Here are the latest decks from TwoGeeksGaming. Diabolique Engines is a 2 deck collectors set. This is now LIVE on Kickstarter. Looks really nice and not a bad price either.
Please note that there is a special Carat Card Case that was exclusively designed for this campaign. It is an X2 Carat Card Case with a specially designed lid that holds a collectors coin...check it out!
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A deck a day helps keep the addiction at bay!
Check out my collection on Instagram @caratcasecreations
Nice Job on the carat case Sherman.
A great way to keep the coins and decks together (the few coins i have are kept together in a seperate box)
Are you planning on doing 1,3 & 4 deck versions?
We are considering adding an International Pledge Tier of just the Collectors Set. The only caveat would be that you cannot add-on any coins, cases, or uncut sheets. Just addition decks. We will know later today if this is possible for us to do. International shipping is so expensive to do nowadays. Especially for smaller companies like us.
Non-human or abstract court cards are difficult to pull off. Unfortunately, I don't think this deck managed to do it well. However, that carat case with the coin holder is awesome! Every KS campaign that has coins should feature that carat case.
I don't necessarily agree with that. Some of the best decks that I own, that have been made, break away from the norm and are very different from the standard style deck. I think in the case of the above, Diabolique Engines, that the developers have done a great job in making something unique and interesting. You can clearly tell that the court cards a different from the Aces or the number cards. Just one mans opinion though. I wish them the best of luck.
I agree with sinjin7, the courst on these are amateurish and garish. The glow courts are noisy and difficult to read, the Shine's are uninspired and look like clip art collages, and worse, repeat designs.
Jackson completely revolutionized the way I waste money...
sinjin7 wrote:However, that carat case with the coin holder is awesome! Every KS campaign that has coins should feature that carat case.
Thanks Sinjin7! Unfortunately, the special Carat Card Case lid was designed by 2GG and is exclusive to them at the moment, so the only way you can get the special double case lid with coin insert is through the project.
A deck a day helps keep the addiction at bay!
Check out my collection on Instagram @caratcasecreations
Well, the only thing that I can say is that... not every deck is for everybody. Some people will love our designs and others will not. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Today we added a pledge tier for our international backers and another tier for those U.S. backers that just wanted to get card cases and nothing else.