.
  • Icons Imperial Edition (May '15) -- Lotrek reports that smaller orders have already started shipping, and the larger orders (which will include mine) should be shipped out in the next week or so.
  • Arcana (2nd half: December '15) -- A couple weeks ago, Chris posted that USPCC has informed him that the finished decks should be shipping to him early August, and that fulfillment should begin then.
  • Grotesk Macabre (January '16) -- As I noted in my last update, I've received my mixed (original and animated) half-brick of decks. If I recall correctly, last work from Lotrek is that he hopes to fulfill the Black Mass decks by the end of July, but I can't recall where I read that.
  • Texas (February '16) -- I just received tracking information for my shipment today, so these should arrive soon!
  • Scarabs (February '16) -- CKC posted in the comments that shipping should begin mid-June. No word since then.
  • Black Diamond (March '16) -- As of June 1st, Jackson reports that the final proofs are awesome. He says that in order to keep the risk of mistakes down to a minimum, he will ship only one project at a time. So, once Texas is done shipping, he will ship either Black Diamond or Crazy 8s, whichever USPCC ships to him first.
  • Diamonds (April '16) -- I've received the decks, and all I'm waiting for with this project is the coin. In an update posted June 26th, SiShou said coins and other items should be shipped out soon.
  • Chicken Nuggets (June '16) -- The project accidentally listed my pledge tier as anticipated for June delivery, but recent updates have clarified that fulfillment is expected to begin in August. Still, I'm listing this here now because that's the anticipated fulfillment month posted when I look at my list of backed projects on KS.
  • Pagan Otherworlds Tarot (July '16) -- As of June 7th, this deck was off to print, so assuming the usual timing from EPCC/LPCC, I'd guess Uusi will have this in their hands in a couple weeks.
  • Onubis and Osiris (July '16) -- Shipping is commencing!
  • Ravn (July '16) -- Shipping is commencing!
  • Joker and Thief White Gold (July '16) -- As of a couple weeks ago, decks were expected to arrive at fulfillment center sometime around now, and then they (Art of Play) will begin fulfillment soon thereafter.
  • Rise of a Nation (July '16) -- Production is completed, and a large portion of the finished product are already in RJ's hands. He is commencing fulfillment now while he tries to track down the other part of the shipment.
  • Liberty Back (July '16) -- Surveys were just recently sent out. Chatter on the comments section indicates that this is likely to ship this month, as originally anticipated.
  • Bicycle Aurora (July '16) -- This is the first CPC deck that I can recall in a long time that isn't being fulfilled *early*. Pretty strong performance there, team. Anyway, as of a couple weeks ago, this is anticipated to ship on time, i.e., the last week of this month.
  • Grotesk Macabre Black Gold (July '16) -- Why, yes, the project isn't even closed as I write this, and it's already expected to ship this month. This is a super duper luxury deck on a quick turn to help the Black Mass portion of the Grotesk project on its way.
That's 18 KS projects on the "outstanding" list, with several either partially fulfilled or very-soon-to-be-fulfilled.

And you? What deliveries are you still anticipating from Kickstarter projects?
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

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rousselle wrote: And you? What deliveries are you still anticipating from Kickstarter projects?
Deadbeat is not a strong enough word to describe Erik. Mana Playing Cards No 3 is the only one I anticipate not receiving now. Basically, he's demonstrated a classic, "how-not-to run a campaign and deal with problems."
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

Unread post by Justin O. »

rousselle wrote: And you? What deliveries are you still anticipating from Kickstarter projects?
It's not playing cards, but I finally got Tokaido (board game) last week! It was supposed to be delivered by November

Of 2014...
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

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I'm guessing you got the painted version though? I can understand that would take a lot longer since they are all hand-painted. It's a great game though.
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

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albinodragon wrote:I'm guessing you got the painted version though? I can understand that would take a lot longer since they are all hand-painted. It's a great game though.
I did, and the finished product is unbelievable, some of the best production quality in a game I own. I have actually yet to play it. This weekend though, great little game shop in my town called Guardian Games and some friends. Can't wait.

Now if Mana would get his ducks in a row and get me my decks before it becomes another Tokaido would be great!
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

Unread post by rousselle »

Well, July was a pleasant enough month, with several of my hotly anticipated KS playing card projects rolling in. JR's Texas arrived, as did GW's Liberty. I received the coin from the Diamonds project, so that one drops off the list (I'd received the decks much earlier.) Steve Minty's Osiris and Anubis arrived, as did Lorenzo Gaggiotti's Ravn. RJ Tomlinson's Rise of a Nation also arrived, as did CPC's Aurora decks. That's seven projects knocked off my list! Not a bad July.

And, August has certainly gotten off to an interesting start... not because of any decks that have arrived at my doorstep in the past few days (there haven't been any), but because of traction on the Mana project.

Here's a list of KS projects that have had an anticipated delivery of up-to and including August, 2016 for which I am awaiting fulfillment:
  • Mana Playing Cards No 3 (January '15) -- No news since the April 3rd update. Oh, except for the lawsuit and the most recent updates indicating that shipping might begin next week.
  • Venexiana Dark (February '15) -- As noted previously, I've received all of the items for this project except the uncuts. Lotrek and I agreed to a substitute item, which he will ship out with the Icon Demos and Icon Trials and the finished Imperials and Imperial Signature decks.
  • Icons Imperial Edition (May '15) -- Shipping has begun, although it was temporarily halted. Since mine is one of the more complicated orders, I expect mine will be fulfilled toward the end of the queue.
  • Arcana (2nd half: December '15) -- Chris has been keeping backers up-to-date in the comments section, where he has noted that USPCC is waiting for the tuck box stock to arrive so that they can print, assemble, and ship. Other items are also in the works. Looks like fulfillment may be closer to end of August rather than early August (that's how I read what he's posting, but he hasn't given his own estimate lately.)
  • Grotesk Macabre (January '16) -- As noted previously, I've received my mixed (original and animated) half-brick of decks. Fulfillment of Black Mass is likely going to have to wait for Icons fulfillment to complete.
  • Scarabs (February '16) -- CKC reports that fulfillment has begun and is on-going, so I hope to receive mine this month.
  • Black Diamond (March '16) -- As of mid-July, JR reports that he should have the decks "soon" and that fulfillment will begin shortly thereafter.
  • Chicken Nuggets (June '16) -- The project accidentally listed my pledge tier as anticipated for June delivery, but recent updates have clarified that fulfillment is expected to begin in August. A recent update says that Art of Play will be handling fulfillment in the US/Canada, and that it should be complete by around mid-August.
  • Pagan Otherworlds Tarot (July '16) -- Uusi recently posted photos of the proofs, outlined a number of upgrades to the project, and estimated that fulfillment will likely begin sometime in September.
  • Joker and Thief White Gold (July '16) -- Shipping has apparently been delayed; posts in the comments section suggest a problem with getting the shipping lists from the project creators to their fulfillment center. They say that fulfillment should commence soon, and they will post an update when it does.
  • Grotesk Macabre Black Gold (July '16) -- Shipping of this project is expected to be combined with Black Mass (see above), once Icons is out the door.
  • Russian Folk Art Special Edition (August '16) -- The Collectors decks and glass dolls are already in hand; the USPCC decks are anticipated to be in hand by the middle of the month, so Natalia estimates fulfillment will begin on time this month.
  • Japanese Scrolls (August '16) -- Fulfillment began a couple days ago, and is anticipated to take a couple of weeks to get them all out the door.
  • Greek Pottery (August '16) -- I would expect fulfillment on this one to wait for Japanese Scrolls to wrap up.
Even adding the three new projects originally expected to fulfill this month, that brings my total list of eagerly anticipated KS projects down to 14. If Mana and Icons arrive this month... that would be huuuuuuuge. Here's to hoping!

And you? What deliveries are you still anticipating from Kickstarter projects?
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

Unread post by PrincessTrouble »

I'm still waiting on Texas and Anubis & Osiris. The anticipation hurts!

Other than the ones you listed, I'm waiting on:

Chord Cards (Nov 2015)
Black Mint (Jun 2016)
SCALA (Jun 2016)
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

Unread post by RichK »

PrincessTrouble wrote:I'm still waiting on Texas and Anubis & Osiris. The anticipation hurts!
I'm surprised you haven't received either unless you went for Limited Texas. I went for the 3 Texas decks and got them last month. Also just ordered the pair of A&O, no extras, and they came last month too. I'm in CT so I'm surprised you being in Texas wasn't a faster delivery.

I hope you have Kings Wild tracking number and a Gamblers Warehouse ambiguous tracking number emails.
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

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RichK wrote:
PrincessTrouble wrote:I'm still waiting on Texas and Anubis & Osiris. The anticipation hurts!
I'm surprised you haven't received either unless you went for Limited Texas. I went for the 3 Texas decks and got them last month. Also just ordered the pair of A&O, no extras, and they came last month too. I'm in CT so I'm surprised you being in Texas wasn't a faster delivery.

I hope you have Kings Wild tracking number and a Gamblers Warehouse ambiguous tracking number emails.
I believe Steve is still doing his own fulfillment, and I didn't receive a tracking number for Osiris & Anubis, FWIW. I'd suggest dropping Steve a line and asking him for the status. He does keep the tracking numbers, and can look it up easily (as he did for me in a previous campaign.)
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

Unread post by PrincessTrouble »

rousselle wrote:
RichK wrote:
PrincessTrouble wrote:I'm still waiting on Texas and Anubis & Osiris. The anticipation hurts!
I'm surprised you haven't received either unless you went for Limited Texas. I went for the 3 Texas decks and got them last month. Also just ordered the pair of A&O, no extras, and they came last month too. I'm in CT so I'm surprised you being in Texas wasn't a faster delivery.

I hope you have Kings Wild tracking number and a Gamblers Warehouse ambiguous tracking number emails.
I believe Steve is still doing his own fulfillment, and I didn't receive a tracking number for Osiris & Anubis, FWIW. I'd suggest dropping Steve a line and asking him for the status. He does keep the tracking numbers, and can look it up easily (as he did for me in a previous campaign.)
As luck would have it, I got my Minty decks yesterday evening. Osiris is now one of my favorite decks of the year.

For Texas, I got the regulars, the players, the gilded, and t-shirts. Got my shipping notice yesterday. So hopefully soon. Too bad I paid the extra for December shipping. As it's now 8 months later, I wish I could get that fee back.
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

Unread post by rousselle »

PrincessTrouble wrote:For Texas, I got the regulars, the players, the gilded, and t-shirts. Got my shipping notice yesterday. So hopefully soon. Too bad I paid the extra for December shipping. As it's now 8 months later, I wish I could get that fee back.
Maybe you can. Doesn't hurt to ask, right?
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

Unread post by PrincessTrouble »

rousselle wrote:
PrincessTrouble wrote:For Texas, I got the regulars, the players, the gilded, and t-shirts. Got my shipping notice yesterday. So hopefully soon. Too bad I paid the extra for December shipping. As it's now 8 months later, I wish I could get that fee back.
Maybe you can. Doesn't hurt to ask, right?
You were right. It was worth a shot. Marcus is taking care of me. :)
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

Unread post by rousselle »

For those card collectors who back KS projects, August was another banner month to be receiving rewards. Like, wow. In addition to a couple of projects that arrived early (Brendan Hong's Dynasty decks were anticipated to arrive down the road in November, for example), there were a number of both older and current projects that rolled in. Mana No. 3, originally anticipated to ship in January of 2015, finally landed for me (and, apparently, about half of the other backers, so far). Here's to hoping that everyone else gets their decks and this project finally wraps up in September. ICONS Imperial arrived, as well, and wow, what an addition to the collection. ICONS still remains on my list below because I'm waiting for a final piece of my pledged rewards, but Lotrek and I have been in touch, and I should be taking this off the list soon. As always, we see the difference communication makes: Lotrek has always maintained completely transparent communication, and so there's never been any worry there. Mana... yeah. I'll be talking more about that in a future post.

Jackson Robinson's Black Diamond Tally Hos (originally anticipated in March of this year) arrived. Love the shiny metalluxe backs. Chicken Nuggets (which had been labeled in one place as being anticipated for a June delivery, and another for August) arrived this past month, as did Joker and Thief White Gold (originally anticipated in July). And, on an international theme, the Greek Pottery and Japanese Scrolls decks by Emmanuel Valtierra both arrived right on time in August, and Natalia Silva's Russian Folk Art Special Edition also crossed the finish line as promised, shipping in August and arriving in my mailbox by September 1st.

That's seven projects that I can cross off my list, and another that is *mostly* crossed off the list, plus at least one other project crossing the finish line before it even landed on the list in the first place. A fine, fine month, I say. Meanwhile, only two KS projects get added to this list, as they have an anticipated fulfillment date in September.

Here's a list of KS projects that have had an anticipated delivery of up-to and including September, 2016 for which I am awaiting fulfillment:
  • Venexiana Dark (February '15) -- As noted previously, I've received all of the items for this project except the uncuts. Lotrek and I agreed to a substitute item, which he will ship out with...
  • Icons Imperial Edition (May '15) -- I have a last remaining item from this complicated order. Lotrek will be taking care of this once he returns from a much needed vacation. :-)
  • Arcana (2nd half: December '15) -- Chris has been keeping backers up-to-date in the comments section, where he noted a few days ago that "USPCC says the finished cards should be finished the week of the 12th or the week of the 19th." Fulfillment to commence shortly thereafter.
  • Grotesk Macabre (January '16) -- As noted previously, I've received my mixed (original and animated) half-brick of decks a long while ago. Lotrek posted in the comments section last week that fulfillment of Black Mass (and Black Gold, below) is anticipated this month.
  • Scarabs (February '16) -- CKC reported on August 2nd that fulfillment has begun and is on-going, but there has been no word since then and no reports from backers of receiving their rewards.
  • Pagan Otherworlds Tarot (July '16) -- The final cards are on their way to Uusi, and fulfillment is anticipated in September.
  • Grotesk Macabre Black Gold (July '16) -- Shipping of this project is expected to be combined with Black Mass (see above), and production / fulfillment are currently anticipated in September.
  • Crazy 8's (September '16) -- As of a couple weeks ago, fulfillment was set to commence Very Soon Now. So, this may well arrive right on time.
  • Inception (September '16) -- In an update from a couple weeks ago, Jody outlined the anticipated dates of each step of the march from production facility to his location in Colorado. His best estimate at the moment is that fulfillment will begin the first week of October.
Even adding the two new projects originally expected to fulfill this month, that brings my total list of eagerly anticipated KS projects down to 9. I can't remember the last time this list was that short. And, given the estimates provided, it's reasonable to assume that the list may be even shorter next month!

And you? What deliveries are you still anticipating from Kickstarter projects?
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

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Well, September didn't turn out quite as awesome for me in terms of paring down my list of outstanding KS-backed projects, but a couple did come in. Scarabs (originally anticipated for delivery in February '16) landed in my mailbox on October 1st (close enough to September for me to count it as such), and the Gorilla deck, which wasn't even anticipated to arrive until November, arrived *well* ahead of schedule. W00t! Inception (originally anticipated in September) arrived for me in the first week of October, which is also close enough as far as I'm concerned.

So, not as awesome as the seven projects I'd received the previous month, but all-in-all, there are currently no huge red flags, either.

Only two more projects are being added to my list that are anticipated for October arrival. So, here's a list of KS projects that have had an anticipated delivery of up-to and including October, 2016 for which I am awaiting fulfillment:
  • Venexiana Dark (February '15) -- As noted previously, I've received all of the items for this project except the uncuts. Lotrek and I agreed to a substitute item, which he will ship out with...
  • Icons Imperial Edition (May '15) -- I have a last remaining item from this complicated order. Lotrek will be taking care of this shortly. We have been in touch on the subject. :-)
  • Arcana (2nd half: December '15) -- Shipping has commenced! Items are expected to be delivered this month and next.
  • Grotesk Macabre (January '16) -- Awaiting Black Mass (everything else has long since been received), which is currently in production.
  • Pagan Otherworlds Tarot (July '16) -- I've received my tracking number for this shipment, so woo-hoo!
  • Grotesk Macabre Black Gold (July '16) -- Shipping of this project is expected to be combined with Black Mass (see above), and production is in progress.
  • Crazy 8's (September '16) -- I've received my tracking number for this project, too. :-)
  • Sisterhood of the Blood (October '16) -- Latest update says the decks have landed at LA, and once they clear through customs, they'll be on their way to the fulfillment center.
  • VHS (October '16) -- These shipped to the US in early September, so they should arrive in the US Very Soon Now.
Receiving two projects and then adding two to the list keeps my total list of eagerly anticipated KS projects at 9. Once more, given the estimates provided, it's reasonable to assume that the list may be even shorter next month.

And you? What deliveries are you still anticipating from Kickstarter projects?
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Re: UC KS Watchdogs (was: A strategy for dealing w/deadbeats

Unread post by rousselle »

October was an okay month for receiving KS project deliveries. The Gluttony deck, originally due in November of this year, arrived early, which is always awesome. Chris O. wrapped up the final installment of his Arcana decks (the tarot expansion cards), which were originally anticipated to ship last December but were delayed when the computer with his art files got trashed. Likewise, Uusi wrapped up their Pagan Otherworlds tarot campaign at the beginning of this month (originally slated for completion in July) with the arrival of the tarot decks. Finally, Jackson Robinson's Crazy 8's arrived just a couple weeks past the original September anticipated fulfillment timeframe.

Only three more projects are being added to my list that are anticipated for November arrival. So, here's a list of KS projects that have had an anticipated delivery of up-to and including November, 2016 for which I am awaiting fulfillment:
  • Venexiana Dark (February '15) -- As noted previously, I've received all of the items for this project except the uncuts. Lotrek and I agreed to a substitute item, which he will ship out with...
  • Icons Imperial Edition (May '15) -- I have a last remaining item from this complicated order. Lotrek will be taking care of this shortly. We have been in touch on the subject.
  • Grotesk Macabre (January '16) -- Awaiting Black Mass (everything else has long since been received), which is currently wrapping up production.
  • Grotesk Macabre Black Gold (July '16) -- Shipping of this project is expected to be combined with Black Mass (see above), and is likewise anticipated soon.
  • Sisterhood of the Blood (October '16) -- Kirk posted an update earlier today saying that US pledges have all been shipped and international will be wrapped up soon. Exxxcellent.
  • VHS (October '16) -- At last word, the decks had arrived at port in LA and were expected to arrive in Chicago for fulfillment by the very end of October. Based upon that, I'd expect these to be shipping out soon.
  • Dedalo (November '16) -- Decks were scheduled to leave Taipei yesterday, bound for Gambler's Warehouse. Given the typical 3-4 weeks transit time, I'd guess that fulfillment will likely begin at the tail end of this month or, more likely the beginning of December.
  • Moirai (November '16) -- Decks are in the printing queue at USPCC and are expected to arrive at Moirai headquarters by around the first week of December. They project fulfillment to take a couple weeks after that.
  • Coloring (November '16) -- Funding just closed on this project; not sure why they said that they anticipate fulfilling this month, as well, but since it's being printed by a different printer from the usual, maybe that was intentional. We'll know more soon.
As was the case last month, given the estimates provided, it's reasonable to assume that the list may be even shorter next month.

And you? What deliveries are you still anticipating from Kickstarter projects?
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