Search found 7 matches

by jeb
Thu May 29, 2014 8:49 pm
Forum: New & Custom Decks
Topic: Sherlock Holmes Decks by Jackson Robinson; Shipping complete
Replies: 526
Views: 54003

Re: Sherlock Holmes Decks by Jackson Robinson; Shipping comp

umm. not sure if he is going to get more Sherlock dealer coins in the future
by jeb
Mon May 12, 2014 5:12 am
Forum: New & Custom Decks
Topic: Sherlock Holmes Decks by Jackson Robinson; Shipping complete
Replies: 526
Views: 54003

Re: Sherlock Holmes Decks by Jackson Robinson - NOW SHIPPING

is anyone here going to buy that wooden displayed box ? I pledged the 6 deck wood box during the KickStarter and got it delivered this week. It IS beautiful. If you subtract what 10 decks and coin cost NOW, I ended up getting it for -$5 :D maybe that's why Jackson is asking for more for the The Ind...
by jeb
Sat May 10, 2014 12:42 pm
Forum: New & Custom Decks
Topic: Sherlock Holmes Decks by Jackson Robinson; Shipping complete
Replies: 526
Views: 54003

Re: Sherlock Holmes Decks by Jackson Robinson - NOW SHIPPING

is anyone here going to buy that wooden displayed box ?
by jeb
Thu Apr 24, 2014 7:15 pm
Forum: New & Custom Decks
Topic: Zenith -- by Encarded
Replies: 486
Views: 36839

Re: Encarded's Zenith - Coming April

for 2 decks, costs me over 50USD, that is a lot
by jeb
Fri Sep 28, 2012 3:55 pm
Forum: Personal (member) BUY / SELL / TRADE / EBAY / ISO / CoOp
Topic: [SALE] handmade DD logo seal
Replies: 5
Views: 1397

Re: [SALE] handmade DD logo seal

to Evan not made by D&D i made 2 pair b/c this is hard to made, so i wont make the logo again keep one for myself and thinking abt sell another pair i also made a seal for TOBY's deck, Oriental deck to JRobCards thx, glad someone like it i made this seal, b/c i love the old DD's logo but now DD'...
by jeb
Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:56 pm
Forum: Personal (member) BUY / SELL / TRADE / EBAY / ISO / CoOp
Topic: [SALE] handmade DD logo seal
Replies: 5
Views: 1397

[SALE] handmade DD logo seal

i got a pair handmade DD logo seal want to sell
see if anyone interested in it

asking for 70AUD for a pair + shipping fees
the handle is not plastic, it was made of polyurethane resin
so it is very comfortable

PM me if you want them