That's right, in the month of January, I received exactly one Kickstarter project: Buskers (originally anticipated in September of 2015). As we enter February, I add six decks to my list of eagerly anticipated KS projects. Here's the rundown of projects originally planned for delivery before or by this month:
- Mana Playing Cards No 3 (January '15) -- On December 17th, Erik posted in the comments section that he still had nothing to report on the status of shipping out the second batch after his trial shipment of 50 packages earlier in the month. No communication since then, thus far.
- Venexiana Dark (February '15) -- As previously noted, I've received all of the items for this project except the uncuts. Lotrek and I agreed to a substitute item, which he will ship out with the Icon Demos and Icon Trials. Recent updates indicate that now the Demos and the Trials are going to wait to ship with the actual Icons Imperials, which are nearing completion.
- Icons Imperial Edition (May '15) -- Speaking of Icons Imperial Edition, these decks are supposed to ship with the Grotesk Macabre, which are also nearing completion.
Allow me to note that Lotrek is keeping in good communication with his backers.
- Arcana (2nd half: December '15) -- Work on part 2 (the Expansion pack) continues, and Chris continues to engage with the backers in the comments section of his project page.
- Viridian (December '15) -- As of an update posted a couple weeks ago, the cards are completed and en route, and were anticipated to arrive stateside by around the end of January, with fulfillment by CPC to begin Very Soon Thereafter.
- Wasteland (December '15) -- Jackson reports that a third of the backers' packages have already been shipped, with the rest shipping out in short order. Tracking numbers are being mailed out as packages are shipped.
- Piff the Magic Dragon (December '15) -- Just over a week ago, backers were notified that production is completed, the items are on their way to the states, and fulfillment is set to begin mid-February.
- Rainbow Illusion (December '15) -- Likewise, an update a week ago from Landry showed photos of the finished product and informed backers that LPCC would be handling fulfillment, so that our decks should arrive soon.
- Magna Carta 800th Anniversary (December '15) -- Alexander recently posted pics of the tuck box proofs, and notes that things are coming together well. He anticipated receiving the decks (except the gilded decks) near the end of January, with fulfillment to begin soon thereafter.
- Alloy (January '16) -- Gamblers Warehouse (well, PlayingCardsDotNet) reports that the decks are expected to arrive at their warehouse in a day or two, with fulfillment to commence shortly thereafter.
- Grotesk Macabre (January '16) -- The "regular" decks are in the production queue at LPCC (or is it EPCC?), while the "Black Mass" decks and tuck boxes are nearing the end of their production run (which should wrap up this week or thereabouts.) Photos of the updated samples look exquisite.
- Impressions Foil Femme (January '16) -- MPC says fulfillment is set to begin within a couple weeks.
- Texas (February '16) -- The project has hit a couple glitches, which Jackson has detailed in his updates to backers, but production continues and he outlined how he is addressing the speed-bumps. Fulfillment may be delayed by a month or two, but nothing earth-shattering.
- Devastation (February '16) -- Jody posted an update a couple weeks ago. The annual shut-down of the factory means that production will likely not be completed until the end of this month, and then there's a month of travel taking the slow boat, which puts fulfillment (from Gamblers Warehouse) to begin in early April.
- Nouveau UC 2016 (February '16) -- The same production back-up with EPCC that is delaying Devastation is also delaying Nouveau, so here, too, look for fulfillment in April.
- Eminence (February '16) -- Also "in production" at LPCC (same factory as EPCC), so likely the same time frame as Nouveau and Devastation. Also being fulfilled by GW, too.
- Scarabs (February '16) -- A little over a week ago, Scott announced that they've decided to go with Pledge Manager instead of BackerKit. Surveys should be going out soon.
- Dapper Deck (February '16) -- These are being printed by EPCC; no word on if they beat the February shut-down at the factory.
And how about y'all? What deliveries are you still anticipating from Kickstarter projects?